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Mortar Volley AoE nerfed to 39%


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Actually more like 1 in 4 for a double crit when smuggler buffed and 1 in 8 for a triple crit.


And unlike your example it's more like 77% multiplier on my character.


Chance to crit is being lowered by 3% and lethality of crits are being lowered.



As to your question, why not bring it into the open?


It's not clear to everyone the effects of the changes.


So your character looks like a 50% crit chance, 77% surge?


Current version

0 crits, 100% damage: 12.5%

1 crit, 125.7% damage: 37.5%

2 crits, 151.3% damage: 37.5%

3 crits, 177% damage: 12.5%


1.2 version

0 crits, 100% damage: 1.6%

1 crit, 112.8% damage: 9.4%

2 crits, 125.7% damage: 23.4%

3 crits, 138.5% damage: 31.2%

4 crits, 151.3% damage: 23.4%

5 crits, 164.2% damage: 9.4%

6 crits, 177% damage: 1.6%


So you can't say that your "Chance to crit is being lowered by 3%" as a flat nerf (I assume you mean all three hits crit here, because your chances to crit at all are obviously way higher), because your chances to not crit anything were just as high, and those have also been modified. You'll crit for full surge damage a lot less, and you'll not-crit for no surge damage a lot less. The overall average damage done remains the same.

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So your character looks like a 50% crit chance, 77% surge?


Current version

0 crits, 100% damage: 12.5%

1 crit, 125.7% damage: 37.5%

2 crits, 151.3% damage: 37.5%

3 crits, 177% damage: 12.5%


1.2 version

0 crits, 100% damage: 1.6%

1 crit, 112.8% damage: 9.4%

2 crits, 125.7% damage: 23.4%

3 crits, 138.5% damage: 31.2%

4 crits, 151.3% damage: 23.4%

5 crits, 164.2% damage: 9.4%

6 crits, 177% damage: 1.6%


So you can't say that your "Chance to crit is being lowered by 3%" as a flat nerf (I assume you mean all three hits crit here, because your chances to crit at all are obviously way higher), because your chances to not crit anything were just as high, and those have also been modified. You'll crit for full surge damage a lot less, and you'll not-crit for no surge damage a lot less. The overall average damage done remains the same.


Are you ignoring what I'm saying.


This is the post I made 3 pages back, note the bit about average damage and what I say is lost.


Changed to an automatic 6 shot grenade launcher eh.


On average there's no difference to damage but a chain of 6 crits is FAR less likely than a chain of 3 crits.


Our damage is not being reduced but dampened so that critting is less likely to nuke those it lands on because to crit big after 1.2 it needs to do it SIX times in a row.


Crit spikes are what kill players, many changes in the game are to reduce spike damage.


Anyone remember surge... maybe how operatives/scoundrels used to be?


Spike damage = rage when it happens = unhappy players etc...


And when I say there's a 3% crit nerf I'm talking about Field Training being changed to give 3% crit instead of 6% crit, thus a loss of 3% crit.



And yes, I do have very high critical rates and surge, even if it does look like backing the wrong stat.

Edited by Gyronamics
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I had used it on every ocasion i had cooldown reset. It could possibly wreak couple of cloth hags healspamming in tight groups or get five players trying to disarm door bomb ticking on voidstar. One of my favorite starters both alderaan and voidstar.


People saying they didn't used it and they don't care should just stop posting here, because of their incompetence and utter lack of vanguard/commando tool knowledge.


This nerf comes out of vanguard/commando dps spam complains by unexperienced players. (i had may situations when i did this one, then neural surge, then ion cannon in their face killing more than two 15-16k hp pvp players. This was also a very powerfull tool for defending caped turret.


I don't get the 5 meters range, because of very long cooldown if you compare it to sorc's one....

Edited by Nezyrworks
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Yeah, before it actually had its use in PvP as you would still get in a hit or two due to huge radius. With the nerf, as you say its only 39% of the normal radius, it will be useless.


