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Besides, this conversation is pretty silly. There is no way that you can click an ability for dps, then must click another ability to interrupt a while away on your bar, to follow up with other abilities and move around mechanics all at the same time in the time I do all that with my buttons. Because I do that the 1/4th of a second I need to do it, I don't even need to hover to a button, aim or click any buttons.
No, I can certainly do that... the gcd is 1.5 seconds, so I've got plenty of time between the dps ability click and your interrupt, and then the followup ability example, since there's a GCD in between them. Edited by ferroz
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The reality is that you believe clicking to be more efficient.

Belief =/= Truth.


Belief is defined by our perspective and our perspective is defined by our belief.


Time to end the thread:

I use an ability that you click while moving forward and strafing right and turning my character left from mouse look.

This is all taking place at the same time, nothing is done automatic.


Make sure to use a lot of moronic logic to communicate that you can do such at the same time, while clicking the ability.


I'll also make sure you're applying your moronic logic with an understanding of exactly what I mean.


Anything that is underlined is communicating that synchronization must exist.

I can assure you 100% that regardless of your moronic logic, I can do all of that with perfect synchronization.


Here is the definition of Synchronization for you straight from dictionary dot com - : D

to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together; recur together.



I'll probably forget to care about this thread, so please don't think I'll read what you reply with..

That way you prepare for the possibility that I do forget to care.


-I support doing what you like.

-I do not support imbecilic arguments which do nothing but communicate the author's embarrassment that they're wrong and they care.

Edited by Zamm
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It is obvious that keybinding is the most efficient way to use skills, but there are a few times when clicking is more efficient. For example, click-targeting those God damn Pigs during the Bonethrasher boss in KP!
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It is obvious that keybinding is the most efficient way to use skills, but there are a few times when clicking is more efficient. For example, click-targeting those gosh darn Pigs during the Bonethrasher boss in KP!


I see the filter doesn't like the words "g0d dam"

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You know what they say, "Ignorance is bliss." And the OP is clearly as blissful as they come.


Anyway, I'm done talking to a brick wall. I've got warzones to farm and a companion slave that needs a good lashing. See ya'll clickers on the battle field (before you see me)!



Edited by Musezy
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The reality is that you believe clicking to be more efficient.

Belief =/= Truth.

No, I've done both in various games, and I know that hybrid clicking is the most efficient way for me.


I don't make any claims about what's the most efficient for everyone.


Time to end the thread:

I use an ability that you click while moving forward and strafing right and turning my character left from mouse look.

This is all taking place at the same time, nothing is done automatic.

It's not a thread ender, even if you can show that doing that actually gives some sort of performance boost (which you currently aren't), because there's still other things to discuss even at that point. Edited by ferroz
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I used to be a clicker/hybrid. That was back in WoW where you could macro several of your abilities to one key and really only need 4-5 buttons anyway. I kept my 3 most important abilities where I could hit them with left "movement" hand, and would macro all my power-up cooldowns to those so that they were constantly used on cooldown. Anything else I needed, I would just click on it as chances are it was a situtational thing.


Once I started playing this game, especially without the macros to activate cooldowns, I started to feel that clicking was hindering me. With a little peer pressure from some friends, I went out and got a Naga Razer. I will never be a clicker again. Yes, the Naga Razer can be expensive, but with a little practice it will totally change the way you play a game like this.


I now have access to my full action main action bar with just my thumb. Just by adding a modifer through the in-game keybinding menu, like shift or alt, I have 24 different abilities literally at my finger tips. If you use alt though (best one that worked for me) you have to train yourself not to alt+tab though. If I could figure out how to turn off that shortcut, I'd be set for life.


I'm not saying that clickers or people that keybind are better/worse or whatever. I just wanted to share my experience. If you really want to play this game, or any other mmo, I'd reccomend buying a Naga Razer. Give yourself a week or so to get used to it, and you'll wonder how you ever played the game without it. It's that good of a piece of hardware.

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Hello everyone,


We've removed posts from this thread and would like to discuss why. While it is perfectly fine to disagree with other community members, it is not okay to make disparaging remarks against how others choose to play the game. This is rude and disrespectful to other community members.


Please also do not create posts designed to provoke negative reactions from other community members. This derails threads into flames, which disrupts the discussion.


If you believe anyone to be in violation of our Rules of Conduct, please use the Flag feature to report them to the Community Team for investigation. Do not reply to them!


We thank everyone for your cooperation in keeping this thread on track. If it is not able to stay on-topic, constructive and respectful, this thread will become permanently closed.

