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1.2: Which class got "hosed" worse?


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Operatives -> sorcs -> BH




I mean seriously - tweak the operatives in PvP if you must, but there stuggling in PvE as it is, now its just gona be harder for them to get a group when everyone else does better DPS and everyone else has some forum of utility to offer.


I agree. In their attempt to balance pvp they killed pve . They should just buff the weaker classes and not nerf anyone's class. If a player is good at his class he's good at his class period. Deal with it by learning how to fight it.

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I agree. In their attempt to balance pvp they killed pve . They should just buff the weaker classes and not nerf anyone's class. If a player is good at his class he's good at his class period. Deal with it by learning how to fight it.


Unfortunately, there is no buff to help a bad team playing against an organized and tactical team. PvP losers want to blame everyone and everything else on their loss. Healers are being asked to bend over because QQ PvP players who don't know how manage a battle.


This is a sad day for SWToR, because this will be just the beginning of ridiculous balance changes to fix what can't be fixed, which is dumb PvP players.


The entire community should be up in arms at the proposed nerf to healers. Buff OP/Smugglers & BH/Commandos to parody SORC/Sage, fine, But nerfing 2/3 of the healer population because of some QQing by poor PvP players? Unacceptable.

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People dont realize it, but Pyrotech/Assault Specialist got hit really, really hard. Not just from a DPS standpoint, but by a heat management standpoint as well.


What are you talking about? I've played a powertech since launch and I've had many many many instances where I didn't proc rail shot for 10-12 seconds sitting there basic attacking waiting for heat to go down to try another RP or FB to fish for another proc. Other times I've had it proc 3 times in a row.


The odds that you will proc rail shot more than once in 6 seconds are pretty low. Once every 6 seconds is pretty average any way.

Edited by Eroex
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right cause bioware nerfed all 6 abilities used in there rotation like operatives RIGHT RIGHT?




....Yes, exactly. I'm glad we're on the same page. At least, I think we're on the same page. I detect some anger in your comment.

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Guys quite seriously the operative atleast in this patch alone didn't get THAT nerfed.


Pyrotech Powertechs tho... GOD.... Their resource management problems got doubled their main damage dealer got halved. Can you get any worse than that? I mean thats atleast a 30% dps decrease..... Compared to use operatives got swung with a pillow....

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Currently they are the best 1v1 class by far, however, that doesn't mean that they are currently the best class for objective based warzones >.>

I agree their ability to kill BM geared players 1v1 with the other player having almost no ability to fight back was a bit OP, but they should not just be blindly nerfed either with no buffs or added utility to compensate.


The frustrating thing is that this is a massive PVE nerf because we lose so many Backstabs, Acid Blades and the poison debuff over the length of a 6-minute fight. Even if we replace with Overload Shot into our rotation, we have still lost several thousand DPS over a 6-minute fight.


They clearly are making changes based on PVP burst without even thinking about the PVE rotation. We get forced into Lethality simply because it does more sustained dps.

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Guys quite seriously the operative atleast in this patch alone didn't get THAT nerfed.


Pyrotech Powertechs tho... GOD.... Their resource management problems got doubled their main damage dealer got halved. Can you get any worse than that? I mean thats atleast a 30% dps decrease..... Compared to use operatives got swung with a pillow....


The OP nerf is massive for PVE. Conc is literally gone from PVE with these changes. Merc and Sorc healers were brought doen to OP levels, so you are all in the same boat of being frustrared. Conc has to compete with freshly buffed Juggs, Maras and Sins.... and it alresdy loses dps time due to the lack of a gap closer.

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I play a DPS Commando and i was not really upset about the Grav Round/Charged Bolts change, but more of an "Aw man..." but for who got it the worse? it is a tie between:


OP/Scoundrel. you all got the non-skid (any sailors out there will get that reference)


BH/Trooper healers: WHAT???????????WHY????????????

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although i can agree with the hidden strike/shoot first getting a cooldown, i cant agree with any of the other operative/scoundrel changes.


i have a 50 scoundrel, vanguard, sage and merc.


the 1-2 combo punch of 1.1 and then the surge nerf for a class that is heavily realiant on crits to do damage (talents + 2pc pve + gear = 72%+ crit on back stab/back blast) was enough. what they needed was their burst damage out of stealth toned down, but their sustained increased.


the easiest way was to nerf back blast dmg by up to 15% and sucker punch by 10%, but double flechette round dmg and spread it over 12 seconds and increasing vital shot damage by 40%. this would have kept the class about the same for pve and given them some better sustained damage - albeit dispellable - in pvp



all of the changes on the test notes are directly due to pvp feedback and not pve which historically has never been a good idea for mmorpg's. better to tack on some sort of universal dmg/healing reduction to bolster

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Currently they are the best 1v1 class by far, however, that doesn't mean that they are currently the best class for objective based warzones >.>

I agree their ability to kill BM geared players 1v1 with the other player having almost no ability to fight back was a bit OP, but they should not just be blindly nerfed either with no buffs or added utility to compensate.