Decent AoE was the only thing this class had left going for it.. With that now also gone the class cant do anything that about any other classes can do better. Noone in their right mind would wish to start the game as commando after 1.2. We should all be given a free class reroll, pertaining level and gearequivalent.


Bye, bye commando. Too bad BW decided to remove you from the game. Hello witchdoctor (or maybe wizard)...


Seriously? If the 8 meter radius of MV was the only reason you were playing the class, that's a head scratcher.

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The thing I don't get is that they say it is being nerfed to bring it in line with other abilites...


Unless they significantly lower the CD as well, then it is nowhere near "in line" with other trooper AoE abilities. If they mean other classes' AoE abilities, well then it's still way out of line.

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The thing I don't get is that they say it is being nerfed to bring it in line with other abilites...


Unless they significantly lower the CD as well, then it is nowhere near "in line" with other trooper AoE abilities. If they mean other classes' AoE abilities, well then it's still way out of line.


I think that is what most people are complaining about, not the damage

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't get what you guys mean about getting a crit on each hit/tick. Isn't a crit shown when the numbers are yellow?


If that is true, I crit all 3 most times on my level 11 commando (alt).


Patch 1.2 changes seem to crit every time aswell.


Take a look at this



It shows the yellow numbers, 4 times (two hits - two enemies).


I apologize if yellow damage scores aren't crits but I'm pretty sure if they are not I have never got a crit on any character before :D

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The smaller hit radius is nothing. My MV is always hid by the huge ball of fire from my plasma grenade. The fix of the activation time will make this ability far more efficient.


1 in 10 uses of MV I miss entirely due to them moving out of the way or poor placement.


If your not using MV, seriously lp2 or hopefully, I don't have to play with you in a wz.

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The smaller hit radius is nothing. My MV is always hid by the huge ball of fire from my plasma grenade. The fix of the activation time will make this ability far more efficient.


1 in 10 uses of MV I miss entirely due to them moving out of the way or poor placement.


If your not using MV, seriously lp2 or hopefully, I don't have to play with you in a wz.


Im sorry, but you are not too bright if you actually think you will hit more after the nerf. A slightly faster activation time will not by a longshot make up for hitting a pitiful area of 78 sqm compared to the current 201.


People will be able to backpedal out while you are shooting at them, something they arent able to now.


I dont think people actually realize how far outside the red circle you are actually currently hitting people.


Mortar volley is currently our best ability by far. The only way I can see this nerf being acceptable is if they removed the CD on this one completely to make it something like the sage version (only of course now with gimped range :p).


The class is gimped enough as it is. They should at least give us one carrot to keep playing at all. Hitting pitiful one more person with koltobomb, the weakest ability in the game, is nothing but a flat out insult to the commando/merc playerbase.

Edited by Niconogood
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It's true. I remember the first time I got the "target is not visible" using that skill. My response was "Obviously! That's why I'm using a MORTAR! Duh."


sadly the ticket I submitted (which was worded differently) accomplished nothing.


<-- veteran soldier, U.S. Army


P.S. Bioware, if you're looking for a military consultant, I'm your guy!




But, a real mortar ability would be incredibly cool. Like a 400m range or something, akin to a vehcile mechanic like the guns/demos in wow. It would have like setup time and everything


They're releasing a beachhead WZ, right? Bangalores, barbed wire, trip wires would all be appropriate. But then again, why the forcies don't just move the water up on the beach and wash everyone away, idk.

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It was an ability that easily highlighted who was horrible on the opposing team due to its ridiculous wind up time. Gawds, I actually use the BH's version of Mortar Volley as direct damage on single targets sometimes due to its instant activation. You try to do that with your Trooper, and you better hope the other player is afk.


I hear our Mortar Volley will finally have a fast activation. It's just a shame we'll never get to experience the awesome of fast activation plus large radius that the BHs have had for the last year or so (including beta), unless you had played a BH as well.


That said, it's being awfully dramatic to say that this reduction in radius makes Mortar Volley 'useless'. It's a nerf, to be sure, but anyone who really thinks it somehow becomes useless is in la la land.

