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Republic is the new Alliance.


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So sad, warzones are just Empire facerolling a bunch of clueless, slow reacting Republic people.


So yes, it is official, Republic is the new Alliance. Not too late to reroll and join the dark side, at least they have cookies.


Flame me as much as you want, this is the truth.

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Played I think 7ish warzones last night. Won all but 1 and it was Huttball with an Empire premade on the other side(at least 6 with same guild tag) highly organized and passed like champs.


Hoping Rebels put up a better fight tonight, I like winning as much as the next guy but I don't want them being demoralized and stop queueing.

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No I'm not gonna play republic and I'm gonna tell you why:


1. Sick of playing Alliance in WoW. Frustrated for years, but kept playing because of friends. F**** friends.

2. Most people playing Republic are ... "dreamers", "closeted RPers". They don't have a PvP mind, aren't competitive enough to practice and get better.

3. A lot of people playing Republic are at their first true MMO. They're clueless and would take years for them to get better.


So basically yes, screw this, it's not worth it.

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No I'm not gonna play republic and I'm gonna tell you why:


1. Sick of playing Alliance in WoW. Frustrated for years, but kept playing because of friends. F**** friends.

2. Most people playing Republic are ... "dreamers", "closeted RPers". They don't have a PvP mind, aren't competitive enough to practice and get better.

3. A lot of people playing Republic are at their first true MMO. They're clueless and would take years for them to get better.


So basically yes, screw this, it's not worth it.

I play pretty much only for PvP


I picked republic because empire = 90% huttball


be a man--if your faction sucks, then play better to make up for it

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I play pretty much only for PvP


I picked republic because empire = 90% huttball


be a man--if your faction sucks, then play better to make up for it


I am a man, that's why I say **** Republic. Players in warzones don't even read the chat, tried telling a guy to stop running from me so I can heal him... neah just charged directly into a bunch of Sith, him having 20% HP. Guess what happened...

Edited by Vastalee
removed profanity
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I am a man, that's why I say f*** Republic. Players in warzones don't even read the chat, tried telling a guy to stop running from me so I can heal him... neah just charged directly into a bunch of Sith, him having 20% HP. Guess what happened...


I think you're having a you problem.

Edited by portichae
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I think Republic players got a lot better from Beta. Except for one Huttball match where we crushed them 6 - 0, it's been fairly even IMO, winning and losing as people learn their classes.


My only beef is with Troopers who I stab-stab-stab-stab-stabbity stab and they refuse to die.

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I didn't pvp much last night but we won 4 out of 5. Although the one we lost was absolutely pitiful. No one had a clue what they were doing.


Honestly though I don't understand why any pvp fan would go empire. The queue times are so ridiculously long. I'd much rather find some good republic players that think like me and pvp with them all the time.

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Well all I can do is add my 2 cents to this,


Played around 20 matches yesterday and I think the republic won 15 of them. I know at one point we were on a 8 game win streak. So I think it has more to do with what time you are playing, then strictly empire vs republic.

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I actually think it depends on level. Empire players 10-15 are just clueless idiots, doing random stuff, if you have more than 2 of those you'll lose for sure. On the other hand 10-20 Republic always seems like the at least think a bit about teamplay. Plus there are no healers on Empire, or barely any, while Republic always gets at least 1 Commando, who just keeps everyone alive and people are too dumb to focus him.
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No I'm not gonna play republic and I'm gonna tell you why:


1. Sick of playing Alliance in WoW. Frustrated for years, but kept playing because of friends. F**** friends.

2. Most people playing Republic are ... "dreamers", "closeted RPers". They don't have a PvP mind, aren't competitive enough to practice and get better.

3. A lot of people playing Republic are at their first true MMO. They're clueless and would take years for them to get better.


So basically yes, screw this, it's not worth it.



1. I play Republic and was Horde Core.


2. I RP, PvP, Raid, everything. Generalizations are bad. I love proving to people that RPers can game too.


3. Def not my first MMO.



Also of the warzones I've been in it's been fairly split between emp/rep wins. Find a different server, or get over yourself and roll 1 republic alt and start teaching teamwork and turn the tide.

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No I'm not gonna play republic and I'm gonna tell you why:


1. Sick of playing Alliance in WoW. Frustrated for years, but kept playing because of friends. F**** friends.

2. Most people playing Republic are ... "dreamers", "closeted RPers". They don't have a PvP mind, aren't competitive enough to practice and get better.

3. A lot of people playing Republic are at their first true MMO. They're clueless and would take years for them to get better.


So basically yes, screw this, it's not worth it.


This is the most idiotic thing I read all day. You'll be in for a surprise when you put on your big boy pants and realize that the world is not black and white.

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