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BW still silent on operative/scoundrel


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"they get away from me sometimes" is quite a far cry from "they kill me all the time".




I can pretty regularly take down good pvp'ers in full BM gear with my ~50% champ gear.




Well, no kidding. Here's a hint: if you find yourself often out of cover in a big group, you need to reevaluate your playstyle. Even in huge 8v8 melees at the doors in voidstar I can escape into stealth pretty reliably. (hint: he who fights and runs away etc etc)




I gather you're speaking from your extensive experience testing 1.2?



Wow do you even read before you type? Enough said... I'm sure people that read are lol about you posts. My friend you sure have a big mouth, I can assure you that my skills playing the scrapper are extremely fined tuned and I'm not 100% sure you even play a scrapper you are trolling these forums so hard.


Anyways, facts are: Scoundrel = Way less fun to play than at launch. Call it what you want, I'm pretty sure I would drop you like a cigarette butt on a coffee break in game but that doesn't mean 7 other classes aren't more fun to play now.

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statement from Greg Zoeller:



If we leave the Operative the ability to stun lock and kill people — yes, there aren’t many Operatives — but over the long term, that means people will quit the game cause it’s not fun. We have very measurable statistics that tell us if people lose a certain number of Warzones in a row being stun locked by a team of Operatives, then that might be part of that, and they will be not as likely to re-subscribe.


End of thread ! They listen to the 99% of their playerbase that doesn't play a dps scoundrel/OP. So make it easier for yourself and respec to healing or reroll is my advice.


No. F*cking. Way.


That can't be a true quote... or mind is blown.

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Wow do you even read before you type? Enough said... I'm sure people that read are lol about you posts. My friend you sure have a big mouth, I can assure you that my skills playing the scrapper are extremely fined tuned and I'm not 100% sure you even play a scrapper you are trolling these forums so hard.


Anyways, facts are: Scoundrel = Way less fun to play than at launch. Call it what you want, I'm pretty sure I would drop you like a cigarette butt on a coffee break in game but that doesn't mean 7 other classes aren't more fun to play now.


Yes. Because how fun a class is is TOTALLY OBJECTIVE and not up to the individual. If you don't like it, whatever, reroll, I don't give a ****. I have fun topping WZs in damage/kills, and feeling like I'm contributing to my team's wins by bursting down some imps. If you don't have fun with the class (no matter how OMG SUPER LEET you think you are) I don't care. I can't tell you "yes this class is objectively fun" because NOTHING is objectively fun.


ETA: I have no idea how relatively fun the class is relative to pre-nerf. My scoundrel is not my first 50, and I didn't even start leveling until after the nerf. Who knows, maybe if I got used to release damage I wouldn't be having fun now, I can't say.


What I CAN say is that scrappers are not underpowered, and a well played scrapper is a force to be reckoned with.

Edited by Viliphied
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You do realize that the Sorc/Sage dps spec was completely destroyed by 1.2, right?


You are horrifyingly mistaken. I HAVE run spreadsheets for my Sorc and going from hybrid to deep madness was a net decrease of -4% dps...



Wow.... 4%. That is clearly a destroyed class............


4% dude. On the PTS on my Sorc I literally cant see the difference, the numbers say its 4% less but I cant tell...



Stop spouting nonsense when you clearly have no knowledge on the subject and only read a few posts by other similarly uninformed players.

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No reason to play anything but a healing scoundrel/op come 1.2.



Time to just admit that if you wanted melee dps, you should have just rolled sentinel/marauder or shadow/assassin if you want stealth.





Lead dev doesn't understand the core concepts of scrapper. Dirty fighting is useless. They just made healing slightly more tolerable even though sage/sorc will still be better.

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You are horrifyingly mistaken. I HAVE run spreadsheets for my Sorc and going from hybrid to deep madness was a net decrease of -4% dps...



Wow.... 4%. That is clearly a destroyed class............


4% dude. On the PTS on my Sorc I literally cant see the difference, the numbers say its 4% less but I cant tell...



Stop spouting nonsense when you clearly have no knowledge on the subject and only read a few posts by other similarly uninformed players.


4% is massive lol...


I assume you have never played WoW, or just PvE in general? 4% is a pretty big deal tbh.

Edited by Howbadisbad
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Greg Zoeller's 'metrics' concerning players being "stun locked by a team of Operatives" and choosing to unsub as a result.


How is it possible to stun lock in this way given the resolve system, the initial knock down plus dirty kick (and the Op equivalents) stun lock for a maximum of 5.5 seconds, then fill the resolve bar. So another Op in said team cannot then extend that lock until the resolve once again clears by enough.


At that point it then becomes the same as being ganked by a team made up entirely of one of the other classes. Heck, people on my server often raged about being "root and slow locked" and rapidly decimated by teams of sorcerors, to the point of quitting mid warzone and threatening to unsub and "try the game again in a few months, when hopefully things will be balanced"


That said, I have seen several top notch Ops on my server (assuming they are geared and stimmed to the full) absolutely wipe the floor in seconds against pretty much any class they choose to pick off as a single target.


However, on gap glosers out of stealth as a response to being knocked back etc. Someone mentioned we have a slow (Tendon Blast, in order to enable us to glose that gap). I have never found that to be as effective as those who put it forward as a solution to being knocked back.


Simply because most knock backs push us out to a range of 30m or so. Tendon Blast has a range of only 10m. Which makes it useless at that point.


Sorecerors though are doable, from Shoot first, if their bubble is down. Opening up from stealth on a sorceror, whose bubble is still up wastes our best shot. (unless you have successfuly geared, stimmed up and have the right relic to be able to push any critical beyond the max 4.5k bubble )


The problem with this is that waiting around for the bubble to drop before opening up in a warzone might result in a poor tactical break for your side in the larger scheme of things. Knocking a bubbled sorceror down, who then gets up with no damage and knocks you back, is not the same as knocking down an unprotected sorceror who takes a hefty hit to his or health.


It can get very challenging for Scoundrel as a result when 80% of the opposing team spend most their time constantly bubbled, either protecting themselves this way, or others on their side. (when a team of say 5 or 6 sorcerors protect themselves and their team mates in this way)


Nothing will change there..

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Edit: Retracted commentary as there is simply no point in the debate at this point.


Class is fundamentally broken in execution and I have no faith in the decisions or metrics being used to improve them from here on out. The 1.2 changes my guild's been reviewing are just abysmal in terms of actually bettering the state of affairs, in my opinon.


Those of you having fun, carry on.

Edited by Arrakeyn
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