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I always use this ability in PVE and PVP (especially in Voidstar) so reducing its radius is a big deal for me. :mad:


^ This, radius is really a big thing, casting MV from a safe distance esp with it's long activation. If its gonna be nerf, guess its better to use a different aoe since your targets will probably gang up on you when they see you casting it...

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Wow, I didnt even realize they were nerfing MV..which was one of the commandos best opening attacks for cleaning up trash/opponents. One well placed MV could wipe an entire group of mooks, or damn near it, now we get **** radius, ridiculous timers, AND an easily dodged attack? Joy.
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This is just another reason why i rolled a Sent. This really sucks for Commandos because every half descent abilty we have, we have to be stationary which in pvp is a death waiting to happen. The Heavy Armor does Nothing, I get cut down just as quick as my Sent. Grav Round sucks have to get too many damn shots off to be conistantly effective. Full Auto same thing, Explosive Round uses to much damn ammo, 1 for sure 2 if you spec into it CC breaks with long CD's. I think of myself as a pretty good PVPer and i find it very hard to kill 1on1 with a Commando and the one trick we had is getting nerfed lol. Imperal Agent/smug. portable cover, flash G, more Range and Dps. force users have aton of cc's and a oh **** button, our heavt armor is suppose to be the difference but it does nothing in pvp. maybe when i get T2 gear
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it's irrelevant in pvp anyways, nobody stands still long enough to justify using it. it's great in pve, or was anyways.


Every Warzone begs to differ, even in Huttball I use it quite a bit against big groups.



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I just completely and totally wiffed on a group of lizards with MV... this nerf is gonna take a hell of a lot of getting used to. Vanguard in tank spec already takes forever to kill, now you gotta nerf my big AoE clearer and slow me down even more. What really annoys me is all I hear is OMG MV looks so cool now. I'll take slow activation and useful aoe range over this quick tiny little bombardment any day.
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It's pretty sad, used it a few time in pvp and its so much worse then before. At least before I got one or two hits even with the long activation time now its quick but people react fast anyway so now I get one or two hits for 300 instead of 900-1k. How does that work out I wonder? I loved using it on people in cover, use it if they break cover storm, was awesome but now they almost get no damage so basically just wasted ammo and going up again people with 500 stuns and full health isn't much fun now or before.
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They've nerfed the s*** out of this class making it boring & useless! If Grav round has only lost 10% I'll eat my hat, it's more like 50%.

Well done BW, you've did a Rift Warrior special, destroyed a class with nerfs and will now end up with more leaving. /golf clap.

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MV is still very useful in pvp and in pve. It's not as bad as many here are making this "Nerf" out to be. The decreased activation time is long overdue, and if your an experienced pvper you can get it do what you need it to do easily. It's great for interrupting large groups attempting to gain objectives in WZ's. It still has an aoe effect, reduced a little albiet, but it's still there. Good troopers, of both advanced class-types, will adapt to this change and make it useful. Others will cry, which is why this thread is here.
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MV still puts out some good numbers. I didn't run combat logs yesterday, but I was seeing 500-800 crits on ticks.


For a 3s channel it can probably still do about 2.5-5k dmg to all the targets in the area.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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MV still puts out some good numbers. I didn't run combat logs yesterday, but I was seeing 500-800 crits on ticks.


For a 3s channel it can probably still do about 2.5-5k dmg to all the targets in the area.


Yes- but there won't be 5 targets in the area anymore. There will be 2.

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Yeah, I've got to work pretty hard at getting my MV to hit more than 2 targets now.


My brother and I have renamed MV to Hyper-volley. The super fast shot animation really looks stupid. I'd rather it kept the 3 volley waves and just started firing immediately, rather than wait 2 seconds to spin up first.

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On a group of mobs that are spread out some I get as many of NORMAL mobs in the aoe as possible and then hit the Normal shot AOE .. I am at work and the name of the spell escapes me. Most times after those 2 the regular mobs are dead and then I pick off the other normals and Then the harder one or ones .. When they are packed it is pretty nice as I can sometime kill the entire group if I get lucky with crits and Mob Position. I use it often.
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