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Battlemaster Eliminator's System VS Champion Eliminator's System


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I went from 90% (base accuracy, 0 rating), from around 98% when Champion->Battlemaster. Didn't bother changing mods, as I played pyro and I did notice my rails getting dodged damn much. Now, as BM it's not that bad...Maybe I'm just imagining it tho.
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Yeah I just swapped some mods and bought the Combat medic pieces and im sitting at a 26.15% crit and 106.47% accuracy, probably mess around with it a bit once i get my battlemaster set situated. (17 bags without a comm so far...)
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You don't need accuracy, at all. So it doesn't matter if it does drop =)


You need accuracy for Rail Shot and Unload.


In 1.2 we will be using Unload alot more. If you only have 90% ranged accuracy, you are basically doing 90% of your normal damage in the long run.


A standard Unload hits for about 1100 each tick. 10% of that is 110. You'd need 550 power to make up the 110 damage. You wont be getting 550 power out of the few enhancements slots that are normally used for accuracy.

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What do you prefer for Ironfist spec?? My current crit is about 25% and I cannot decide if the surge rating on the BM system would help my damage more than the crit rating on the Champion. Thoughts?


Short-term, get 4 PC Combat Tech, as it benefits more specs.


Long-Term, think about getting 2 PC Combat-Medic as well for longer energy shield duration. Coupled with 2 PC Combat tech for better carbonize.


3 seconds are actually quite helpful in some more hectic situations. (And since you aren't locked out of gear switches when you die in PvP you can change out as the situation see fit.)

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Iron Fist's main offensive ability is Rocket Punch. You want the 15% crit from 4-piece Combat Tech so that you can have 45% bonus to crit from the spec/gear. Then replace all the Enhancements in your Combat Tech gear with Imperial Agent Champion Enforcers glove Enhancemnts. That is the 23 End/34 Power/48 Surge Enhancement.


If you feel like you need more crit, mix some crit enhancements in as appropriate.


I've been getting a lot of 400k/200k games as this spec becomes more and more comfortable to me. It's nice steady damage, and you can burst well when you pop adrenals/relic/Explosive Fuel.


The smarter/better I get with this spec, the better I get at controlling fights. I could do that with Pyro simply due to my insane burst, but this spec is going to only get better in 1.2. I like it. Especially when it comes to playing against equally skilled groups in rated WZs.

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