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PvP Sorc Healing & 1.2 (Bioware pls let us discuss)


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I understand some of the PVE balance issues but this is what I recommend


Reduce cooldown of Purge and Resurgance to 1sec

Buff static barrier strength using the talents that give run speed to double shield strength

Have the talent that reduces the cast time on Dark Infusion have a total additional reduction of .8 second on top of the reduction it already gives (which still gives an interrupt window but I think is small enough to be competitive). I have tried Dark Heal spamming but it is too force inefficient we viably need to use Dark infusion)


I also want to add that I play hybrid 21/2/18 but get to main heal in this build more than is my preference. For full heals the AOE heal is still a great tool. I think these changes would help mobility thus survivability.


The other part is if you become a known healer better players will target you on name recognition. I think Resurgance and Purge on the move would not be OP the cooldowns are a little too high with all that is happening. Plus in PVE I think encounters won't be severely affected.

Edited by Itukaaj
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So been pvping pretty much 24 hours and I can say once I went 20 points in lightning I've had zero problems, hell my last game I had higher healing and objectives then the war hero healer on my team. I am in full recruit and end the night with battle master boots and gloves for 2pc.


I think 90% of the doom and gloom that started in ptr boards and carry over to live was Sorc trying to pvp in raid gear, you do that in 1.2 and you go splat. I still die fast to good war hero melee but they two pvp tiers higher then me and I'm kinda ok with that.


Hell I was scary of marduders with all the post about how if ones on you its just death, between Backlash, Force Speed and Electric Bindings I am a pain for any one melee to stay on me.

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So been pvping pretty much 24 hours and I can say once I went 20 points in lightning I've had zero problems, hell my last game I had higher healing and objectives then the war hero healer on my team. I am in full recruit and end the night with battle master boots and gloves for 2pc.


I think 90% of the doom and gloom that started in ptr boards and carry over to live was Sorc trying to pvp in raid gear, you do that in 1.2 and you go splat. I still die fast to good war hero melee but they two pvp tiers higher then me and I'm kinda ok with that.


Hell I was scary of marduders with all the post about how if ones on you its just death, between Backlash, Force Speed and Electric Bindings I am a pain for any one melee to stay on me.


Truth. Stop trying to use raid specs for pvp, and you'll see just how insanely difficult a hybrid sorc healer is to kill when played correctly.

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Truth. Stop trying to use raid specs for pvp, and you'll see just how insanely difficult a hybrid sorc healer is to kill when played correctly.


its not hard at all, you stun them then kill thm and when they try to get any decent heal off u interupt it and they are dead. I do it and so does everyone esle that understands how to CC and interupt. Fast running bubbles and knockbacks down matter to range DPS and range interupts.

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its not hard at all, you stun them then kill thm and when they try to get any decent heal off u interupt it and they are dead. I do it and so does everyone esle that understands how to CC and interupt. Fast running bubbles and knockbacks down matter to range DPS and range interupts.


I use LoS and a tank I fear good melee way more then range a corner counters any range :)

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its not hard at all, you stun them then kill thm and when they try to get any decent heal off u interupt it and they are dead. I do it and so does everyone esle that understands how to CC and interupt. Fast running bubbles and knockbacks down matter to range DPS and range interupts.


Only bad healers try to heal while in LoS of people. If a healer is not standing beside an object they can LoS with they are doing it wrong.

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I use LoS and a tank I fear good melee way more then range a corner counters any range :)


So what you're saying is, don't bother to heal unless you queue with a tank? If only DPS had that same limitation applied to them as well.


"Hey guys, I can do my job when it's 2 vs. 1!" I swear people need to take a moment to really think about what they are typing. Sorc healing in PvP is garbage. That is unless you have people there to babysit you. If you actually want to pug or not be babysat, roll a Operative healer. That way, even if you do group play, you wont need guard or a tank protecting you 24/7.


Now onto the premade/pug problem.


Most Premades fight pugs 99% of the time. So that alone will show how skilled you and your group are. Sadly those premades shout on top of the mountain how fine things are for them. Except pre 1.2 premades still had to use half a brain to kill a healer. You know focus fire/cc, etc. Now just send in the Mara/Sent to kill that scrub Sorc healer in the back real quick.


Pre 1.2, Melee damage was kept in check by healers, now that healing has been nerfed to hell (minus Operatives) things have gone from tactical combat to, " lol I killed that guy in 5 seconds." Bioware made their choice on how they wanted to balance things, and I made mine to not sub any longer. If I wanted to play FoTM PvP I'd just keep playing WoW.

