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  1. Not sure if trolling or just incredibly dumb.
  2. Really? I had no idea. I'll keep that in mind next time I get in combat and knockback, stun, knockback, stun, stun, dead happens. Shoulda just spammed my leap more. Or i'll reroll sorc/bh. They're the most played classes after all.. shocking.
  3. Vehicle combat is one step below environmental damage on the scale of PvP blasphemy.
  4. Your trademark warzone, the most played one, likely the one players will see for the first time ever upon queueing for PvP in your game.. is a multi-leveled complex with narrow ramps and small platforms. You then gave literally every ranged class in the game at least one knockback on a very short cooldown. This not being enough, you then committed the PvP cardinal sin by throwing in a bunch of random environmental damage? .. I am understanding this correctly?
  5. This is an alternative way of doing it yes, but definitely a slower less effective one. If I didn't switch to Quinn on my marauder as soon as I got him i'd still have been stopping to heal after every single kill, even weak mobs.
  6. Pretty sure I read that if a duplicate item is already for sale, then your default price will be an undercut of that person. Otherwise if none are already for sale, then yes what you said applies.
  7. This thread is cute. In a 'baby's first MMO' kind of way.
  8. Slicing/Treasure Hunting/Underworld Trading Keep max companions running crew missions at all times you are logged in. Start with T-Hunting, expand to Slicing, UT last. I know it's not profitable at first and seems like a waste of credits but the more you skillup the better it gets, and spamming missions skills you up the fastest. Do your space and PvP dailies every day. Buy nothing off the GTN. Sell every blue+ item you don't equip on the GTN. Upgrade your gear as you go with PvP gear and planet commendations. Don't waste time running low level quests for OCD sake. If you find yourself over-leveling your storyline, start skipping side-quests until you're back on track.
  9. At what point in leveling must you buy anything off the GTN?
  10. Two or three of the level 20 PvP set are orange. Legs/chest... and maybe helm not positive. I know for sure I bought the legs and chest.
  11. Are crystals buyable with commendations? I have yet to see one for sale.. but then i'm only on Nar Shaddaa.
  12. If you were talking about a game like Everquest I could see your point.. but really MMOs these days including this one (ESPECIALLY this one) are designed for you to solo from start to finish. Yes the game's been out a few months but really in the big picture it's still in infancy. If you're going to start fresh there's no better time than now. It's not like credits are particularly hard to come by regardless of how new you are. With Warzones being 1-49 PvP exp/gear is always no more than a minute away, if you are a completioninst and do every quest (minus the heroic ones) you'll still overlevel the content anyway.. so skipping the heroic ones you can't find people for in-zone isn't a big deal. I've had no problems completing half the heroics anyway with just a "anyone for blah blah" in planet chat. I would definitely make sure you pick a high population server though.. as re-rolling on a mid pop you might end up stuck on a low pop in a month or two.
  13. I take it you mean like Armory, and the answer is no.. not yet.
  14. Feel free to call Bioware and tell them you want a detailed server pop spreadsheet then.. otherwise that's about the best metric you're going to find.
  15. http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats Sort by: PvE - > West Coast Top 5 by order of population: Zakkeg Beast (2.50) The Harbinger (2.31) Veebo Lunx (1.59) Gauntlet of Kressh (1.53) Wall of Light (1.50)
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