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SWTOR is not dead. It´s just evolving.


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Well. This is my opinion. I don´t think SWTOR is dying, it´s just evolving. Well... Not with the help of Bioware, but many players just took their destiny to their own hands and rerolled to high pop servers witout waiting for server merging or a migration tool.


And this is OK, SWTOR is not meant to be played solo. I was suffering on a low pop server too untill I realized I just loosing my time hoping for a miracle. Well... there will be no miracle... I pretty sure that Bioware WILL NOT MERGE SERVERS. A migration tool is more probable and useful because players must choose where they want to play, and it´s easier to implement.


Well. Returning to the point of my thread, SWTOR is not dying, it´s just deflating itself to the size it had been meant to be from the begining. High hype arround this game is finally gone, and SWTOR Bane just loosed its nourishing of venom.


BUT SWTOR keeps being a very good MMO arround. It doesn´t matter that it didn´t achive the WoW scale. It never had a chance against a 8 years enormity of WoW in the first place.

1.7 millions of suscribers is still very good number for a start MMO. Certainly this 1.7 will drop to 1 million eventually. But still 1 million is good number for a starter MMO. Actually this reflects the real worth of SWTOR, not the hyped one. And it´s more than enough to keep the game alive and Bioware happy. And this number, 1 million, will be steady with all ebbs and flows of subscriptions untill a new new full expansion comes out. Eventually, after some 6 years, SWTOR may come to WoW subscription numbers.


I am actually sure that WoW didn´t have so many subscribers when it first came out. The number were arround a million too.


Many 50s will unsubscribe for sure, but new players will come eventually too. SWTOR is one of the most friendly communities arroud, and very perfect for the people who want try theirselves in a new genre. I was one of them.


I tried WoW sometime before SWTOR, and I got to level 30, but the whole game I played solo. I tried to group with other people, but they plainly ingnored me. All they were arround 60s and higer. During my playthrough in WoW, I couldn´t group not even once, and I was in guild with 50 people. In SWTOR, the situation was quite opposite. If you want to do Heroics, you must group with somebody. It´s pretty easy to group. I just throw a message to General Chat "Anyone for that heroic" and "LF1 more for <heroic>", and people always repond. SWTOR is the game that gave me the real feel of an MMO.

For a person who never played MMO before, SWTOR just take me in without asking elitist jerk questions and awarded me with the title of Founder. And I am not a noob, I am proud PC gamer for the last 15 years, so I know how the games are played, from a heavy strategic one such as Europa Universalis to Battlefield 1/2/3.


Well. Returning to the topic again...

The fact that so many people rerolled to new servers is not sign of decline. It´s the natural reaction of SWTOR community for the self preservation. There is no reason to stay on a empty server waiting for the number of subscribers to rise (untill a new expansion there will be no raise) or untill the server is merged (will never happen, migration tool is more probable). Eventually the community will establish itself on a few servers and will stay there untill a new expansion is released. After the latter, the community may be expanded to a few more servers and again stay static. It´s a very healthy reaction we are observing, it assures us that SWTOR came to stay.


At least I will stay on my FULL :D server some 4 months more. And you ?

Edited by Ivanblood
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I'm really having a lot of fun on SWTOR.


It's getting really hard to view the forums lately. In game chat sometimes too. All people want to do is complain. Some people it seems are on some kind of campaign to make sure everyone knows they think the game sucks and you need to think that as well. :(


I really like the game. Even with the problems it's having.

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