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do you think swtor made an impact on WoW subs


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I been thinking about this for awhile and I want your opinions feel free to discuss since the game has like 1.7 million subs and WoW has 10 million used to have like?12 million so maybe swtor did do something?what do you think?


EDIT:so blizzard is making a rumored MMO named titan maybe that will put WoW in the ground or maybe swtor overtime will kill WoW and titan.Who knows?

Edited by iloveicarly
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If it had any impact it would have been minimal. WoW has been bleeding subs for some time now. However its still the most played mmo and with good reason.


Also the people who have left TOR will probably go back to WoW until the next WoW killer comes along lol.

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WoW was fun for a while, but it isn't fun for me anymore.


I don't much care what they do with that game any longer.


This is SWTOR.


this is interesting,when diablo 3 comes out some WoW players will play the game until MoP comes out -_- also blizzard i guess is working on operation titan MMO that may kill WoW

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Not as big of an impact as people think. It was more of WoW releasing 1 tier of content for what will roughly be a year, and the fact that they are changing the game around for the millionth time.


What I'm saying is, more people left WoW for SWToR because Blizzard is being dumb, not because of SWToR.

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