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What am I doing wrong


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I want to like the sentinel class I really do I know it must be something Im doing wrong but for some reason I just cant ,cant ,cant win a duel or pvp of any kind I don't even come close I get them maybe half way down then I bite it mostly same level duels with a Jedi shadow whos my main questing buddy. Im level twenty four at the moment specced combat I usually leap in zealous strike then leg sweep then master strike then blade storm i make sure rebuke is up and apply my dot then basic attack alternating slash until blade storm is off cd and just keep DoT applied but i never get close he just obliterates me. Is something wrong with my rotation will I get more tools for damage later please help this is depressing ive got loads of WoW arena under my belt with a good 3v rating so getting facerolled in pvp on any mmo really hurts my ego!!!


p.s. I know they are not the same game but there are similaritys

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2 levels dude and you get pacify, it really sucks but that is the soonest you start getting defensive cds. BUT wait till you get to try it out on your shadow buddy.


Sent is very level dependant, and combat right now is very gear dependant, just have faith if you like the class.

Edited by Crawelc
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Sentinel/Marauder is a very, so to say "top-heavy" class. Sentinels and Marauders get their best skills and survivability cooldowns at the higher levels. Also, none of the 3 specs truly shine before lvl 40. I'd say get to lvl 40 or 50 as fast as possible and then start to PvP.
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Shadow's are really really hard to beat 1v1 regardless of what build they are in or what level. They have so many skills to keep you off of them while dealing damage, I wouldn't feel bad about him beating you.


As said, you won't get your good 1v1 abilities till later in your leveling process. Plus Combat spec is not good for 1v1 fights. If you tried watchman you might do considerably better.

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So I am gonna hijack this thread, what the hell am I doing wrong?




That is my spec as far as I remember. I am level 35, and I can't take out a Gold without it being damn close. Example is Start of Act 2, Tatooine Class Quest, the Gold Mobs, you have to kill three, I can't do it. I couldn't finish Act 1 without a my healer friend.


Normal Play - I have the luxury of leveling with 2 other people constantly. We only play these characters with each other. Trooper Tank and Consular Healer, I am DPS. I feel like I have great damage when we are together, but as soon as I try and do anything on my own, I am just getting owned. These mobs are green, but I feel like I have no survivability. My gear is fairly decent, I have up to date Hilts since I make em myself.


Is it me? Is it my spec? Is it my tree? Is it the class?


By the way, as our trio, we just **** face, it's not even funny.


This is a cry for help in how to play better, because the better I get, the better our group gets IMO.



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So I am gonna hijack this thread, what the hell am I doing wrong?




That is my spec as far as I remember. I am level 35, and I can't take out a Gold without it being damn close. Example is Start of Act 2, Tatooine Class Quest, the Gold Mobs, you have to kill three, I can't do it. I couldn't finish Act 1 without a my healer friend.


Normal Play - I have the luxury of leveling with 2 other people constantly. We only play these characters with each other. Trooper Tank and Consular Healer, I am DPS. I feel like I have great damage when we are together, but as soon as I try and do anything on my own, I am just getting owned. These mobs are green, but I feel like I have no survivability. My gear is fairly decent, I have up to date Hilts since I make em myself.


Is it me? Is it my spec? Is it my tree? Is it the class?


By the way, as our trio, we just **** face, it's not even funny.


This is a cry for help in how to play better, because the better I get, the better our group gets IMO.




It's your level. The 30's are a brutal time for sentinels. It seems like our abilities just don't scale well during that range comparitive to other classes and enemies. Once you get to around 40, that will change DRASTICALLY. I remember being in the same boat as you mid-30's. I could take down a single gold, but it was always a tough fight. Just try and stick it out a few more levels and you will notice a massive increase in both your DPS and survivability.


My one reccommendation is to really start focusing on using as many skills as you can. I'm not sure if you have pacify and force stasis yet (too lazy to check), but if so start using them as often as you can. Another move that is rarely used, but highly useful solo is force sweep > pommel strike to a weak mob. It's basically a 1-hit KO to any weak mob. Lastly, make sure you are keeping your DoT's up as much as possible. Force Leap > Overload Saber > zealous > cauterize > etc... Get them ticking as much as you can and just watch the HP melt away.

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All we can really say is, hang in there man. It's not you! Our class starts hard and then dips into awful for a while. Once we hit L30+, life starts to shine.


For now, you need to spec Watchman, that will give you a higher edge thanks to the burns and heals it provides. It's not much but it does a difference.


If you stick with the class, learn the basics and keep trying to improve your strategies and tactic, once you hit L40, you'll quickly become the next big thing. :)

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It's your level. The 30's are a brutal time for sentinels. It seems like our abilities just don't scale well during that range comparitive to other classes and enemies. Once you get to around 40, that will change DRASTICALLY. I remember being in the same boat as you mid-30's. I could take down a single gold, but it was always a tough fight. Just try and stick it out a few more levels and you will notice a massive increase in both your DPS and survivability.


My one reccommendation is to really start focusing on using as many skills as you can. I'm not sure if you have pacify and force stasis yet (too lazy to check), but if so start using them as often as you can. Another move that is rarely used, but highly useful solo is force sweep > pommel strike to a weak mob. It's basically a 1-hit KO to any weak mob. Lastly, make sure you are keeping your DoT's up as much as possible. Force Leap > Overload Saber > zealous > cauterize > etc... Get them ticking as much as you can and just watch the HP melt away.


One of my favorite combos, especially a group of silver and weaks, is Force Leap, Statsis, Sweep. The 100% increased damage+Auto Crit is just delicious. I have been spoiled only leveling in a group so I am underusing abilities. I will work in Cauterize and Pacify as I know for a fact I underuse those. Thanks for the feedback. Next time I have to solo when we break up to do our own class thing (usually at the end of mini arcs where you get a class specific dungeon). I'll respec Watchman and try it out. I think this is the first time ever I have a personal reason for Dual Specs.

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