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[OFFICIAL] FACT! True Truth of Truest non-biased opinion about something trivial!


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I got killed by a class that appeared to have everything, yet have no evidence to back up my sad panda tears as to why i died.


I want those classes nerfed because its unfair that i died a couple of times. I even pressed my 1 AND 2 button twice each AND pressed the spacebar and M keys in panic whilst they killed me. ITs so unfair! Nerf meleee now Bioware or you are Fail! They can hit things and kill stuff!


Oh, and nerf healers - they can heal FFS! How is it fair that i cant kill every class solo 1v1 or even in an 8v8 with 3 other healers healing him ? I specced deliberately into not being useful! I demand a buff to my poorly thought out and badly geared character!


*** is up with ranged being able to shoot, AoE etc AND move around the map into more clever positions than me? Its not fair that people can LoS my casts and then kill me easily! Ranged need a massive nerf NOW or else I will definitely state that i am unsubbing in protest before I log back in to play again!


Why arent my BLue lvl 48 mods in orange non-PvP gear as effective as someone who has full re-modded Battlemaster? we should be on a level playing field, its about Skillz not having to put any time/thought/effort/learning into PvPing! Its so unfair!


Oh, And WTH is with other classes defensive cooldowns? I have a similar, equal or better version myself but someone used theirs to good effect and killed me? Nerf them now! (but id like to keep all my utility/CDs that i will quietly not talk about in my nerfing posts)


I want instant level 50 alts Bioware, and Epics and all crafted items from a vendor for 100 credits each with no form of restriction or you is Failz BW! Ill Unsub! I will!


Oh, and what is up with being able to choose a different character, server or skillset if i dont like/ am not very good with the character I first chose? Why should I have to choose things? There should be a bot that does it all for me whilst my name is flashed up on the interwebz for being awesome!


Oh, and Nerf Shadows!.

Edited by Phuzz
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How did you lose if you pressed m? That doesnt make sense. Maybe they were exploiting.


Or could be hacks. They probably hacked your settings with a virus that caused the M key to suddenly do something stupid like bring up your map instead of instakill your opponents. The other side uses that hack on me all the time.

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Have anyone else noticed that funny trend?

You know, where one persone QQs about X issue and 5 mins later whole first page is about that issue by different noobs?

Happened to most classes.

Now it moved to *official* in thread name, like they think we care for anyone that isn't posting with yellow letters or linking to yellow post.


Seriously, humanity, how much more dumb can you get?

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Did you try pressing the keys HARDER?


I LOL'd irl... But on a serious note, games are destroyed because of QQers.

I'm not sure it's the developers fault for listening when their forums are dominated with "THIS GAME IS TERRIBAD! CHANGE EVERYTHING!" posts.

It would be hard to keep on keepin on when every single thing that you read about the direction you are going by paying customers is a negative comment.

That being said I'm curious to see what the 1.2 changes are going to do.

Will it be balance?

Or will it be destruction?

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We really need to look at this carefully....


There are more imperials in pvp thant republics, I'd say close to 2:1


We will completely ignore the fact that the same faction can play in huttball as it is now.


So since we have twice as many imperial as we have republic players, the total number of their skills and damage is at least twice as much as that of republic players.


there fore we need to remove aproximately half the skills and half the damage from all imperial players in order to even the playing field.

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