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Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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Have an open world pvp objective that rewards all players on a specific faction on a specific server.


[This is a long read but I think its a good read and I am open to suggestions]





My solution would be to have an open pvp Lake on each of the 7 current contestant planets (Tatooine, Alderaan, Hoth, Quesh, Belsavis, Voss, Correllia) that is only accessible by completing a new tier Planet Bonus Series (Yes that's right Completing a PVE objective) on that specific planet where the reward would be a specific lake gear (where mods are removable and craftable to other gear if a player is not a fan of the specific gear look) and they must have those specific mods in their gear in order to enter the lake. That way everyone is has roughly the same gear stats and it comes down to skill





The next thing I would suggest is limiting the number of players on each planet that are allowed to enter the lake at a time (i'd say 75-100 per faction per planet), but at the same time have the game automatically remove them from the lake if they go AFK for a certain amount of time or they log out of the game. That way we don't see a dramatic frame rate drop as well as people/guilds camping the lakes.



Serverwide PVP Broadcast


The final and most important part of my suggestion is creating a new pvp newscast on the factioin fleet that announces when a faction controls the lake. Because when that faction controls the lake they "Control" the planet. I don't mean that the whole planet is now faction controlled literally but because that specific lake is "fully controlled" (They have to capture all objectives in the lake in order to get the planet control notice) the planet will now be titled "Imperial Controlled" or "Republic controlled". And when one faction controls the lake a server wide broadcast is sent out announcing that specific faction controls this specific planet. To me this will be incentive for people to want to go to the lake and take back the planet.





I would also suggest creating a new OWPVP BOX IN THE UI. Where players can open this box and see which planet is controlled by which faction and more importantly how many players are in that specific lake. If the make number is 100 and there is only say 25 Republic players and 50 Imperial players, then guilds can gather there players and plan to enter the Lake to help out. This to me will be a good way to help keep the lakes balanced.





Now for the Server rewards. If the faction that won the specific lake and can hold it for over an hour ( or whatever time would be best suitable) then everyone on that entire faction on that specific server would get 10+ Commendation (or X amount of Valor), those who are successful in taking back the lake from the other faction would get 20+ commendation and 10+ commendation if they hold it for an hour and +15 for every hour after the first hour (again or a permanent X amount of Valor). To me this gives people incentive to Attack as well as defend the lakes.


I know this is a long read but I think these changes can go a long way to help improve OWPVP


Let me know what you all think of this suggestion?

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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Think about adv and disadvanteges of each class before you add/take some skills. Right now you`re staring at all sith sorc/jedi sages thinking about new game. Good move. Edited by RavenBB
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Open PvP with objectives that are held and managed by guilds (like Keeps in Dark Age of Camelot)

A new PvE Instance that is only accessable for one faction, the other faction has to complete PvP objectives in order to get access to that instance.

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If you could make one change to PVP in SWTOR, what would you want it to be?


Complete Overhaul : Ilum (or whatever you want to call it)



Conquerable & claimable bases


Faction/Guild-wide rewards, perks, & bragging rights


Reactive pop balance

Edited by Astridd
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Less or no crowd control. The thing I've always hated about pvp is the same old stun/attack/hop around, hop around/attack/stun strategy. Maybe sell a pvp token or something that removes your ability to use/be affected by crowd control effects. Then we can just call it another strategy that you need to adapt to.
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This is a issue I have had with most mmorpgs for a long time, the heavy reliance on having good gear to be able to compete in pvp, I would make it so that everyone got the same stats(depending on class and other factors of course), and gear was just there for cosmetic reasons, that is the only way I think pvp could begin becoming truly balanced, there really is no good reason for the massive unbalance that gear causes in pvp in my opinion.
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Less crowd control abilities or some variant of diminishing returns


This is important to me as well. Diminishing returns makes the player think through his CCs unlike the classes who are CC heavy. Good players playing CC heavy classes in other mmorpgs can still kill multiple opponents, but it makes it impossible for the bad ones to just spam CCs and take down a raid without breaking a sweat.


DR can be a great way to make the classes more challenging to play, without taking away important aspects of a class' pvp mechanics - what makes the class into what it is in pvp. And it makes it possible to play a pure healer and heal through a game...

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I`d make more huttball maps, starting with ships and bridges over a sarlak pit on tatooine (guess you understand what I have in mind), continuing from there. Huttball is the most amazing mmo pvp concept ever, ignore the qq about it, that is the loud minority screaming. Edited by Bazzoong
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What I would most like to see changed in TOR PVP is the CC/RESOLVE situation. No one enjoys sitting at their screens watching their toons get slaughtered while unable to move or pop skills. This is the most CC happy MMO I've played, and that is not a good thing.



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Royal Rumble, signups for a huuuge fight, where teams are not allowed - every man for himself.


Transportation to spectator mode on death, or removed from the battle entirely.


last man standing gets a title, and his name in the ROYAL RUMBLE Codex Entry


repeat every week, or 2 weeks to a month.


no rewards other than a title for:


most damage done

most damage taken


runner up

first one dead

Edited by KKaae
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Make new quest areas or even older if possible so that you actually get to meet the other faction while questing.

