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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Amount of Shadows/Assassins in WZs now


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All tank assassin/shadow players are just FOTM easymoders. It's a ridiculously easy class and spec to do well with, and the people playing it just don't want their 4 button easymode taken away.


The class needs to be nerfed into the ground, everyone is calling for it, time for Bioware to stop slacking and take action.


all are up for it? hahaha .. you're delutional . the good players know there is no such thing as a op class and the baddies go to the forum crying becaue they don't got the skills. just liiike you... please stop arguing redmarx ,you're making a fool out of yourself...

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Wow, me thinks the qqers are trying a new tactic to allow themselves to remain op...Give me a break, we assassins are not that powerful, trust me I wish I was. This is ridiculous and I cannot even begin to explain how wrong this argument is. What I think has happend is players have tried out the test server and know they are about to face a better balanced playing field and it scares them. As Ive said before to all ther trash talking trolls in warzones...see you on the other side of 1.2 :)
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all are up for it? hahaha .. you're delutional . the good players know there is no such thing as a op class and the baddies go to the forum crying becaue they don't got the skills. just liiike you... please stop arguing redmarx ,you're making a fool out of yourself...


Would you say the same for mercs, operatives, sorcs, powertechs?


If so, why are those classes getting nerfed?

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All tank assassin/shadow players are just FOTM easymoders. It's a ridiculously easy class and spec to do well with, and the people playing it just don't want their 4 button easymode taken away.


The class needs to be nerfed into the ground, everyone is calling for it, time for Bioware to stop slacking and take action.


Or we are planning to eventually play all of the ACs in the game to see how they work, and which ones we enjoy the most.


I honestly went in order of interest, since launch. I'd planned to play a Sorc for close to 2 years before the game even came out, so it was natural that I rolled that first. (That's where my avatar and such come from).


Sorc > Powertech > Marauder > Assassin > Juggernaut so far. Only the Sorc and PT are geared, the others are 30-40s.


The funniest thing is that every single one of the ACs I've picked has been called OP and FotM, etc. How can OVER HALF of the ACs in the game be considered FotM? That doesn't even make sense.


My fiance rolled a Marauder (w/ my Sorc) back in December, when everyone thought they were terrible and underpowered. She leveled up a Juggernaut to play w/ my Powertech after I decided to check them out, and now that she's back to working on her Mara again, she had a guy tell her yesterday "Hope you enjoy your FotM".


Lol, go figure.

Edited by Varicite
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It's funny seeing shadows do 12k-14k on their boulder throw against me, and yet my class is the one who gets nerfed every patch.


I routinely get backstabbed by operatives for 84k... you know, since we are just making stuff up...

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Assassin started out as a FOTM not because of any class power but that wielding a double bladed lightsaber automatically makes you cooler than anyone else. Before Wither got the buff Darkness wasn't anything interesting. Sure 27/0/14 could've worked fine back then but it'd just be one of the better quasi-padding specs. You'd still lose to a Sorc every time if padding leaderboard numbers is your only goal.


The buff to Wither really changed everything and is probably overdone. Wither went from a skill that's never used to a skill that is arguably the best 31 point talent in the game for PvP.

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Would you say the same for mercs, operatives, sorcs, powertechs?


If so, why are those classes getting nerfed?


because they needed nerfing.


do you really think that bioware just makes random changes? you really think they don't have dps meters or a way of seeing dps by spec etc or ability to see win loss ratio by class.


they said this in an interview in fact. trust me grass is not as green as you sell it. the tank spec is great no doubt but i actully would rather spec pure dps but there is no real benefit there right now.

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because they needed nerfing.


do you really think that bioware just makes random changes? you really think they don't have dps meters or a way of seeing dps by spec etc or ability to see win loss ratio by class.


they said this in an interview in fact. trust me grass is not as green as you sell it. the tank spec is great no doubt but i actully would rather spec pure dps but there is no real benefit there right now.


Bioware does a lot of things that seem... questionable w/ their changes. Also, this is their first MMO, and the "best PvP team in the industry" has already proven themselves to not be the greatest judges of balance in previous projects.


So no, not random. Ill-informed, perhaps. Poorly-implemented, usually.


With all that said, I'm obviously still around, so I'm hoping that this improves as they get more experience under their belt. The game still has a lot of potential, and I do enjoy playing it.

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because they needed nerfing.


do you really think that bioware just makes random changes? you really think they don't have dps meters or a way of seeing dps by spec etc or ability to see win loss ratio by class.


they said this in an interview in fact. trust me grass is not as green as you sell it. the tank spec is great no doubt but i actully would rather spec pure dps but there is no real benefit there right now.


