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Unsubbed due to end-game gear grind


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Not that it's entirely significant that one person canceled his sub, or that anyone necessarily believes me (I'm sure people claim this all the time), but I unsubbed last night and here is why.


I'm 90% PvP'er, though I did enjoy leveling up immensely.


I never played WoW, so this whole idea of being required to put hours and hours EVERY day to be competitive with other players is very foreign to me. I grinded to War Hero and have full BM gear. I chased the carrot on the stick, and now they're turning it into a cucumber.


I don't understand why other players feel they need to be "rewarded" with advantage-granting gear for putting time into the game. Enjoying the game and your victories should be its own reward.


I don't know what WoW did to the brains of gamers, but this kind of a huge time sink is not for me. I understand that it's more profitable if BW can successfully keep people playing by using this strategy (if people actually DO enjoy being "rewarded" in this way). However, this strategy has repelled me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


I consider this a TRAGEDY, because I waited for this game since it was announced, like many others, and otherwise enjoy it immensely. However, I don't have the 5 hours a day that's required just to be competitive enough to have fun.


I'm leveling an alt, for the story enjoyment, until my subscription runs out in 2 weeks.

Edited by JakeDawg
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Not that it's entirely significant that one person canceled his sub, or that anyone necessarily believes me (I'm sure people claim this all the time), but I unsubbed last night and here is why.


I'm 90% PvP'er, though I did enjoy leveling up immensely.


I never played WoW, so this whole idea of being required to put hours and hours EVERY day to be competitive with other players is very foreign to me. I grinded to War Hero and have full BM gear. I chased the carrot on the stick, and now they're turning it into a cucumber.


I don't understand why other players feel they need to be "rewarded" with advantage-granting gear for putting time into the game. Enjoying the game and your victories should be its own reward.


I don't know what WoW did to the brains of gamers, but this kind of a huge time sink is not for me. I understand that it's more profitable if BW can successfully keep people playing by using this strategy (if people actually DO enjoy being "rewarded" in this way). However, this strategy has repelled me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


I consider this a TRAGEDY, because I waited for this game since it was announced, like many others, and otherwise enjoy it immensely. However, I don't have the 5 hours a day that's required just to be competitive enough to have fun.


I'm leveling an alt, for the story enjoyment, until my subscription runs out in 2 weeks.


I don't get it.


So you enjoy the game immensely but not if you have to grind pvp gear to be competitive but the thing you enjoy the most is leveling.



You are all over the place here.


You do understand that you don't have to have that pvp gear the instant everybody else has it right, you can achieve the same thing in an hour a day as the guy that plays 5, it's just gonna take longer.


But if the leveling is what you enjoy the most why does the pvp grind matter to you in the first place?


You say enjoying your victories should be it's own reward but you are quitting because you can't get pvp gear as fast as everybody else.


I'm really confused here.

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There is almost no grind to gear in this game, I have a 71 valor mercenary with BOTH sets of battlemaster gear and the difference between battlemaster and champion is negligible. I play about 20 hours per week since launch. Champion gear is pretty much HANDED to you at level 50. Good bye, have fun in the future; but, you will not find a game with less endgame gear grind than this unless they hand it to you for logging in.
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There is almost no grind to gear in this game, I have a 71 valor mercenary with BOTH sets of battlemaster gear and the difference between battlemaster and champion is negligible. I play about 20 hours per week since launch. Champion gear is pretty much HANDED to you at level 50. Good bye, have fun in the future; but, you will not find a game with less endgame gear grind than this unless they hand it to you for logging in.


I didn't say that my favorite part of the game is leveling... I said I enjoyed the story.

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Swtor's actually really crappy at the "endgame grind" mechanic. But its a standard MMO thing. The business model is to keep people playing and the best way to do that is making getting somthing Gear, Valor, Social, Credits, etc. A time sink.


The reason I say swtor's crappy at it is because theres a large number of people who have already done everything. The long grind is there to keep people playing but when you finish too soon and run out of things to do. You either make another character to do it again or quit.

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It's only a grind if you weren't having fun. If you were, then who cares how long it takes until you get your shiny things?


It's not fun when in order to get your gear you have to complete Daily missions. I reached level 50 after 2 weeks from early release. I did dailies every day, with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions. I just last week completed my set of battlemaster gear.


Now there will be a new tier. I don't see why advantage-granting gear should be the main focus of everything. Again, the concept is just very foreign to me I suppose.

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It's not fun when in order to get your gear you have to complete Daily missions. I reached level 50 after 2 weeks from early release. I did dailies every day, with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions. I just last week completed my set of battlemaster gear.


Now there will be a new tier. I don't see why advantage-granting gear should be the main focus of everything. Again, the concept is just very foreign to me I suppose.


wait you already have the best gear after power leveling through the game.. 2 weeks to get to 50 is faster than you need to.. and you are complaining that you will have to grind again to get the new set of gear? really? thats your complaint? jesus...are you self entitled or just lazy.. consider it another challenge..or something else to do with your time..



though i find it hillarious that you said you love the story but you got to 50 in 2 weeks.. did you do nothing but play star wars? if so maybe you are burnt out of the game and need to take a break and enjoy real life..

I am a fairly casual player.. i play 2-4 hours a day.. and it took me about a month to get to 50 with my main..ya i had some alts but seriously? maybe if you slowed down you can actually enjoy the story you said you liked so much....

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I am a fairly casual player.. i play 2-4 hours a day.. and it took me about a month to get to 50 with my main..ya i had some alts but seriously? maybe if you slowed down you can actually enjoy the story you said you liked so much....


Whether your daily play time is 12 hours or 2 the actually time spent leveling and doing the storyline is going to be the same. It just takes the person 2 hours a day 6 times as many days.

Edited by chaosvernon
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Hello everyone,


While we do appreciate anyone who takes the time to compile constructive feedback for us, we're closing this thread, as we do have a forum for suggestions and many subforums for specific topics.


If you have a specific suggestion or individual piece of feedback, we encourage you to post in the Suggestion Box forum or to make a thread regarding your issue in the relevant subforum, such as PvP


Thank you and we wish you luck in all your future gaming adventures!


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