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Perfect space missions


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just thought I'd share some of my videos of some of my space missions! So, if you know anyone who is having trouble with any aspect of a space mission, tellem about these videos! or have them send me a request for a different space mission.


For gear, i just use the stuff you can purchase from the fleet guy, I complete all objectives and never lose health.






Zosha Advance:



Impossible mission:



Kalee Fortification:



Drexel Sweep:


Edited by nominay
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I wish I'd thought of it before the Guild Summit.....


I was realizing last night, space missions are so much fun because they are old fashioned Arcade-Style games right? Well, wouldn't it be neat if we could get a leader-board style end to our mission that tells us how many kills we got, how many turrets, and if there were any large destroyer classes we managed to completely obliterate? I'd be so excited to see that feature in the space combat, it gives us some bragging rights, and maybe some new titles specifically for killing over 9,000 (yes I said that) enemy fighters or something like that.


Later on, when they have some space ship customizations, we could get little kill markers on our hulls, and hey, how about when we get guild stations, there could be a trophy wall for guild members with top 10 space missions or something?


Something amazingly fun and sorta silly for the future, don't you think?

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Well, I would definitely like to see them add more for the space missions. They were fun while leveling, but.. well... there is no challenge to them. a simple thing like a leader board would create some challenge to them, because then i'd be competing for top spot among other players. And yes, I'd absolutely love a title that shows my awesomeness at them, lol.




My personal preference (in order of what I'd prefer most): I'd like to be able to steer the ship completely, I'd like to see more missions added and more variance in them. And yes, I understand the space missions are probably on the low priority list, but I can hope.

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I would love to see all the space missions have difficulty settings AND a leader board. So you can play them all on -Easy -Medium -Hard

So that we can play the earlier missions in a harder difficulty and receive more points for the leader board for completing at a higher level :D

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Thanks for the links. Space Missions were in the top three things I love about this game until I hit my 40's. I felt the difficulty progression and mission availability at the beginning were awesome and aided the leveling process.


Then there were certain levels at which there was really only one or two daily quests giving me more than 5 xp.


But as I approached end game, I found Drexel Sweep and beyond to be so frustratingly difficult, I no longer cared to invest time in the long missions that yielded nothing at the end after several back to back failures, and even a couple of actual successes in which the game said "Mission Failed".


I looked for upgrades on the market, but refuse to spend 40k for each upgrade. The cost to benefit ratio simply isn't worth it.


It really is a pity that what was among the most fun things to do in the first half of the game turned out to be something I may never touch again.


To those of you with leet skills and quicker reflexes who love a challenge and those with the credits to pimp your ride, I am sure you must still be loving it, and I am happy for you. ;)

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To those of you with leet skills and quicker reflexes who love a challenge and those with the credits to pimp your ride, I am sure you must still be loving it, and I am happy for you. ;)


well, these videos show that you dont need anything you cant buy from the fleet guy to complete a mission.


I also stress the use of the WASD keys bc this allows you to avoid the majority of dmg without thinking about it (ie. no leet skills required!)


so if you are having trouble with them, i encourage you to watch these videos. if nothing else, they'll provide a different perspective on how you can complete them.

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Even though I am still in the level 20's (I continually start a new toon around 27 >_<) after watching a few of those videos I realize I am farrrrr to go as in learning the game.

I am a laser spammer, and do use the space bar... I keep being told it does nothing. Your video has basically shown the light on my error full ways of space fighting.

Thank you for putting time into this!


Stupid space bar, and laser spamming... and yeah thank!

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I love the space missions! Customizing your ship would be great! However, speaking canonical: Jedi and Sith seems to be quite above kill-markers and all small details on their ship, maybe a color change on the entire ship would be feasible for the Jedi/Sith but I don't think anything else except maybe a Republic/Empire logo or something would count as small details. A little bit of this goes for the Imperial Agent.


Troopers, Smugglers and Bounty Hunters are in some way free to modify their equpment/transportation in terms of appearance imo.

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I wish I'd thought of it before the Guild Summit.....


I was realizing last night, space missions are so much fun because they are old fashioned Arcade-Style games right? Well, wouldn't it be neat if we could get a leader-board style end to our mission that tells us how many kills we got, how many turrets, and if there were any large destroyer classes we managed to completely obliterate? I'd be so excited to see that feature in the space combat, it gives us some bragging rights, and maybe some new titles specifically for killing over 9,000 (yes I said that) enemy fighters or something like that.


Later on, when they have some space ship customizations, we could get little kill markers on our hulls, and hey, how about when we get guild stations, there could be a trophy wall for guild members with top 10 space missions or something?


Something amazingly fun and sorta silly for the future, don't you think?



This is such a great I idea that I am not sure what it is doing on the forums. A+ sir!

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