After the Ilum fiasco, you really think Bioware has any idea what they are doing?


They didn't listen to feedback about Ilum. Many solutions were proposed. There's a great post on this forum right now about an Ilum redesign, but they are ignoring it.


Nerfs are coming for assassins, they nerf based on forum whine and there's a lot of forum whine about assassins because they are FOTM easymode and very overpowered.

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This thread is funny, I've played only an infil shadow from scratch to 50, with bm gear. But with the QQ going on about tank-shadow, I might respec:P, I've actually never had problems fighting tank-shadows/sins, except for some unlucky dynamics happening and I lose.


But, to see this much QQ is quite surprising, I'm 100% they don't have the dmg that some people scream so much about, I out damage any tank-shadow/sin in every wz.


One post mentioned, they are only really highly useful in huttball, and that is true, they are the perfect breed of class/spec in huttball. Otherwise, they are nothing out of the ordinary.


If you are having problems fighting 'em 1v1, take some time to learn their mechanics, and you'll learn they are fairly beatable. Your same rotation against a gunslinger/sniper is not going to work against a tank-shadow/sin. But you should already know that right ?

Edited by VSutra
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In non gimmick situations only Arsenal Merc and Annihilation Marauder can compete against a Tankasin for top DPS. Don't confuse this with the fact that tankasins have great utilty toward winning objectives so they're likely to participate in actions that leads to very poor scores. For example, an Arsenal Merc is pretty much useless in Huttball so far as ball movement goes, so he will generally outdo either Marauder or Assassin since the latter two classes might actually have to carry the ball at some point while the Merc can setup shop by a catwalk and shoot at people all day and you can't expect them to do more than that. Tankasin are also ideal defenders for doors/nodes and again this is something that will tend to get you lower Leaderboard scores.


Now there are a lot of people who play a WZ with no regard to objectives and those guys can easily beat any top DPS who is legitmately trying to win. And all things being equal, since tankasins are pretty much great in any objective-related stuff, amongst the DPS classes they're also the most likely stuck with defense duty or ball running duty. I mean, you can always say 'no' but you'd be hurting your team a lot.

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I said it before, and people keep complaining about Shadows, and Assassins. They want to nerf 'this' on us or 'that', I still think Tanks have better survivability than us Infiltrators, but that is what the nature of being a tank is - isn't it ? whether you can beat them or not in huttball, for some classes you shouldn't be trying to kill a tank solo anyway.
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After the Ilum fiasco, you really think Bioware has any idea what they are doing?


They didn't listen to feedback about Ilum. Many solutions were proposed. There's a great post on this forum right now about an Ilum redesign, but they are ignoring it.


Nerfs are coming for assassins, they nerf based on forum whine and there's a lot of forum whine about assassins because they are FOTM easymode and very overpowered.


you have no clue what you are talking about so stop ranting about... absolutely no clue at all... majority on the forums that have posted say they should not be nerfed. only ****** players as yourself whine on the forums and scream nerf...

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you have no clue what you are talking about so stop ranting about... absolutely no clue at all... majority on the forums that have posted say they should not be nerfed. only ****** players as yourself whine on the forums and scream nerf...


No way dude - they need a hard nerf. Only people playing Shadows are saying they don't want a nerf.



Nerf Shadows/Assassins!

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In non gimmick situations only Arsenal Merc and Annihilation Marauder can compete against a Tankasin for top DPS. Don't confuse this with the fact that tankasins have great utilty toward winning objectives so they're likely to participate in actions that leads to very poor scores. For example, an Arsenal Merc is pretty much useless in Huttball so far as ball movement goes, so he will generally outdo either Marauder or Assassin since the latter two classes might actually have to carry the ball at some point while the Merc can setup shop by a catwalk and shoot at people all day and you can't expect them to do more than that. Tankasin are also ideal defenders for doors/nodes and again this is something that will tend to get you lower Leaderboard scores.


Now there are a lot of people who play a WZ with no regard to objectives and those guys can easily beat any top DPS who is legitmately trying to win. And all things being equal, since tankasins are pretty much great in any objective-related stuff, amongst the DPS classes they're also the most likely stuck with defense duty or ball running duty. I mean, you can always say 'no' but you'd be hurting your team a lot.


don't compare tank assassins damage with bh arsenal or annhilation marauders.. thats just plain stupidity... shows how much you know..

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