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Can I have my Champion Comms back BioWare


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Since BioWare will be seriously nerfing my BH/Merc Healer plans, I won't need the extra set of Champion armor/implants I have purchased to run dual spec as a BH/Merc Healer/DPS.


I'm glad I didn't waste any Rakata/Columi/BattleMaster comms on BH Medic gear.


Can we get our Champion commendations back?

Edited by ShadowAxx
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lol. are all the QQers really convinced that the nerf is that bad? doesnt look like it to me. i see a few things that cost a bit more heat and stuff, so what, space out your heals a bit more.

also, youre gonna have more aim and power and stuff with the new gear, so the higher heat cost might be offset by the fact that your heals are gonna be bigger.

just calm down a bit there chicken little. the sky isnt falling just yet. wait to try it, and if you overheat after 1 or 2 heals, then come here and cry, but until then, just take it easy.

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lol. are all the QQers really convinced that the nerf is that bad? doesnt look like it to me. i see a few things that cost a bit more heat and stuff, so what, space out your heals a bit more.

also, youre gonna have more aim and power and stuff with the new gear, so the higher heat cost might be offset by the fact that your heals are gonna be bigger.

just calm down a bit there chicken little. the sky isnt falling just yet. wait to try it, and if you overheat after 1 or 2 heals, then come here and cry, but until then, just take it easy.


Sorry, I know exactly how these changes will affect BH/merc healing. If there are gear changes which will offset the changes to the BH healing, they will benefit all healers, leaving the BH healer as the least loved in the class. Also, if there are gear changes to offset, let's hear about them now.


If BioWare is going to cripple BH healing in PvE such that no one will want me in their raid group, is it too much to ask to get back all of the comms and credits I have foolishly invested so I run as a stronger DPS?


Anyway, as a monthly subscriber, I unsubscribed tonight.


If these changes go live in 1.2 I will not resubscribe. I am not alone, and if BioWare wanted fewer healers and fewer players in the game, they might just get their wish.


You can troll me all you want with your chicken little comment. I am fed up with the poor customer service and this proposed change has brought me to the tipping point.

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ya, i just dont think the bodyguard changes are that bad. i think its just human nature for ppl to get upset when their class gets nerfed a little.

like are the changes really that bad? a bit of crit chance, 2% less on kolto residue? kolto shell (an actual ability that you use) now costs heat...wow, shocker

and supercharged gas now has like 5% less healing done. so what? try it out, see how it goes.

maybe thats just me. im not the type to try to tell a book by its cover. i like to be reasonable and rational and try things out for myself, and then come to a logical conclusion based on my experiences.

also, theres good things in the healing tree, kolto missile=4 ppl now, and cure will also heal you a bit. i know that as a healer, i much prefer healing over not healing.

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ya, i just dont think the bodyguard changes are that bad. i think its just human nature for ppl to get upset when their class gets nerfed a little.

like are the changes really that bad? a bit of crit chance, 2% less on kolto residue? kolto shell (an actual ability that you use) now costs heat...wow, shocker

and supercharged gas now has like 5% less healing done. so what? try it out, see how it goes.

maybe thats just me. im not the type to try to tell a book by its cover. i like to be reasonable and rational and try things out for myself, and then come to a logical conclusion based on my experiences.

also, theres good things in the healing tree, kolto missile=4 ppl now, and cure will also heal you a bit. i know that as a healer, i much prefer healing over not healing.


I wish I could explain the changes in terms you could understand with your sniper and jugg. These changes are dramatic. BH Merc healer was already at or near the bottom compared to a Sorc.


The point I have been making and sharing sentiment with other knowledgable posters, is the the choice to nerf 2/3 of the healing population when they should have buffed 1/3 the OPs. It's a BioWare choice to grief 2/3 of the playing population versus make a 1/3 happy by giving them a boost. Healing is already a thankless job in the game and not an easy job in hardmode/nightmare missions. Patch 1.2 will make it even harder, and who gets blamed when people die? The HEALER.


The healer population is already fragile and under populated. This is a sad day for SWToR.


If these changes go thru it just proves BioWare doesn't care about me, healers or the player population in general.


The best solution is to vote with our pocket books, and tonight there are many healers unsubscribing from the game.