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Dalin, don't try to twist Wynn's words. He wasn't saying anything about 2 v 1; WZs are 8 v 8. Having a tank makes a big difference, but his main point was about using LoS. Any healer who makes use of LoS can do his job without being "babysat". Things are obviously even better when you add teammates who are competent enough to taunt, gaurd, and peel, but that's just icing on the cake. Sorcs are not useless on their own, nor can they be shut down by only one melee. (at least they shouldn't) My spec allows me to kite the ever living hell out of people; all the while, I'm throwing down shields, HoTs, Purges, and LoS heals. Even if there's four people running towards me, I can escape if I use my abilities correctly. Yes, 4+ people will probably catch me and kill me eventually, but I make sure they have to waste a lot of time to do so. Meanwhile, my teammates are capping an objective/ killing healers and any stragglers.


Keep thinking that we're glorified companions in 1.2 (as someone else suggested); just don't be surprised when us "companions" help ruin your day with the heals and dps we supposedly don't have.


-Hedley Melange, Dreshdae Cantina-

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Me queing with out my tank


1. Load in

2. Me"Any tanks want a pocket healer this match?"

3. Get guard throw on me

4. ??????

5. Top healing


I bet anything all the Sorc/Sage that are in the camp that we can't heal, tried pvping in their raid gear and got cut in half over and over. I'm in recruit gear plus 2 battle master items and I can heal with melee on me just fine. We had a joke last night I had 2 matches in a row were I had a jedi shadow humping my leg the whole time.


I've been healing on my Sorc for 48 hours, before that I was an IA and BH. My tank and I already have made a name for ourselves in just two days.


Only reason I leveled this Sorc other then it was the only healer I was missing was all the crap I took on the PTR boards for trying to post that the spec wasn't dead. I was told many thing from I have no idea what I'm talking about(Been healing since EQ) to nothing I say matters since I don't have a Sorc to 50.


So for all the healers thinking about healing all you really need is recruit gear and to let the tanks know your a healer and you pretty much always top healing.

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Dalin, don't try to twist Wynn's words. He wasn't saying anything about 2 v 1; WZs are 8 v 8. Having a tank makes a big difference, but his main point was about using LoS. Any healer who makes use of LoS can do his job without being "babysat". Things are obviously even better when you add teammates who are competent enough to taunt, guard, and peel, but that's just icing on the cake. Sorcs are not useless on their own, nor can they be shut down by only one melee. (at least they shouldn't) My spec allows me to kite the ever living hell out of people; all the while, I'm throwing down shields, HoTs, Purges, and LoS heals. Even if there's four people running towards me, I can escape if I use my abilities correctly. Yes, 4+ people will probably catch me and kill me eventually, but I make sure they have to waste a lot of time to do so. Meanwhile, my teammates are capping an objective/ killing healers and any stragglers.


Keep thinking that we're glorified companions in 1.2 (as someone else suggested); just don't be surprised when us "companions" help ruin your day with the heals and dps we supposedly don't have.


-Hedley Melange, Dreshdae Cantina-


I'll just say a few things and be done with it.


My Sorc is Full BM geared and so on. I did premades every so often, as well as solo games where I was able to help my team to a win. Not always mind you, but most of the time. In truth, the only real losses I remember are against premades with total pugs. Even then we could keep it close or pull off a win if the premade was bad. For me to be able to function in PvP as a healer after 1.2, I need to have guard. If not, I spend my time running away from the melee train. On my server there are TONS and I means tons of Mara/Assassins and their Republic counterparts. I have had games where we had maybe two casters including me and the rest were melee. The damage that is being put out is silly.


I have a Mara. I destroy people. The only saving grace is the class requires a bit of awareness since it has alot of spells to watch and use to be affective. My Assassin is just silly OP. It's in the recruit gear and I have soloed every class with no problem. Healing went from being fun and yes a bit OP due to the double dip bug, but we could kite while healing. Now we kite or die instantly to melee. Hell we have to spec into CC defense talents to even have a chance to survive now. If you enjoy it, that's great. I don't and wont bother paying for it anymore. That's my choice and opinion on the matter.

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. My Assassin is just silly OP. It's in the recruit gear and I have soloed every class with no problem.


Lets say you are that skill of a pvper if I can pull off using a Sorc that's been 50 for 3 days now and keep up with war hero healers surely you can. It sounds like you have a lot more time healing with the class then me since my main before 1.2 was a IA healer.


Do I get rock if I get heavy focus sure but I can still heal and help them, it also means they are drawing a lot of man power to keep me down which also helps my team. Last game I got jump as soon as I got 30 feet from a door in void star I got swarm and was curb stomp that whole game but I still helped. I mean one death I force speed off to a random corner away from the door and I had 3 of them seeing who could kill me first I die but we also got the door open because I kited them out.


I might be able to do more healing on my IA but I have always value utility over raw power and you can do some really neat tricks with the Sorc.


Fighting a stealther that vanish I do the rooting overload and now they are stuck were on my IA I can't fire off any aoe with out a target.

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