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1.2 is Class Balance? Unsubbed - Want my BM gear?


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if there is one thing that never changes about any MMO is that it NEVER reaches balance.


So nah , 1.2 is just the beginning of the ever changing class balancing hehehe.


I totally agree that MMOs never truly become balanced, but often they come close. Patches usually close the gap between classes or rearrange who is powerful.


The fact that this patch is FURTHER exacerbating imbalances that already exist is the problem. A buff for marauders... really?? Bioware is completely clueless. This does not bode well for the future of class balance at all in SWTOR.

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I will make this VERY short for the subject that it involves:


MMOs are never balanced, balance is an opinion.

The closest an MMO can come to being balanced WILL require communication and every class receiving it's in-depth look.

No one wants to play a terrible class, players will defend their class to hell and back regardless of how balanced it is or isn't.

To achieve balance (lol), one must first understand what is negating balance.


Sorcs/Sages were never OP:

They had beneficial bugs, and TOO MUCH utility.


Why roll ___ for ___ when you can do it better as a ___.

If this statement exists, that's what is negating balance.

This statement will never ring true if there is balance.


I would suggest using this statement for future class changes, and it might do a better job for balancing than listening to the 99%.. You know.. Those players that hold up signs saying "My class is underpowered" and then you realize that according to them every class is underpowered..


Don't beg better players to help test things, provide them with the tools to help test things.

Begging will never work, providing tools will always work.

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