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  1. That's what I did I force cloacked or whatever it is called in english, I couldn't remember the english ability name. She was dead for a minute or so, so it should have put me out of combat but it didn't. Maybe this is due to her not really beeing dead, idk. So for the duo fight, my companion got killed from one of the bosses, not by knocking down but by damage, so that explains the reset I guess.
  2. Anybody else beeing concerned about sets and set bonuses that are usable by every class? Sounds like a nightmare to balance and like something that could inevitably cause even more issues for pvp and pve. Same for the tactical items for everyone.
  3. Probably not new, but here we go. We were two players followed by our companions. Veternan mode: - Jos and Valk, multiple resets after both reached 50% hp, we were unable to finish the fight and had to reset the fp. Story mode: - Shae Vizla, I was still in combat after the boss died, going invis didn't help. I had to kill myself in the fire pit below the arena to get out of combat. If you are in combat you can't click the flag to finish the fp.
  4. You don't need to hide the stats at the end screen. Just don't award medals for stats that don't matter. I still want to be able to check the endgame screen if there was, across the board, a serious lack in damage or just too much healing etc. How was class and role distribution and did my team feed in Yavin / hypergates or not. Actually I would also like to see how long I stunned the enemy in total, because that stat isn't shown anywhere. Would also be nice to know how long I was stunned during the match, although that could probably be depressing to see.
  5. search bar would be great, so that it highlights only what matches the searched keyword. You could easily search different sets with it without having to mouse over all the items stored.
  6. Title says it. There is no way for me to know who made a crucial cap in a warzone if I'm not around (guarding/stealth cap etc.)unless I check the map. Odessen is even worse, there are so many points of interest in the zone there is no way to know which teammate just deactivated the enemy node, applied a booster etc. unless you stand next to him/her. There is this blabla teammate is unkillable or whatever message, that tells you literally nothing but I don't get told if one of my teammates just killed the ball carrier, caped the enemy pillar just before the round ends or planted a bomb. Yesterday I turned around a hypergate wz taking the enemy pillar in the decisive round and in an odessen wz deactivated two enemy points. Both warzones would have been lost, no recognition from the system or my teammates. Can't blame my teammates though in both cases I was alone, facing a lone enemy defender, so they couldn't really know. This is a bit frustrating and also doesn't help to motivate players to go for objectives in wzs. Now I don't want to discuss what people should do in a wz and where they should be and if they should see it or not. I just think it wouldn't hurt to have a message telling you one of your teammates just did something good for his team and helped you win.
  7. It's funny they give out decoration rewards for kills through the Legacy System, but not for winning. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think there is only played matches, kills, dps, heals etc. but nothing for winning a certain amount of games for the different maps. Why would someone interested in completing his legacy achievements even try to win if all he needs to do is grind damage, heals, kills and games. It's the same as with those crystal quests. Why are they tied to medals instead of wins? It's not asking too much from a player to win 1 or 2 matches for example while on the other hand they want you to run 4 MM fp successfully to get the thing. I legit had someone in a unranked arena match tell the group we should just let the others win the next round so they can also get 8 medals. I didn't even know what to say to this, it's already extremely easy to get 8 medals and there are still people that can't be arsed to play a few wzs normally and maybe just maybe try to win to get them.
  8. There is no need to punish other PvP players by forcing a quitter on them. That person is probably already in a bad mood and will just start griefing the regs (since there is no punishment). Just ban them from queuing all pvp types for a certain time, I see no reason to allow them to face other players in any match after they let down their team.
  9. What they could do to make wintrading much harder: - Don't give out extra points to players/teams winning with less players. - Don't count the match if not everyone accepts it, just close the arena like warzones with not enough players. - Discourage players from making matches invalid through quitting/disconnecting with a high rating penalty. Ban them from queuing for all types of pvp for 0.5-24 h (1st time 0.5 h, 2nd time 2 h etc.) - Not accepting should ban you from queuing like quitting does. - No backfilling of players through the matchmaker in ranked arena matches. Match should either be invalid (with punishment handed out to the quitter any way)or yield a significantly lower elo gain/loss for the remaining players. So someone could still bite the bullet lowering his ELO for the sake of his teammates but only once or twice before hitting a very high time penalty.
  10. I wouldn't mind having more room for missions. Even five more missions would already be a huge improvement in my book.
  11. I'm fine with cmd crates and weekly currency as well. As for there beeing no use for the gear, I think this is not correct. It allows casual players to outgear some raid content and kill bosses they might have failed before. It also makes it easier to equip twinks (something a lot of people seem to care about) through raid content. They probably will release raid content in 6.0 that will be much harder to complete without 258 gear. I assume it will take them some time until that happens, so I can take my time to get all the equip I need on the characters I want until the new content is released
  12. I completly agree that making everyone run Ossus for 6+ weeks with every character they want to gear was probably not a good idea. I think what you can do is hand over the mods if you buy the gear with your main, but you won't be able to get the shell on the twink? Apart from the reputation grind, the gearing process itself is decent imho. It's time gated due to the availability of the crystalls but you can get them through components doing anything you want, through a changing weekly, ranked pvp and the wb quest. That's not too bad in my book and gives you a lot of different ways to aquire the best gear in the game. So a serious question from me, how would all of you like to see gearing work? Every time I see someone complain about the gearing they never say how they think it should work. So from what I've read so far people don't want: - to play ossus only (I completly agree) - reputation barrier - time gating (with weeklies etc.) - raid only gear - rng drops/crates So what does this leave us with? Doing daily quests, story chapters and wz for 10 h straight should give you a complete set of 258? I don't want to sound rude, I'm actually curious what people want to see.
  13. - New amazing story content with hopefully all voice actors that already did the player character voices over the years. - More story flashpoints where one of more of our companions "lead" us through the flashpoint stories, loved that part about the newer stuff. - Make choices matter sounds like a cool concept but ultimately will create a lot of unhappy people if the consequences are too severe. So my wish is probably that you just be careful with it.
  14. You already get most 258 items without touching raiding or ranked at all, how could it possibly be easier than how it is now? I'm for sure not a fan of the gearing process, but it definitely isn't hard to do nor is it impossible to gear twinks with it. I think the time it takes is also nothing out of the ordinary, but maybe I'm just oldschool compared to most people playing mmos now. the first MMORPG I played you got max 1 or 2 items per month, and I did raid like 4 to 5 days a week. Now I don't even have to raid to get stuff smh. I actually play PvP most of the time, not touching ranked since I prefer objective based pvp. I would love to see ranked warzones and having proper rewards for playing and winning them, similar to how raiders get rewarded. So I'm in the same boat and not able to gear up as fast as someone playing ranked arena since there simply isn't a ranked wz queue.
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