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The burden of starting from scratch at this point


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I'm not a new player per se (I was in beta, played at launch, have a 50), but it's been weeks since I've played SWTOR (real life... meh) and I'm looking to get back into the game. '


My thought is that I'd like to start fresh on a new server. I'm extremely limited in my time to play, which likely means PUGs all the way (I PUGed my main to 50). I've never really had such limited/irregular time to MMO, so this will be a new experience for me.


What I wonder is this: how great are the burdens of starting fresh at this point?


I've completely missed the initial leveling wave, even the slowbies are 50 at this point. There's an entrenched 50 class (battle masters, arbitrarily large amounts of cash, etc). I'd imagine that, even with alts, the lower levels are rather barren. I had trouble, at times, finding people for heroic quests on my main and that toon is on a launch server.


Absent starting a same-server alt (so you have a guild, you can twink, etc), does starting over seem worth it at this point? The game has changed a lot since I last played (looking at patch notes) and 1.2 will be another major shift. I wonder what this means for starting fresh.


Obviously, it being 'worth it' is a question for me to answer, but I would really appreciate any thoughts you may have about the prospects for starting anew at this point.



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Actually, because of the many dying servers people are rerolling onto more populated ones to the point where it feels like launch week on many of the starting planets (I have to wait for X mob to spawn, world bosses are on CD, etc). Granted with 1.2, these same servers might end up with queues, but I really don't mind them if that means I can find groups to play with.

Fatman Republic side I've seen starting world at 100+ and Coruscant around 150. The fleet sees just as high numbers. Imps have the (not surprisingly) higher number on this server but its not by that much.

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If you were talking about a game like Everquest I could see your point.. but really MMOs these days including this one (ESPECIALLY this one) are designed for you to solo from start to finish.


Yes the game's been out a few months but really in the big picture it's still in infancy. If you're going to start fresh there's no better time than now. It's not like credits are particularly hard to come by regardless of how new you are.


With Warzones being 1-49 PvP exp/gear is always no more than a minute away, if you are a completioninst and do every quest (minus the heroic ones) you'll still overlevel the content anyway.. so skipping the heroic ones you can't find people for in-zone isn't a big deal. I've had no problems completing half the heroics anyway with just a "anyone for blah blah" in planet chat.


I would definitely make sure you pick a high population server though.. as re-rolling on a mid pop you might end up stuck on a low pop in a month or two.

Edited by nfefx
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I've started a BUNCH of alts without having to rely on my higher level characters for credits. The good thing about SWTOR is that the class stories sorta make it interesting. The side quests are the same yah, but the class story is different. I just wish that for each quest hub the class mission had you doing more stuff before heading to the next zone.


But yah, it all comes down to you...if you can stand doing the same side quests then do it. Maybe even try the other faction if you hate the side quests for the other faction.

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i left my server because it was dying and went to Canderous Ordo, it is an east coast pve server and is almost always heavy. the starter worlds usually have 60-90 ppl and ive seen then have more. fleet and coruscant usually have 150+ each at prime time
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I think the hardest burden for new players are GTN prices. Everything costs WAY to much if you don't have a level 50 char feeding you credits while leveling.


At what point in leveling must you buy anything off the GTN?

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Starting over on a new server is a breeze right now. Hardest part is getting the names you want.


I just rerolled on a higher pop server and I'm having a blast. True, the lower level planets are not as full as launch week, but they are far from empty. Heroics fill quickly. 1-49 pvp bracket is fruitful and brimming with players.


I'm actually enjoying the game more this time around because I'm not skipping quests and I'm getting into the story a little more.

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Yes the game's been out a few months but really in the big picture it's still in infancy.


This x 1,000,000...





People get into this mind-set that for some reason this game is middle-aged and dying soon. It's a brand new game. The only people that ***** about it "dying soon" are ones that sat and spacebarred through all of the dialogue and have 4 or 5 level 50's and have nothing to do now but PVP and whine about what's OP and what's not. So, don't get sucked into that whole mentality, rush out and cancel your subscription and then find yourself 3 years later resubbing and wishing you hadn't cancelled the first time. Because by then you really will have fallen behind.


Anything you want to do now, do it. You didn't miss a "leveling wave." People make/remake new characters all the time. The best way to find out, instead of making a forum post, is to simply play the game and enjoy. And, as always, if you prefer soloing go to a lesser populated server, and if you prefer teaming go to a higher populated server. Win/win



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