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1.2 Hidden Tactics buff to Pulse cannon on pts


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My main is pt so i made a lvl 10 pt on pts to check the changes and our version of pulse generator has been changed. This is a hidden buff as its not on patch notes yet.


Most likely because being mirrors will be same for both sides,


The change will make pulse fire add stacks to better pulse cannons, make it uninteruptable with stacks and at 5stacks apply a slow most likely.


thought i should let you guys know :)

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I have been bouncing back and forth between Tactics and Iron-Fist (SS/Tac Hybrid) over the past month and one of the key things that has always caught my eye were the pretty numbers that popped up when you pulled the AOE-Stun --> Pulse Cannon combo w/ 5 stacks lined up.


Only problem was people ran out of AOE once the stun wore off (usually 1 tick) and people who interrupted me mid cast. (I would still have to use Hold-The-Line in conjunction with Pulse Cannon to avoid Sage/Sorcerer knock-back:().


If these changes would go through, that would turn the tides in Tac specs favor in my ongoing dispute against SS/Tac hybrid vs. full tac specs for pvp.


Now if they can just fix the damn lag issue that I get way where I use Pulse cannon on someone who is definitely in the visual cone and yet t never hits!! Raggok (Oozo) captured this on one of his videos a while back, I get this wayyyyyy to often and its sucks after saving up the 5 stacks. :mad:


I am guess that perhaps the changes were made to offset the fact that they are neutering mortar volley to the point where they should call it "cotton ball and harsh language launcher." They should make it automatically cause your character to shout out "please move out of the extremely small and noticeable AOE symbol by slightly leaning left or right just a touch."

Edited by KoshrBacon
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Pulse cannon will give us quite a strong snare to peel with, and sticky > FP > Stock > Gut > HIB > IP spam > pulse cannon should give it a nice burst fall off burst fall off burst rotation. Thats a nice rotation for someone with the option of doing it with tank cell and battle focus up.


Maybe 15 seconds in total to go through the whole rotation of instants, build a 5 stack and channel pulse cannon. That should kill most things. Running HEC with it seems like a slow damage rotation for the same kill speed, but the Ion variant will be out of ammo without blowing reserve powercell on pulse cannon.

Edited by Rotm
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Immune to interrupts and CC over duration is pretty damn cool. o_o


Probably crits for 2.2k a tick!


Couple of weeks back ive managed to crit for 2.5k a tick with the talented pulse cannon.

Better gear now - and soon a much better & desired talent upgrade - guess ill try again ;)

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I'll never understand the serrated blades/CT hate. I agree guts damage leaves something to be desired but the complaints are ridiculous. Maybe if serrated blades had some armor pen on it for the kinetic portion?


I'd say it's because a neglible increase in DoT's damage (which isn't great in the first place) for 3 points is a huge waste, especially so high up in the tree.


As for Combat Tactics - it has little synergy with the tree, a chance (!) to get a crit from an ability with a 15 second cooldown (which doesn't even hit that hard without going deep into Assault) certainly isn't groundbreaking - which is only compounded by the fact that you have waste 3 points on serrated blades to even get it.

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Couple of weeks back ive managed to crit for 2.5k a tick with the talented pulse cannon.

Better gear now - and soon a much better & desired talent upgrade - guess ill try again ;)


Our guns should meet and make 2 x 2.5k tick babies... hahaha


Running full tactics lately, having a blast.

Edited by Tootzi_
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How come nobody tells me what the Power Screen buff does? :(


Well that guy hasn't posted back yet iirc. Not to mention "1.2 hidden tactics buff" discussion and what not.


I'll let ya know when I screw a round with the ptr though :p

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I actually just re-specced tactics today for fun (normally run IF and have played assault a fair bit) and have been pleasantly surprised by it's crazy sustained DPS and infinite ammo.


Pulse cannon is insane AE if people stack up.... if it gets buffed, wow.

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Pulse Cannon is pretty sweet with the new addition to Pulse Generator. Has a tick that goes off instantly when you hit the ability, and does 4 ticks throughout the duration instead of 3.



I promise to check the shield talent stuff after I get some dinner :p


Edit: So you lose 2% absorb on ceramic but gain what I assume is 2% per stack, stacking 4 times from Power Screen (talent starts at 1% per stack per 15 seconds, so either the time doubles for the amount does).


Net gain of 6% absorb.

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Serrated blades should increase all of gut by 15%.


Better, but still not groundbreakingfor 3 points.


I really hope they will increase hamstring's snare to at least 9 seconds. Why should we spam a DoT attack to keep someone snared? Ideally it should be exactly as long as the DoT portion, but it'd be probably a bit too much.

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Edit: So you lose 2% absorb on ceramic but gain what I assume is 2% per stack, stacking 4 times from Power Screen (talent starts at 1% per stack per 15 seconds, so either the time doubles for the amount does).


Net gain of 6% absorb.


Did they nerf Counterattack? It went from 5 points to 3 points so I assumed there was a drop in value.


Ceramic plate nerf isn't much.




2% stacking 4 times is pretty good for PvE. Not sure about PvP.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Did they nerf Counterattack? It went from 5 points to 3 points so I assumed there was a drop in value.


Ceramic plate nerf isn't much.




2% stacking 4 times is pretty good for PvE. Not sure about PvP.


Yeah, I do believe you lost 4% shield chance. Looked like it was 2% per point still.

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