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Current champ gear is superior to Recruit gear in 1.2 With Graph!


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The new Recruit gear introduced in Game Update 1.2 will not replace existing Champion gear on players that already have it. Existing Champion gear remains superior to Recruit gear but can no longer be acquired.


We have also made modifications to the stat composition of Rakata gear which will result in an update of Rakata enhancements on select gear pieces. If those enhancements have been switched out for others, no changes will be made to the item in question.


- Cameron





Another thread to clump up the pvp forums. Read the PTS forums, read the dev tracker its not hard. Ask about 1.2 in the PTS and you get responses. Posting in the pvp forums about 1.2 is getting no one no any responses.





Edited by Rasheth
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bump for addition of the graph showing difference between recruit and current champ. Looks like its still superior to me. 4.3% difference in pvp bonus? Ill take the current over recruit any day coupled with the set bonus champ has and recruit doesnt.
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You can stop posting because it doesn't change anything. Unless there is someone on PTS with full champ and full recruit to actually compare damage numbers we have no idea whether it is better or not and just the offhand statement that it is better means nothing.


Also why should we give a crap if Champion gear is better than recruit. Champ gear is still getting nerfed in 1.2 for no reason. Why should the people with BM gear get a free stat upgrade to their gear but Champion gear gets nothing? Champ gear can be better than Recruit gear but the statistical difference between champ and battlemaster is greater in 1.2 than it is in 1.15


This translates into champion gear being less able to compete with those in battlemaster gear then it previously could. You can't deny that THERE IS NO REASON TO NERF CHAMP GEAR.



Also just posting raw stats means nothing since we don't know if Bioware changed the stats formulas at all and whether or not the stat differences outweigh the expertise differences.

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You can stop posting because it doesn't change anything. Unless there is someone on PTS with full champ and full recruit to actually compare damage numbers we have no idea whether it is better or not and just the offhand statement that it is better means nothing.


Also why should we give a crap if Champion gear is better than recruit. Champ gear is still getting nerfed in 1.2 for no reason. Why should the people with BM gear get a free stat upgrade to their gear but Champion gear gets nothing? Champ gear can be better than Recruit gear but the statistical difference between champ and battlemaster is greater in 1.2 than it is in 1.15


This translates into champion gear being less able to compete with those in battlemaster gear then it previously could. You can't deny that THERE IS NO REASON TO NERF CHAMP GEAR.



Also just posting raw stats means nothing since we don't know if Bioware changed the stats formulas at all and whether or not the stat differences outweigh the expertise differences.




In addition, Champ gear right now takes a lengthy grind if you don't have it. Recruit set will be purchased OR you can bypass it all, remain in your greens/oranges and solo Q ranked and lose your way to the best gear. Don't know what that grind will be like but at least you only have to do it once.

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You can stop posting because it doesn't change anything. Unless there is someone on PTS with full champ and full recruit to actually compare damage numbers we have no idea whether it is better or not and just the offhand statement that it is better means nothing.


Also why should we give a crap if Champion gear is better than recruit. Champ gear is still getting nerfed in 1.2 for no reason. Why should the people with BM gear get a free stat upgrade to their gear but Champion gear gets nothing? Champ gear can be better than Recruit gear but the statistical difference between champ and battlemaster is greater in 1.2 than it is in 1.15


This translates into champion gear being less able to compete with those in battlemaster gear then it previously could. You can't deny that THERE IS NO REASON TO NERF CHAMP GEAR.



Also just posting raw stats means nothing since we don't know if Bioware changed the stats formulas at all and whether or not the stat differences outweigh the expertise differences.



Here you go again


Expertise Stat Change 1.2 with GRAPH


In reference to this change, I've dug up the changes to the stat. The cap is going from 20% to 50%, but the initial slope is being decreased to compensate. The basic gist is that under 300 rating, you lose a slight amount of benefit (you won't really notice a difference), but the stat falls off less as you get more. At 300 rating, expertise will be about 1% better than current. By 500 rating, Expertise will be about 9.5% better than current. If 1000 rating ever becomes reachable, it'll be about 30% better than current.


Here's a graph comparing the total benefit over a range of 0 to 1000 expertise:



Here's another showing 0 through 2500, so you can more clearly see the difference in shape:






Champ gear is going away you can't get it anymore at all. BM gear is still going to be available. Why buff gear thats not available?



If your so worried about it take the expertise out of recruit gear and put the mods in your champ gear to compensate whats so hard about this? It only cost some credits


If you have champ gear anyway you probably have modded your gear or at least you should have.

Edited by Rasheth
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Can't remove mods from recruit armor, so your point is moot. Yes, buffing every other armor does, in effect, nerf champion. Does it matter that it's not available? Not really, if anything that should be even more incentive to just buff it up along with BM. That makes much more sense and keeps players who have "worked for" Champion gear happy. Everyone wins and nobody is effected negatively what so ever.
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This is just part of their effort to make PvP gear less useful in PvE and PvE gear less useful in PvP. Base stats are going down while expertise is being adjusted to give more of a boost. Those are tables btw not graphs ;) Edited by Kabaal
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