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There was a time when other classes got nerfed before 1.2 and people around did giggle or throw in a l2p.



I would say people should already stop whining and see how the changes will look like in practice and not with theorycrafting.


Shuddup all already and L2p, ajdust :D

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You must be reading old patch notes because they have been buffing the whine by at least +10 with every hotfix. So far, I've narrowed the issue down to being related to game launch. More info to follow!


Seriously, people, at least PLAY the changes before whining about them. They reworked combat so NOBODY has any clue how this is going to pan out unless they had their 50 toon switched over to the PTS.

Edited by DarthxRage
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You must be reading old patch notes because they have been buffing the whine by at least +10 with every hotfix. So far, I've narrowed the issue down to being related to game launch. More info to follow!


Seriously, people, at least PLAY the changes before whining about them. They reworked combat so NOBODY has any clue how this is going to pan out unless they had their 50 toon switched over to the PTS.


What theorycrafting? They removed an ability from pvp dps specs.


If they took out backstab or rail shot, would you really need to wait and see to figure out pyrotechs and operatives would see a huge dps decrease? I sure hope not.

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Where is the CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and ACTUAL testing threads? Everyone looks at these at face value and doesn't even test or wait for testers to report their findings!


It is beyond discouraging to see this community turn into Whine Fest. You really think and people interested in the game will want to even try it out when you paint it in such a horrible light? Shame on you all! There are fixes and testing, nothing is final! Stop being part of the problem and be a part of the solution. If you feel something is broken, test it and find out first hand and then provide FEEDBACK!


To assume makes an "@ss" out of "u" and "me"

Edited by Zafeer
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Right because it's not like they could be rebalancing combat forumlas and then discover that a very strong ability has become completely IMBA with the way it is now working. All I am saying is play your damn class changes before whining about how you are going to leave the game and your toon can't compete ect. ect. How are you even arguing against that?
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The thing is that people are only looking at their own class, but the changes is an overall balance of most classes ingame.


So of course this needs to be seen in practice and not with theorycrafting in threads.



If some open a thread and say my class is broken with the changes, they forget that other classes have changes aswell. If it would be only a change to one class I could understand the outrage but common we all have to see how classes perform in practice with 1.2 changes and after that criticism makes a lot more sense.

Edited by BobaFurz
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in a month or so when the servers are empty perhaps Bioware will think twice about not listening to the customers.


i'll reply to that with something i already said in another thread


this is just an ignorant statement, Bioware launched with bugs and people said 'unsubs inc' yet they climbed to 1.4 million subs. the game nerfed Ops and still had some untouched bugs everyone cried 'you're going to lose subs bio!' and yet they climbed to 1.7 million subs


Then they started outright saying no to some things wannabe e-sports l77t doods wanted, and with a resounding shout they said 'YOU WILL LOSE ALL OUR SUBS YOU FOOLS' and bioware cried for the loss by reaching over 2 million subs


this game is motivated by people that:


1. dont want to play WoW

2. love star wars

3. want story in their mmos

4. are waiting for another game and dont want to touch WoW

5. a combination of any of the above


not because it is the best on the market, so stop saying such ridiculous things

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