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Im 44 and I die super quick in pvp, does it get better?


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Does Commando always die so easy? I am trying out Assualt spec right now and man I die soo damn fast its not funny. I thought since were in heavy armor we could take some hits but I man I die quicker than any other class I have played.


I am not a noob either, I have a Battlemaster Sage and another 50 Shadow, also have played most other classes atleast to the 20s.


I was Combat Medic before and could live much longer than Assault but I wanted to try some DPS.


Is Gunnery have any more survivability or do they get ripped through like Assault?


So many Marauders now since they are OP and they rip me up so ez.

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Does Commando always die so easy? I am trying out Assualt spec right now and man I die soo damn fast its not funny. I thought since were in heavy armor we could take some hits but I man I die quicker than any other class I have played.


I am not a noob either, I have a Battlemaster Sage and another 50 Shadow, also have played most other classes atleast to the 20s.


I was Combat Medic before and could live much longer than Assault but I wanted to try some DPS.


Is Gunnery have any more survivability or do they get ripped through like Assault?


So many Marauders now since they are OP and they rip me up so ez.


Commando's die easily, been mentioned many times here but think "glass cannon". The only ones that are half decent are hybrid medic/gunnery. Assault lacks the tools to survive (but are more fun to play)


The trick to surviving is never go into 1on1 fights, be aware of your surroundings, don't stand in the middle of everything, hide and move around.


You hit hard but die fast.

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Does Commando always die so easy? I am trying out Assualt spec right now and man I die soo damn fast its not funny. I thought since were in heavy armor we could take some hits but I man I die quicker than any other class I have played.


I am not a noob either, I have a Battlemaster Sage and another 50 Shadow, also have played most other classes atleast to the 20s.


I was Combat Medic before and could live much longer than Assault but I wanted to try some DPS.


Is Gunnery have any more survivability or do they get ripped through like Assault?


So many Marauders now since they are OP and they rip me up so ez.


You sound like a person that would be even more frustrated with gunnery - it's like combat medic, but you can't heal yourself.

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I don't mean to sound insulting but you must be playing the class wrong. We might be a bit 'squishy' but If you keep your distance and save your CC abilities for on the defence you should be fine. In a group you're scary as hell, you pack a punch. On your own in a 1v1 I have to agree, we feel easy to kill but we smash their health down. I find that if I'm ever in trouble it can be quite easy to retreat to friendlies. Reactive Shield is a nice movement interrupt. I think it's a class you have to get used to, of course you could say this for all classes but it has a few distinct rules unlike other classes. I myself have struggled to switch to Jedi classes just because I'm used to the Trooper play-style. I don't think you'll enjoy gunnery more, assault is a better option. It will feel better at 50 as well...
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You have really really limited options as a commando in PvP. Stay back at range and behind other people and do what your class does best: 1) heal from a stationary position 2) DPS from a stationary position.


And like above said, use your CDs for defense. Delay the other teams ability to damage you and let teammates come in for the kill. a Medic should win most 1v1 but only if you have the patience of a saint.

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