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Why nerf commendations on loss?


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So from what people on PTS are reporting, in 1.2 you will only get 40-50 commendations on a good loss with high chances of getting 20-30 on most games since people will always push for a fast victory in order to get the time medals.


Since you can get 3x more comm for a win, people will just start mass quiting at the first sign of loss again, just like before. Why would you want that all over again? WZ have been more enjoyable then ever since 1.1.5, with people always staying till the end no matter if they win or lose.

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The mass quitting could be addressed with a quit-penalty. As for getting fewer commendations for losing, that is to promote team cooperation as opposed to just running around/fighting aimlessly.
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The gear itself will be dirt cheap after 1.2, it's only 1000 warzone commendations for a main battlemaster piece so it's not really that bad.


I'd still have prefered if they made the gear more expensive and changed commendations by increasing win gains say 30% and nerfing losses by similar. It would remove the illusion that the new system will be unfair.

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The gear itself will be dirt cheap after 1.2, it's only 1000 warzone commendations for a main battlemaster piece so it's not really that bad.


"Not really that bad"?


If you lose all the time (like empire does on my server because they don't know what teamplay or attacking the healers, or healing, means) that means 25-30 matches for a single piece of gear. Really?


This change is simply insane. 1.1.5 made warzones enjoyable again with the Ilum quests and now they want people to leave again as soon as it looks like a loss?

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As much as I'm up for rewarding the winners, I can't stand the "rich get richer" idea. Certain team is so good it wins all the matches. It gets more comms to buy better gear and win even more matches while leaving their not-so-pro opponents without gear and any chance to get it in the near future whatsoever. That's unacceptable.
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As much as I'm up for rewarding the winners, I can't stand the "rich get richer" idea. Certain team is so good it wins all the matches. It gets more comms to buy better gear and win even more matches while leaving their not-so-pro opponents without gear and any chance to get it in the near future whatsoever. That's unacceptable.


The point of a match is to compete with each other. if you lose, you lost. Be happy that you get rewarded at all. As for the "richer get richer" argument, that is completely nonsense. Gear plays a role in PvP, but team play is more important. If you lose matches all the time like the poster before you, they're just doing something wrong. Mediocrity should not be rewarded in a competitive environment.

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So from what people on PTS are reporting, in 1.2 you will only get 40-50 commendations on a good loss with high chances of getting 20-30 on most games since people will always push for a fast victory in order to get the time medals.


Since you can get 3x more comm for a win, people will just start mass quiting at the first sign of loss again, just like before. Why would you want that all over again? WZ have been more enjoyable then ever since 1.1.5, with people always staying till the end no matter if they win or lose.


i very hope for this change!


actually people are already quitting at the first sign of a loss. and others are just ideling after they got their medals.


do not forget that we also are getting ranked warzones. thus to allow some competition there must be a significant lower reward for the looser.


i prefere mass quitting morons at the beginning then to see them extending a useless match. at least then i can quit too.

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