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Loving it.


After the ME3 ending vibe.. (I'm still feeling the effects of Indoctrination).. this is a great, GREAT breath of fresh air.




Bring on 1.2 and the ME3 DLC.. 2 great updates... 2 great games.


They are still adding stuff to the new 1.2 patch it will be out next month now i think or they will wait a bit longer for it ok.

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This is not a perfect game but I appreciate the hours, days, months, years everyone has spent on producing it for my pleasure.


I have no expectations of games anymore- if they bring me joy I keep playing and paying.


Have a wonderful day to creators and fans alike.


No kidding, fun stuff. Same to you OP.

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I enjoy the game, but I am not going to thank someone for doing their job making something for a recreational and capital gain purpose, just my opinion.


My continued sub is a good enough thank you and all they probably care about anyway.



That is not defined as rational though, but a lack of manners and social graces.


Just saying. ;p

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I agree with OP as well. My expectations of MMOs are tempered with memories of Zork and Castle Wolfenstein (I was in high school when Nixon resigned.) The game is fun for me, my friends and my guild. No level of forum griefing can upset that, or diminish our appreciation - both for what EA/BW/LA has accomplished thus far, and for where they are taking this game. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Even though i should be sleeping now, ill join in on this.

I enjoy this game very very much play every day, there is always something to do, see and explore.


Today me and my bud was leveling alts, and he got stuck in a passage from the area to my ship.

He had already used his fleetpass earlier, when we thought we had enough, we didnt :p

He wrote a ticket, and within 10 min, BW responded.

Within 5 min, they moved him to the fleet.

SUPERB support i might say, never had i expected this.

I was ready to pack up my alt and wait 17 hours for his fleetpass to get reset.

But no, within no time we where back on leveling.


So, besides some small bugs, a little unbalance, tweaks and stuff, it will get fixed.

You guys are working hard, and SOME of us DO notice.

Like the reverse engineering in 1.2, HUGH programming work.

Take your time guys, some of us a willing to wait for something perfect and awesome,

instead of rushed, half finished and useless updates.


So thank you BW, EA and LA, epic work so far!


PS: Sticky this thread!

Dont let the haters win! :p

Edited by DecanAndersen
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I've been playing since Beta and am still loving the game every day.


1. The devs did a great job capturing the feel and look of Star Wars. What a great universe. Few of the complainers understand how much work goes into the world design and story writing. This was a labor of love and all Star Wars fans should enjoy it for a long time.


2. The PvP is fun for me. I am not a hardcore PvP'er, but I've enjoyed leveling my third toon largely through PvP. And I think it's only going to get better. Sure, Ilum PvP was a disappointment, but nothing is ever perfect. The Warzones are fun and the metrics show that because a lot of people are doing them.


3. The companion system rocks. I've already leveled three toons to 50 and I'm gonna do the rest so I can get to know all of the great characters in this game. This alone would keep me busy in this game for about a year. But with great patches like 1.2 on the way, who knows how long it will take before I get each class to 50.


4. Creating alts is fun for me. Already covered in point 3 above.


5. I love seeing my legacy level up. I'm legacy level 29. Can't wait for the rewards they are talking about in 1.2


6. The raids and flashpoints are fun. I'm no hardcore raider and there have been bugs, but overall, I've enjoyed the variety in boss encounters. I think the stuff that is working is all well-designed and I have enjoyed EV and KP on normal and hard-modes for a couple of months now. The next tier is coming at just about the right time for me.


7. Crafting was a disappointment but I like the direction they are going in 1.2. I can forgive a lot if I like the direction a game is going.


I've only played WoW and Rift a lot before ToR. But I'm enjoying ToR a lot right now and expect to be here for a long time. Great work, Bioware. For those who know your games and read about your plans for ToR prior to release, we were not disappointed.


well said

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The community needed a thread like this Moral is pretty low; we also need to let the Community manager know that we would like our forum back...the negativity and the BioWare bashing by resident Trolls has really gone too far. Arenanet has a great policy on their beta forums if you have a history of negativity with no constructive feedback you lose your forum privileges. They say being part of a community is to help make it better not just Troll. BioWare needs to adopt that policy. Edited by Jett-Rinn
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This is not a perfect game but I appreciate the hours, days, months, years everyone has spent on producing it for my pleasure.


I have no expectations of games anymore- if they bring me joy I keep playing and paying.


Have a wonderful day to creators and fans alike.


took the words right out of my mouth.

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Yep loving the game; the most bothersome thing is the very large very well funded Astroturfing campaign against it. I believe BioWare is making huge mistake by tolerating it.


I agree completely, the Anti-Bioware movement is getting very tiresome.


I agree with the topic creator, the game is a lot of fun, and I think with 1.2 its only getting better at this point.

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The community needed a thread like this Moral is pretty low; we also need to let the Community manager know that we would like our forum back...the negativity and the BioWare bashing by resident Trolls has really gone too far. Arenanet has a great policy on their beta forums if you have a history of negativity with no constructive feedback you lose your forum privileges. They say being part of a community is to help make it better not just Troll. BioWare needs to adopt that policy.






Constructive criticism is needed but constant trolling about how the game "sucks" and "GW2 can't come soon enough" is the cancer of this community.

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With so many threads about how people hate the game (don't get me started on why the heck these people are bothering to post on something they supposedly hate), I figured I'd contribute to one of the few that has people that seem to be enjoying the game, as I am.


Just started playing, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Not as much RP as I'd hoped, but then again, the combat speed makes it kind of hard to do in the middle of a mission.


Still, not as good as the original SWG, but easily my second favorite MMO so far (and I've played most of the big name ones starting with EQ1).


Looking forward to the improvements and additions that always come as the game matures.




Vrook Lamar

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having played both the beta of guild wars 2 and Tera I can honestly now say both those games blows major chunks. Neither of them gave me as much entertainment as playing star wars did and does and I can see the game getting a ton better with 1.2 just around the corner!


Guild wars 2 just felt like a button bashing fail combat system mmo and Tera felt like they let some novice korean people design a game.


Here is to the future of star wars, looking forward to more to come! can't wait for 1.2 and all the goodies it will bring us!

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Thanks BioWare for continuing to provide excellent games for us gamers. You can never please everyone and some people will never be happy. As a fan since Baldur's Gate 1, I know that your games have flaws and frustrations but they have all been excellent experiences despite or, maybe, because of that.


SW:TOR has tremendous potential, even at it's infancy. Some people realize and understand how MMO development works, some don't. I just hope you don't get discouraged by the bile spewed by angry, sad people who take their frustrations in life out on everyone and everything else. They don't consider for a moment that a large number of people have poured their lives and souls into this project and, most likely, made many personal sacrifices just so we, the ungrateful and self-important consumers, can have the best experience possible.


I just hope that everyone in BioWare, from the founders to the mailman who you hired 2 days ago, knows that there are people out there who appreciate and enjoy your products, not as products to be consumed, but as games to be played and experienced.

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Funny, I've seen a lot of negative criticism and good criticism titles, but I always wonder why the moderator's take the negative ones so hurtfully and close their threads. But any good threads stay?


If I were a dev I think I would want the negative criticism as well just to see on how they can make things better.


Instead they shudder in a corner crying saying, "OMG please someone take that nasty criticism away before it hurts me".

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