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The unbreakable Cyclone


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I just came from a void star where one sage would force lift me and pounded me for the whole duration withought the force lift breaking. I canot prove this at this point since i wasnt recording when it happened so i doubt many will believe me. However i would like to ask if anyone else besides me has noticed any such issue.


Edit 1 it had nothing to do with the 2" stun duration which they gain from the balance tree skill point. I was up in the air but was still getting pounded withought it breaking.

Edited by Shiroikage
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I just came from a void star where one sage would cyclone me and pounded me for the whole duration withought the cyclone breaking. I canot prove this at this point since i wasnt recording when it happened so i doubt many will believe me. However i would like to ask if anyone else besides me has noticed any such issue.


Edit 1 it had nothing to do with the 2" stun duration which they gain from the balance tree skill point. I was up in the air but was still getting pounded withought it breaking.


You couldn't just pose this question in general chat? If no-one there has seen it before, chalk it up to lag. Or maybe just the lack of knowledge that talented whirlwind has a 2s stun when it's broken and you're actually exaggerating about it being the "whole duration." And maybe they followed the 2s stun up with an electrocute stun...


Or maybe just a very rare, weird bug.


Of course, someone could have found/created a new hack - that would suck - but I find it fairly unlikely.

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Yeah this has been reported on our server too, quite a while ago.


Certain sages were able to repeatedly lift people, on a far lower cool down then even the 45 sec spec, and then damage people through it.


No one could explain how it happened, but the sages in question would stand there and laugh at people.


I've never seen it happen but heard about it multiple times. Another Cheat Engine hack?



Edit: BTW, this was all happening in central Ilum, outside of a warzone.

Edited by Monterone
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Haven't had that issue, but I was in a Civil War match yesterday where I was flash bang stunned and I never recovered...at all. I sat there stunned for over 5 minutes, unable to move, all actions (Including CC breaker) were unavailable. I wasn't lagging, I was able to talk to my team fine and I could see players moving around me. Tried /stuck, no go. Ultimately I was hoping that an enemy player would come along and kill me, hopefully correcting the issue, however no one ended up coming once we cleared that side. Next time I'll certainly leave the match to allow another player in, but...yeah, not a good situation especially when you're the healer.
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You couldn't just pose this question in general chat? If no-one there has seen it before, chalk it up to lag. Or maybe just the lack of knowledge that talented whirlwind has a 2s stun when it's broken and you're actually exaggerating about it being the "whole duration." And maybe they followed the 2s stun up with an electrocute stun...


Or maybe just a very rare, weird bug.


Of course, someone could have found/created a new hack - that would suck - but I find it fairly unlikely.



Did you even read my whole post or are you deliberately trying to enrage me?

I was lifted up and was being pounded for the whole 7" duration I will repeat since you didnt the first time NO it was NOT the 2" stun from the skill in the balance/madness tree and NO it wasnt followed through with an electrocute(sorry dont remember the equivalent for sage).

Mind you that the same thing happend three times in a row by the same sage in that void.

I dont want to jump to conclusions that this ia a hack because i dont like being rushfull.

I just wanted to double check with the rest of the community and it seems it wasnt only me.



Haven't had that issue, but I was in a Civil War match yesterday where I was flash bang stunned and I never recovered...at all. I sat there stunned for over 5 minutes, unable to move, all actions (Including CC breaker) were unavailable. I wasn't lagging, I was able to talk to my team fine and I could see players moving around me. Tried /stuck, no go. Ultimately I was hoping that an enemy player would come along and kill me, hopefully correcting the issue, however no one ended up coming once we cleared that side. Next time I'll certainly leave the match to allow another player in, but...yeah, not a good situation especially when you're the healer.



Hmm havent seen that one but it is different to what happened to me. Did you try to use your CC breaker?

Edited by Shiroikage
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Or maybe just the lack of knowledge that talented whirlwind has a 2s stun when it's broken and you're actually exaggerating about it being the "whole duration." And maybe they followed the 2s stun up with an electrocute stun..


Breaking the mez into the talented hard stun will instantly whitebar the target. Whirlwind itself gives 800 resolve and the stun will give 400 more. That exceeds the necessary 1,000 resolve needed to trigger the immunity effect.


That said, I see this from time to time on both sides. I'm assuming its a bug.

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This sounds like it is related to the general stun bug, where stun/mez abilities don't properly wear off after the appropriate time period.


I and many others have had this happen through non sorc related CCs. One of the main culprits seems to be flash bangs going off around the same time as a standard stun like electrocute.


Though it doesn't seem limited to flash bang either. I've had it happen while being force choked as well for sure in what appeared to be a 1 on 1 fight. After being force choked and beat on by the guy I was fighting for a brief period, some other members of my team came by and killed him. Then i just stayed in the force choke animation for probably a good 45 seconds until the enemy team came by and killed me later.

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This sounds like it is related to the general stun bug, where stun/mez abilities don't properly wear off after the appropriate time period.


I and many others have had this happen through non sorc related CCs. One of the main culprits seems to be flash bangs going off around the same time as a standard stun like electrocute.


Though it doesn't seem limited to flash bang either. I've had it happen while being force choked as well for sure in what appeared to be a 1 on 1 fight. After being force choked and beat on by the guy I was fighting for a brief period, some other members of my team came by and killed him. Then i just stayed in the force choke animation for probably a good 45 seconds until the enemy team came by and killed me later.


^^ I support the above opinion.



I've myself have experienced the "perma-stun" a few times, but the circumstances surrounding it, as well as the inconsistency definately suggests a bug... and frankly, an infrequent one.

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