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Well thats your choice. IMO you can't judge it until you've played it. I'm leveling a merc right now that I started a while ago to be my healer char. Dunno if I'll be 50 by 1.2 but im honna be a healer regardless.

My point is, why just unsub because of some patch notes that aren't even final? They have that huge red writing that says "SUBJECT TO CHANGE" in bold letters for a reason. Because they might change. There's been a lot of qq about bh healing so theres a good chance they'll change something by 1.2.

No PTS changes are worth unsubbing IMO. Nothing's final until it goes live, and even then they might patch it.

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Well thats your choice. IMO you can't judge it until you've played it. I'm leveling a merc right now that I started a while ago to be my healer char. Dunno if I'll be 50 by 1.2 but im honna be a healer regardless.

My point is, why just unsub because of some patch notes that aren't even final? They have that huge red writing that says "SUBJECT TO CHANGE" in bold letters for a reason. Because they might change. There's been a lot of qq about bh healing so theres a good chance they'll change something by 1.2.

No PTS changes are worth unsubbing IMO. Nothing's final until it goes live, and even then they might patch it.


Great comments.


The point is, the choice to nerf 2/3 of the healing population instead of finding another path, demonstrates a flaw in the perception BioWare has toward it's player base. I pay to play this game to have fun. This is a moment in time when a large group of players are going to challenge the approach BioWarre takes to tweaking the game. Because so many of us already know how hard it is to manage heat as a BH healer, we know the impact this will have, and surely the developers know as well. And given that they know, what the h*ll are they thinking?


Patch 1.2 was supposed to be the reason we all wanted to keep playing the game. However, it appears to be such an assault on a hard class to play, that I don't feel like wasting any more time or $$$ on the game.


I can still wait and see what changes to the patch are made before the release. But, if the proposed changes make into the live game, I see no reason to return. I can clearly read the writing on the wall and the message BioWare is sending to the player base.

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for the people that are saying "lol qqers, this nerf isn't that bad"


i might agree with you, i have't really tested (merc healing)


but the big picture question you should be asking is WHY THE NERFS in the first place (on merc healers)?


NO ONE felt they were overpowered (merc healers), no one, and at the risk of being redundant, ppl think sorcs are OP healers right now, i think BW got their classes confused

Edited by rotatorkuf
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Since those commendations are bound to the character? What would you even do with them if you got them back? Nice try.


Not to mention you can't use them anymore and champ gear is taken out of the game.



To the OP. I'm actually on the PTR testing it. And while it is a nerf, it isn't the end of the world, nor will it break the class.


If you were on here testing and found something that was horribad i could understand crying - but let us do our gd jobs before you go crying fix this, the sky is falling, blah blah blah.


We don't know about the gear changes yet because they aren't in - therefor we can't test them with the gear changes, and we can't give you new numbers yet.

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for the people that are saying "lol qqers, this nerf isn't that bad"


i might agree with you, i have't really tested (merc healing)


but the big picture question you should be asking is WHY THE NERFS in the first place (on merc healers)?


NO ONE felt they were overpowered (merc healers), no one, and at the risk of being redundant, ppl think sorcs are OP healers right now, i think BW got their classes confused


well from what i read on the sorc forums, theyre healing got nerfed too.

but my whole thing is simply this, yes BH healers got a small nerf, but maybe they made a lot of other under the hood changes that will balance it out. they dont always put every little change in the patch notes

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well from what i read on the sorc forums, theyre healing got nerfed too.

but my whole thing is simply this, yes BH healers got a small nerf, but maybe they made a lot of other under the hood changes that will balance it out. they dont always put every little change in the patch notes


All intended changes, given the magnitude of the patch notes, are in the patch notes. They only hide exploits and bug fixes from the notes so people don't take advantage of them before the patch goes live.


And ffs, do not comment about the effectiveness of a class, let alone healing in general, when you've never played one (< 50 does not count). This WILL be game-changing for BG Merc as it sits now. My proof is based on being the main tank healer in NMM ops. We've cleared all NMM content in my guild and I feel BG is perfect where it is, sans a much needed AoE buff. Any increase in heat requirements will break my ability to effectively heal in NMM. And don't make the new gear an excuse to nearing a class. For one, you have to get it, and 75% of the population won't get it for a long time. And making gear overpowered to compensate for piss-poor class changes is not a path a successful game company should take.

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