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Why are we so squishy?


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I've lvled my merc to 48, gained lots of experience in PvP and generally done well with the class. It's not uncommon for me to hit 320k ish dmg in lowbie pugs. *However* This depends on me being ignored for the most part, and since PT is very weak 1v1, and merc has absolutely nothing beyond a short duration stun, and a long channel stun (that breaks on dmg) to get away from anything. I have to fight hard to solo ~lvl25 assassins/maras or really any class that is interested in following me around. Really? My 44 assassin can destroy any class no matter what spec I'm in with him. Just today I dueled a buddy of mine (lvl 45 merc) that I respect as a very good PvPer with my assassin and beat him with about 30% health left. On top of that my lvl 33 sniper in lethality spec (DoTs, like PT) can escape danger fairly well, and I can solo most classes.


I refuse to play arsenal because it's so incredibly boring, and gets you targeted even more. Why must mercs have no utility outside of bodyguard (which is about to get nerfed anyways)?

I can't interrupt anything, I can't control the fight with short low CD stuns, I can't vanish from combat, I can't sprint away, I can't pop force shroud and be temp invincible to force/tech, I can't use invisibility. I just have to stand there and take it, or slowly trudge away while still taking a beating.


Why play this AC into the 50s bracket?

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Mercs are amazing vs bads. Not so good against any who isn't breathing primarily thru their mouth. Find a healer friend or get angry when a mara or tank dps destroys you. People will whine about tracers as you are constantly slowed, interupted and stunned to death.


Mobility wins at pvp. We have none sir.



P.S. bodyguard is alot of fun and has tons of survivability, till 1.2.

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As a pyro your bag is to kite, you should be dotting, snaring and getting outa LoS, popping out to refresh dots and burst down your target when its closer to death. In swtor there are far too many dmg types that bypass armor for anyone to think that heavy armor should mean survivability.
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I'm Arsenal..we have tons of utility...



1) Electro Dart

2) Surge->concussion

3) Jetboost

4) Rocket Punch


To get away

Damage Mitigation Shield then

1) Jet Boost (once you have the gear, the CD is down to 15s, I use this the most in wz)


2) Electro Dart (on melee usually)


3) Surge->concussion

I usually get away pretty well in wz even when I'm at %15-%30 hp left. I gotta make sure their resolve isn't full and I'm doing the right moves.


-I usually last 3-5 secs with like 5-6 pubs on me for a ground and pound when I have a shield on...which is pretty long to hold them off so my teammates can cap a node.


-Although Tracer get a 10% dmg nerf, we get a 10% dmg buff for HSM.....I LITERALLY cant wait to use my HSM.


-Come back to this thread when you a) get 50 pve/pvp gear b) pvp more (cuz you learn how to play your class a lot better when you do)

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I'm Arsenal..we have tons of utility...



1) Electro Dart

2) Surge->concussion

3) Jetboost

4) Rocket Punch


To get away

Damage Mitigation Shield then

1) Jet Boost (once you have the gear, the CD is down to 15s, I use this the most in wz)


2) Electro Dart (on melee usually)


3) Surge->concussion

I usually get away pretty well in wz even when I'm at %15-%30 hp left. I gotta make sure their resolve isn't full and I'm doing the right moves.


-I usually last 3-5 secs with like 5-6 pubs on me for a ground and pound when I have a shield on...which is pretty long to hold them off so my teammates can cap a node.


-Although Tracer get a 10% dmg nerf, we get a 10% dmg buff for HSM.....I LITERALLY cant wait to use my HSM.


-Come back to this thread when you a) get 50 pve/pvp gear b) pvp more (cuz you learn how to play your class a lot better when you do)


so all of our abilities double up and you call that "tons of utility"? wheres the interrupt thats strictly an interrupt? how about the speed boost or cloak thats strictly an escape mechanism? oh yes our stun can be used as a stun or an interrupt as well as other classes but they get an actual interrupt so they dont use to use their stun for anything but a stun. im not quite convinced that you understand the definition of utility

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so all of our abilities double up and you call that "tons of utility"? wheres the interrupt thats strictly an interrupt? how about the speed boost or cloak thats strictly an escape mechanism? oh yes our stun can be used as a stun or an interrupt as well as other classes but they get an actual interrupt so they dont use to use their stun for anything but a stun. im not quite convinced that you understand the definition of utility


Our job isn't utility its damage output. In a team based objective game you shouldn't be running around solo like an idiot trying to 1v1 everyone because most likely you will lose. Position yourself behind the melee dps/tanks. When they attack something and get its attention you murder them with your massive damage output. If you're all alone the only thing you're good for is a distraction.


My premade team consists of myself (pyro merc), 1 anni mara, 1 immo jugg, and 1 Op healer. We've lost 2 WZs in 7 days. Both of those were huttball against another premade from our guild. They're premade consists of 1 anni mara, 1 immo jugg, 1 BG merc, and 1 pyro PT.

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Our job isn't utility its damage output. In a team based objective game you shouldn't be running around solo like an idiot trying to 1v1 everyone because most likely you will lose. Position yourself behind the melee dps/tanks. When they attack something and get its attention you murder them with your massive damage output. If you're all alone the only thing you're good for is a distraction.


