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Best class for DPS


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Since 1.2 is still on the PTS and very much in flux, making decissions based on it now is kind of premature. You're no doubt re-rolling because your class is being "nerfed to the ground," but that's what all the nay-sayers are saying about all their favorite classes. So the best way to avoid rolling a class that's going to get "nerfed hard" in 1.2 is to wait until 1.2 actually comes out and then roll the new flavor of the month.


Or, if you want to re-roll now and hope for the best, it sounds like Marauders are getting buffed. So roll one of those and hope that the reports are true - and stay true.


But seriously, re-rolling because of what a bunch of complainers say about things they assume from the first build put on the PTS, when it hasn't even been up for a full day, is kind of jumping the gun.


OH yeah, looks like Bounty Hunters are getting nerfed hard, too. Might want to avoid them as well.

Edited by mathisk
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Play what you find fun. If you just play for high DPS or best class you will never enjoy anything. It is common in any MMO for classes to have tons of ups and downs in awesomeness. Next patch your sorc may suck, but the patch after that it could be the best class. You never know. Play what you find fun!
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Play what you find fun. If you just play for high DPS or best class you will never enjoy anything. It is common in any MMO for classes to have tons of ups and downs in awesomeness. Next patch your sorc may suck, but the patch after that it could be the best class. You never know. Play what you find fun!


If i do reroll then i would not delete my old class in case of this, I like to have my fun best with Ranged DPS,


I do have melee classses to such as a sentinel on the Rep side, it is just i am a firm favourite of ranged gameplay, Tanking is good to.

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I have a level 27 sorcerer and after reading 1.2 iv decided to reroll, now i am wondering what the best class for DPS is, i am thinking bounty hunter, any suggestions?


make a mara there getting buffed so that rage spec has a 9 sec CD on a 7K aoe bomb :D

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Play what you find fun. If you just play for high DPS or best class you will never enjoy anything. It is common in any MMO for classes to have tons of ups and downs in awesomeness. Next patch your sorc may suck, but the patch after that it could be the best class. You never know. Play what you find fun!




Class balance in an MMOG is a moving target. One class will be perceived (correctly or not) to be too weak, or broken in some way; and it'll get a buff. Some other class will be perceived (correctly or not) to be too strong, or overpowered in some way; and it'll get a nerf.


And then... A few days/weeks/months later... The same thing will happen again - maybe even to the same classes again.


Aiming for whatever is the current statistical winner is only going to be rewarding if your idea of fun is graphing data in Excel.


Play what you enjoy. Pick a class because it's easy to get groups... Or because it looks ******... Or because you've got a neat RP background cooked up... Or you enjoy a specific gameplay mechanic...


Don't pick a class because this week it's doing 2% more DPS than everyone else.

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Class balance in an MMOG is a moving target. One class will be perceived (correctly or not) to be too weak, or broken in some way; and it'll get a buff. Some other class will be perceived (correctly or not) to be too strong, or overpowered in some way; and it'll get a nerf.


And then... A few days/weeks/months later... The same thing will happen again - maybe even to the same classes again.


Aiming for whatever is the current statistical winner is only going to be rewarding if your idea of fun is graphing data in Excel.


Play what you enjoy. Pick a class because it's easy to get groups... Or because it looks ******... Or because you've got a neat RP background cooked up... Or you enjoy a specific gameplay mechanic...


Don't pick a class because this week it's doing 2% more DPS than everyone else.


My past few classes have all been lightsaber based I am tempted to choose a class with blasters just not sure as of yet.


Tbh the way populations are going i may not be here that long.

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Rolling because a class is the latest FOTM is not a wise choice. FOTM changes like the seasons so you're better off finding a class you really enjoy and getting to know it inside out.


A good player who knows an average class well is far better than an average player playing a strong class.

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I have a level 27 sorcerer and after reading 1.2 iv decided to reroll, now i am wondering what the best class for DPS is, i am thinking bounty hunter, any suggestions?


I have a level 50 sorc, and a level 50 sage.. and I love their dps output, especially when geared properly. I was able to pull my own heading into HMs still wearing orange gear w/ lvl 50 mods.


But then again, I've always played casters.


I felt OP while leveling my Gunslinger and Operative as well.


How about, just play what you enjoy. I'm fairly certain with the balancing in this game, each class can be beastly when played well and geared well.


And as always, there will always be people crying "nerf" however, I didn't notice that much difference on the PTS, and some of the changes to my classes are definite improvements in my opinion.

Edited by Nicolettexiv
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I have one of everything in PVE and play them all. Some days I like class A and other days class B seems best - so I just play the one I feel like playing and enjoy it.

Some of the most fun ones I have aren't 'the best dps' but that isn't important to me - nor should it be. I play to enjoy myself, and get the most out of the class Im playing, (even if it is currently seen as 'subpar') first and foremost. As someone else said, the 'flavor of the month class' will change probably weekly.

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Class balance in an MMOG is a moving target. One class will be perceived (correctly or not) to be too weak, or broken in some way; and it'll get a buff. Some other class will be perceived (correctly or not) to be too strong, or overpowered in some way; and it'll get a nerf.


And then... A few days/weeks/months later... The same thing will happen again - maybe even to the same classes again.



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