I am not sure about this. OP is not the best 1v1 class. Tank Specced Assassins/Shadows and Marauder/Sentinels are the best 1v1 classes. Powertech/Vanguard are also extremely tough to beat. Healing specced Sorc/Sage and Merc/Commando are also really strong 1v1.


I won't say that OP is gimped, because I am not certain that is true, but it does not appear to have a viable dps:survivability ratio. They either destroy you right away or you will kill them, even if your health is at 25% when you really start in on them.


OP is a great support class when you attack a healer with another dps.

Edited by Thankyjack
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I feel bad for the ops/scoundrels, I mean some adjustments were needed but this seems a tad overboard. Im assuming the better ops/scoundrels are finding this upcoming patch hard to deal with and if thats the case then yeah bw went too far here.
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Who gives a **** who or what got nerfed as long as things become balanced for everyone.


I'm all for balance, Ops/Scrappers aren't even close to being balanced with the other classes. And when it comes to rated War Zones, this is going to become even more apparent. No one is going to choose us for their team when they can bring an Assassin/Shadow that has way more utility than us.

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People dont realize it, but Pyrotech/Assault Specialist got hit really, really hard. Not just from a DPS standpoint, but by a heat management standpoint as well.


Yes. People don't realize it because only a few of us seem to play that spec. The Carolina Parakeet build has been completely killed, and our plain DPS build has been hurt really bad. I'm not going to say that we got it the worst, but we're getting it very bad. The funny part is, another poster actually called me a FOTM reroller because I play the AS Vanguard... I don't know about you guys, but the server I play on, I see a lot more commandos than vangaurds, and the vanguards I do see usually are on ion cell.

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Yes. People don't realize it because only a few of us seem to play that spec. The Carolina Parakeet build has been completely killed, and our plain DPS build has been hurt really bad. I'm not going to say that we got it the worst, but we're getting it very bad. The funny part is, another poster actually called me a FOTM reroller because I play the AS Vanguard... I don't know about you guys, but the server I play on, I see a lot more commandos than vangaurds, and the vanguards I do see usually are on ion cell.
Carolina Parakeet ***??? Who the hell comes up with these stupid *********** names for character builds?
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uhh so out performing everyone else is all about what kind of numbers you get? pvp isnt about numbers go back to pve u carebear you clearly dont play an operative


You obviously do play one and cry like a child now that you face a change. Adapt and move on or go home.:wea_01:

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You obviously do play one and cry like a child now that you face a change. Adapt and move on or go home.:wea_01:


The truth is I personally out performed everyone in damage cause I know how to play... Thats as simple as that I have seen marauders hit 600k and more, I haven't yet seen a PT that surpasses my 750k damage mark, YET i have seen Juggs surpass me...


Damage scoreboards mean nothing....

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I'm the only active l50 scoundrel on my server, I was the first to hit 50 Rep side and nobody has leveled up another since the nerf.


I believe there are 2 operatives on the server, they're both alts.


This class is dead, I love it but it's laughable the way the balancing is in this game.


I had high hopes for something significant to happen this patch, I have a 50 pwrtech too and assassin and knight, so I think I'm fairly well informed on the current state of pvp balance.


1v1 we're balanced allright, in a team environment scoundrel/operative DPS sucks as it is.


Unless things change there will be nobody playing the class and it won't matter anymore.


On another note, my server is dying, there's rarely enough 50s on to get a pvp queue to pop, planets are empty, 5 people on fleet 20 hours out of the day, progression completely fubar because we can't get groups.


I've been one who's defended this game from all the massive QQ over every little thing but something needs to be done about balance and population issues soon.


I'm legacy level 28, I've got too much invested to start over on another server.

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Well, acording to the comments in this board, whatever class you prefer playing got "nerfed" (where does this word come from anyway?) the worst. :D

Nerf products are soft foam versions of dangerous objects like bats, swords, guns and such. Hence to nerf something is to make it less dangerous.

Edited by Game-Hermit
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