My premade team consists of myself (pyro merc), 1 anni mara, 1 immo jugg, and 1 Op healer. We've lost 2 WZs in 7 days. Both of those were huttball against another premade from our guild. They're premade consists of 1 anni mara, 1 immo jugg, 1 BG merc, and 1 pyro PT.


point out where i stated that our job is utility


i would think its pretty obvious that our job isnt utility since we seem to be lacking in that department which is exactly my point

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point out where i stated that our job is utility


i would think its pretty obvious that our job isnt utility since we seem to be lacking in that department which is exactly my point


You made sarcastic remarks about not having any utility and i pointed out it simply isn't our jobs. Stop crying about not having everything. If you want everything then make a whole crap load of alts, level them all to 50, gear them all up, and switch between them depending on the group you are running with. Until then stay behind your team and dps down the enemy teams nasties before they kill yours.

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You made sarcastic remarks about not having any utility and i pointed out it simply isn't our jobs. Stop crying about not having everything. If you want everything then make a whole crap load of alts, level them all to 50, gear them all up, and switch between them depending on the group you are running with. Until then stay behind your team and dps down the enemy teams nasties before they kill yours.


That's all fine, unless you PvP a lot (centurion on 2 toons, gladiator on 2 others) like I do. And you have people that recognize you, and think it's fun to follow you around all match trying to kill you. Specially when those people are the SI types with a butt ton of snares/root/stuns. All I want is some sort of escapability and fight control, I'll trade some of my damage output in return for more active/dynamic skill trees/abilities.


At least the Dec assassin has a very distinct utility in any WZ map despite being pure DPS, you can lock down any lvl healer with the insane burst the tree has. I often hit for 3k with it, and that's more than enough to force a healer to run (fat chance, I have great snares) or die since it's hard to out heal my burst when I'm interrupting your no CD heal and short stunning you.



But don't let anyone ever say PT is weak 1vAll:



Edited by RiChess
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so all of our abilities double up and you call that "tons of utility"? wheres the interrupt thats strictly an interrupt? how about the speed boost or cloak thats strictly an escape mechanism? oh yes our stun can be used as a stun or an interrupt as well as other classes but they get an actual interrupt so they dont use to use their stun for anything but a stun. im not quite convinced that you understand the definition of utility


I agree, we don't have a speed boost, or a cloak. I'm rather annoyed that a BH CANT use his jetpack besides for jetboost. As an Arsenal Merc , we do have "tons of utility" even if they double up.

1) Rocket punch not only knocks the target back which could seriously be used to your advantage but also does ok damage (2.4k crit with a quick interrupt on a champ geared sorc).

2) Jet boost interrupts up to 5 targets around you and creates a small gap and snares. This is a team based game, so that aoe snare is quite nice.


I know where your coming from, all these moves are limited since they DONT interrupt when the targets at full resolve. I do agree an interrupt would be a nice addition, BUT we don't need it. I'm not quite convinced you know how to live without an interrupt. L2P.



You should come to Fatman, I'll teach you a thing or two.

Edited by smokeylemons
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I agree, we don't have a speed boost, or a cloak. I'm rather annoyed that a BH CANT use his jetpack besides for jetboost. As an Arsenal Merc , we do have "tons of utility" even if they double up.

1) Rocket punch not only knocks the target back which could seriously be used to your advantage but also does ok damage (2.4k crit with a quick interrupt on a champ geared sorc).

2) Jet boost interrupts up to 5 targets around you and creates a small gap and snares. This is a team based game, so that aoe snare is quite nice.


I know where your coming from, all these moves are limited since they DONT interrupt when the targets at full resolve. I do agree an interrupt would be a nice addition, BUT we don't need it. I'm not quite convinced you know how to live without an interrupt. L2P.



You should come to Fatman, I'll teach you a thing or two.


they are knockbacks, not interrupts.

and if you are moving to get in melee as a merc dps vs a sorc dps. you doing it wrong.

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Mercs are Turrets and fairly easy to use. However, we are only squishy if said BH remains motionless and doesn't know what to do when someone with a lightsaber comes by. We have enough mobile Dps and KB to keep many classes at bay while we kite and slowly bring down our target. We'll probably lose to a tank but then again we're really not meant to go toe-to-toe with a tank in the first place.


I have a Merc and i do very well and enjoy it very much. Just figure out what works with your playstyle and who you should be targeting first and don't worry about who you can't kill and focus on those you can,which is is still a majority of the classes.

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You made sarcastic remarks about not having any utility and i pointed out it simply isn't our jobs. Stop crying about not having everything. If you want everything then make a whole crap load of alts, level them all to 50, gear them all up, and switch between them depending on the group you are running with. Until then stay behind your team and dps down the enemy teams nasties before they kill yours.


you implied that my point was that our jobs were utility when my point was that we have none so your argument is invalid. now you are implying that i am unhappy with our amount of utility which is nowhere to be found in my post so your argument is invalid. im not sure you actually read what i wrote or maybe you cant, neither of which changes the fact that you missed the small point i was trying to make: "compared to other classes we have less utility"


I agree, we don't have a speed boost, or a cloak. I'm rather annoyed that a BH CANT use his jetpack besides for jetboost. As an Arsenal Merc , we do have "tons of utility" even if they double up.