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Okay so mobs come up from behind or you need to reposition and turn. Clickers will loose out on dps all the time, no matter how good they think they are.


Right click hold and run/turn, release find mouse cursor and move to ability and then click on an ability.


Non-clickers just hold right mouse down run/turn and still holding mouse down can just fire off an ability. Also unless it is a channeled or long cast time ability non-clickers can attack on the move easier then clickers.


Sure there might be a second difference in time but in a boss fight lasting 10 minutes you could be spending 30seconds with useless mouse movement. Loosing out on dps. Unfortunately the weakest link is the lowest dps and clickers will always be there.


what boss in this game lasts 10 minutes? You're doing it wrong.


Edit: Cuz i'm dumb and forgot to post the rest of my post.


I guess I'm a keybinder but I never really drew any distinctions between the two. I own a Naga razer and Looooove it, I also have the anasasi keyboard but find that without macros in the game I have a keyboard with a lot of useless extra buttons. ;.;

Edited by Gurpsmeister
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Everyone knows that a ''clicker'' will get smashed away in PVP much easier and faster than a player who uses full keybinds.


I, for one, am ONLY clicking my buff abilities and mount up ones!


Everything else is on a keybind!


And after you get the hang of it, you will realise how COOL and FAST it is!


Clickers can try this! It didnt kill anyone!


p.s. No wonder we are losing Huttball! Damn clickers and their slow reaction in passing the ball!

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Everyone knows that a ''clicker'' will get smashed away in PVP much easier and faster than a player who uses full keybinds.


I, for one, am ONLY clicking my buff abilities and mount up ones!


Everything else is on a keybind!


And after you get the hang of it, you will realise how COOL and FAST it is!


Clickers can try this! It didnt kill anyone!


p.s. No wonder we are losing Huttball! Damn clickers and their slow reaction in passing the ball!


It makes no point to keybind, it really doesn't (I keybind bw) because the UI is clumsy and slow to respond.


The delay in this game twitch-proofs PvP.

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he's right,


In fact I'm sure the next thread will be about which is better, left handed gamers or right handed gamers.....


I say Right handed, but my brother is Left handed and would probably disagree.

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What it all comes down to is the skill level of the player.



Skilled clicker > bad keyboarder (or whatever you want to call it)


Skilled keyboarder > bad clicker



Of course good anything > bad anything, but it just comes to show that it isnt the click/keyboard aspect that determines how well or poorly someone performs in a PvE or PvE environment, but their skill with what they are doing.

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clickers in PvP is so bad..you can spot them a mile away



stick to PVE only please


Sorry to double-post but, I'm a rank 62 Battlemaster Juggernaut who gets at least 7+ medals a game with 60-120k protection every game. Clicker/hybrid. Where is YOUR evidence?

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I would like to point out that I can see where a "clickers" are able to play MMOs here is why


When I started playing I started as a "clicker." Then I started raiding and quickly learned to do way better DPS I needed be able to move and cast (dots, instant nukes, and any non channeling spells) at the same time. That is when I learned all about key-binding. Now all I use is key-bindings and I max out my dps on every boss fight i encounter.


This next part is why I know for a fact that key-binding the best way to play...


My mother plays MMOs just as much as I do and she is a "clicker" thought and thought mainly because she is right handed and not left handed so her setup tends to have the mouse in the left hand and the keyboard in the right hand (makes no sense to me.) Every time we dual even if she 3 to 5 levels up on me or has way better gear then me, I win the duel. Keep in mind that we both have been playing sense the birth of MMOs, so the differences is not in who knows there class better then the other. the simple truth is because I have everything key-bound I can run around her and DPS long before she can get a single spell off.

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PVE click away

PVP clickers souls belong to me




Key binding is the way to go. Now do i click soemthing sure. I click my quick travel, stims, and my out of combat regenration ability. My mount is clikced also. Get a gaming pad it will change the way you love to play.

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I'm a clicker, wouldn't start using it any other way.

Top 2 in heals everytime, in every Wz, if i somehow is 2 it's because people are focusing me.


Skill before anything, if you suck enough to start using keybinds etc, you just suck, easy moders.

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I play how i want to play, Could be one, could be the other. Or... it could be a mix of both. the fact of the matter is, Who cares?


We have another thread with a division. Why on earth would someone care how someone else plays? baffeling


Im sure some of the clickers would own some of the keybinders and vice vera. Here is a simple thought, a player will play a said game the way they want to play, and is probably better playing said way. But again. who cares...really?

Edited by DigitalPrime
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