At the moment it feels there is no point in choosing a pvp/pve server due to you never see the other faction.

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1. Introduce a single new class with a +60% expertise passive bonus.


PvPers would be drawn to the new class. Battles would always be balanced. 1v1 combat would be skill/player dependant. Finally PvP requirements would stop interfering with PvE mechanics. Okay, it's never going to happen. But I can dream.


2. Design environments that promote team -vs- team combat. Rather than 1 -vs- 1 combat.


Trying to balance classes and the game as a whole around players who want to stand toe to toe (while dancing around obviously) with a single opponent seems to me to only lead to a series of compromises that mean classes become homogenized and dull. Worse for me, the knock on effect to PvE that means PvE becomes homogenized and dull as a direct result.


3. Perhaps take a page out of Starcraft II's 1v1 design, where individual classes are very strong in one area and very weak in another.


Make it so that Bounty Hunters have a 60/40 chance of killing a Warrior. Give Warriors a 60/40 chance of winning vs an Inquisitor. Give Inquisitors a 60/40 chance of winning against an Operative. Then finally Operatives a 60/40 chance to win a fight with a Bounty Hunter.


Stop accepting that every AC has the be viable against every other AC. And in doing so promote team play.

Edited by Woetoo
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Please sir do not look at this thread and think that all pvpers want expertise gone. I am currently on my 3rd toon leveled through pvp and I have no problem whatsoever with expertise. We need a stat to keep people from running nightmare modes and outgearing pvpers in pvp.


That being said I would like to see more Huttball maps. Different fields and such.

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Add walkers in PvP that can be piloted by players.


Yes. This is STAR WARS! Where are the Vehicles? Combine what I liked best about the genre changing title, Battlefield 1942 and the genre changing title SWTOR!


Bigger... more open battles. With vehicles. Air speeders, etc.

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I currently think Guard is too strong. the 50/50 Split damage just provides to much protection for the healer. i believe a 20/80 or a 30/70 Healer/Tank damage split would be much more balance.


I am a Commando Healer that gets guarded from time to time.


I think there needs to be Resolve for Roots and possibly snares. Once you are Full Resolve it should last a bit longer as well. Being a healer I see resolve fall very fast after it is full which means not only do I have to worry about the constant interrupts but also straight being stunned again. I've also been killed in the 8 seconds of straight Stun lock before when focused by two people. With the increase PVP damage currently on PTS I have experienced it will only become worse. My team has done it to others, we have a CC order and try to play the resolve system.


Also, your class CC Break should provide some immunity as well after you use it.


Overall I feel there are too many CC's in the game and it messes up the flow of battle.

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Make Open World PVP rewarding in any Circumstance


Zoned PVP and PVP Ilum are all well and good, but some of the best PVP battles have been random unintended events!


Example SWG PVP anywhere anytime, led to some great encounters Dant MO, Coronet, Bestine to Anchorhead etc


To do this reward Open world pvp with Valor or rank or something, just killing something because its red means very little without reward and does not encourage the masses, Warzones are cool but sometimes i can be waiting a while just to get a queue pop.


Make it so you only get rewarded for killing something within 2 levels of you this stops newb ganking and offer planetary points for control on shared planets offering a buff on Valor for WZ or something and or something like if Hoth is controlled by Republic, then Republic players and Quick travel to major spaceport from anywhere, and if not then you need to go the long way !


Rewards do not need to be epic

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I wish it was more integrated into the rest of the game. Right now it feels like something completely separate. I'd like to see PvP as part of the story of every world (or at least multiple worlds) and have a real impact on the game world.


I agree with this a lot. We grind out the warzones (which is great fun on it's own) but your battles have no meaning. Even having these games interact with the story in some small way would go a long way. After hitting 50 and earning your Darth title (or whatever title for people who don't want to be the best class in the game :3) you really want to make differences in the world around you.


With this game especially, Bioware has the potential to create these differences in ways other MMO's can't.

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CC desperately needs toning down.


Being ambushed by a few opponents then chain CC'd until you are dead is a horrible, horrible user experience. It shouldn't be possible.


The easiest fix, which works wonderfully well in Warhammer, is to have a CC immunity countdown after you have experienced CC. This simple solution improves gameplay no end.

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Open world zones with objectives guarded by NPCs. Have four levels of objectives. Camps can be taken by one person, outposts by two or three, small forts by four to six, and a large fort that requires at least 12.


Having NPCs guard the objectives means that a capture actually means something. If you and your team work together to take a fort, you know that it can't be taken back by a single scrub once you stop guarding it. Give no rewards for killing NPCs whatsoever (because that leads to PvE farming in the PvP zone).


Make owning the smaller objectives give benefits to the forts in terms of more/stronger NPCs. This will allow solo players and small groups to still feel like they can accomplish something relevant to the larger fight. If they don't have enough guys to take the enemy fort, then they can go take camps and outposts to weaken up the enemy fort.

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