1) Rocket punch not only knocks the target back which could seriously be used to your advantage but also does ok damage (2.4k crit with a quick interrupt on a champ geared sorc).

2) Jet boost interrupts up to 5 targets around you and creates a small gap and snares. This is a team based game, so that aoe snare is quite nice.


I know where your coming from, all these moves are limited since they DONT interrupt when the targets at full resolve. I do agree an interrupt would be a nice addition, BUT we don't need it. I'm not quite convinced you know how to live without an interrupt. L2P.



You should come to Fatman, I'll teach you a thing or two.


i agree with you that what utility we have can be doubled up, thats a fact that cant be disputed. like you stated, its also a fact that none of those moves are pure interrupts and its another fact that other classes get what we get plus these pure interrupts + get away free cards, that makes it a fact that other classes have more utility than us. ill admit that having "tons of utility" is an opinion and relative, if we have tons of utility then other classes have crap tons of utility.


btw i do know how to live without a pure interrupt, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to know that we dont have one and that is a FACT no matter how you try to spin it. we are also a ranged class (fact) and the only time im in melee range is when im on a catwalk, so if you spend the majority of your game in melee range then you are doing it wrong. sounds like you need to come over to terentatek for me to show you a few things

Edited by Cegenaus
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I'm Arsenal..we have tons of utility...



1) Electro Dart

2) Surge->concussion

3) Jetboost

4) Rocket Punch


To get away

Damage Mitigation Shield then

1) Jet Boost (once you have the gear, the CD is down to 15s, I use this the most in wz)


2) Electro Dart (on melee usually)


3) Surge->concussion

I usually get away pretty well in wz even when I'm at %15-%30 hp left. I gotta make sure their resolve isn't full and I'm doing the right moves.


-I usually last 3-5 secs with like 5-6 pubs on me for a ground and pound when I have a shield on...which is pretty long to hold them off so my teammates can cap a node.


-Although Tracer get a 10% dmg nerf, we get a 10% dmg buff for HSM.....I LITERALLY cant wait to use my HSM.


-Come back to this thread when you a) get 50 pve/pvp gear b) pvp more (cuz you learn how to play your class a lot better when you do)


FYI, all your "interupts" are useless if they have full resolve, which if quite often in wz's with all the cc flying around. The only actual utility arsenal provides is the armor debuff from TM and the ability to send some heals out when called for

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I think alot of you are completely missing the fact that the OP is pyro not arsenal, and has stated that he refuses to play arsenal, yet you are comming into his post and spouting about arsenal things like rocket punch KB (totaly useless anyplace except huttball) go back and reread his original post to see what he is asking about and post something helpful, not the same old tired rhetoric about arsenal.
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they are knockbacks, not interrupts.

and if you are moving to get in melee as a merc dps vs a sorc dps. you doing it wrong.


No thats not completely wrong. If you can RP and stop that heal before it pops, is clutch. Stopping a channeling ability earlier is better than never.

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FYI, all your "interupts" are useless if they have full resolve, which if quite often in wz's with all the cc flying around. The only actual utility arsenal provides is the armor debuff from TM and the ability to send some heals out when called for


I already stated that at full resolve all of our abilities are useless. Also, usually the ball carrier is at full resolve, not everyone else. At that point , you want to jet boost, rocket punch the healers etc away from the carrier so the carriers go down quicker.

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I've been playing my mercenary as arsenal until around 30, I got bored because everybody knows as well as me that the only thing useful is the tracer missile, so let's be blunt about that. I went into bodyguard so I can be useful as a healer in the warzones, however, the healing abilities we have are far too dry compared to the other healing classes. Most of our healing abilities require standing in place to heal and have long cast times. We have no bubbles so its not like we can maintain people alive while we heal them. Our emergency scan heals barely any health and it's cooldown is killer. The only positive to the mercenaries is Kolto shell which actually comes in handy but it's far too dry having to stop every 2 seconds to heal players while getting stunned and not having other options to keep yourself alive besides emergency scan (IF it's NOT on cooldown). -.-
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I've been playing my mercenary as arsenal until around 30, I got bored because everybody knows as well as me that the only thing useful is the tracer missile, so let's be blunt about that. I went into bodyguard so I can be useful as a healer in the warzones, however, the healing abilities we have are far too dry compared to the other healing classes. Most of our healing abilities require standing in place to heal and have long cast times. We have no bubbles so its not like we can maintain people alive while we heal them. Our emergency scan heals barely any health and it's cooldown is killer. The only positive to the mercenaries is Kolto shell which actually comes in handy but it's far too dry having to stop every 2 seconds to heal players while getting stunned and not having other options to keep yourself alive besides emergency scan (IF it's NOT on cooldown). -.-


Apparently kolto shell was too good for bioware tho. So they're throwing a heat cost on it to limit our use of it. :/

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