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Merc Healer nerf 1.2


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Anyone have any idea why is BW nerfing Merc healing?


Because of the PvP QQ? Srsly: I have no f'king clue :confused:. We are mediocre in PvE (at most).


I'm okay with balancing the healclasses.. But why they have to nerf our heatmanagement into the ground?! Did they ever consider the impact on the gamemechanics when it comes to PvE-Progression?! How crappy is the bossdesign in 1.2, when combat medic in this state is a viable healer?!

Edited by Elfstrom
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This game will not live past two years. its an EA game and bioware was not the great company everyone thought it was. They should of staied making single player kotor games.


Not even that. Have you heard of the epically monumental ME3 ending failure ?

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I have cancelled my account and notified Bioware in my cancellation reasons exactly why I am cancelling. I also stated that I may consider resubscribing if these changes do not go live as they are.


Whilst I'm sure they won't care about lil' old me, I'm sure if all of the pissed off BG Mercs out there do the same, they might sit up and take notice.


Vote with your wallet guys.

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I never had issues with Merc healers in pvp they were good in fp as well so i thought i would roll 1 i am currently @ level25 and have just seen my fun die after reading those patch notes

back to my marauder i go no more Merc for me good job BW

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Anyone have any idea why is BW nerfing Merc healing?


well if you like conspiracy theories how is this one. ppl complain the game is too easy. BW decided one quick easy fix for this is. is nerf healing to hell. lets see how easy the game is if you cant be healed anymore. what looks like a nerf to heals could end up being a nerf to everything

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Have all of you tried out the changes yet? Boycotting nerfs by unsubbing? I was hoping to see some discussion on this thread. All I see is a bunch of babies crying. Notes aren't final.


1. No most of us haven't because BW don't allow us to copy our chars to PTS (more than 12 hours of DL btw).


2. If you weren't a MMO newbie you would know that 99% of the time if it is on the PTS patch notes it'll go live.

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I have a hard enough time getting my guild to take me over a sorc healer for operations before 1.2 goes live. Merc heals need a buff not a nerf.


After 1.2 I am pretty sure I will have to shelve my Merc and go roll an operative or a sorc in order to heal. What a joke. They have effectively almost doubled our heat costs with these changes.


I just don't understand why they would NERF our already gimped class. It's so incompetent and it's absolutely unreal. All I can say is that I can't wait for GW2 because I will be moving on if this kind of complete idiocy continues from the dev team.

Edited by Ivaed
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1. No most of us haven't because BW don't allow us to copy our chars to PTS (more than 12 hours of DL btw).


2. If you weren't a MMO newbie you would know that 99% of the time if it is on the PTS patch notes it'll go live.


PTS patch notes do not go to live 99% of the time, if you were not an MMO know it all and actually spent more time on test servers you would know that.


Also if you were not an MMO know it all you would know that when something on test draws this much attention to the live server boards something gets changed "99% of the time" (it isn't 99% of the time, probably more like 82.567% but you like that 99% thing so threw it out there for you)


personally i dont do test, why should i beta the game i pay to play?


BUT... the guild wants me to go to test for this patch, so i will, because that is what you do for guildies


Bioware listens to its vocal minority on the boards more than any other dev team I have ever seen, and honestly it is not a good thing, look what they are doing to classes because 3% of the population complains about pvp

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I have a hard enough time getting my guild to take me over a sorc healer for operations before 1.2 goes live. Merc heals need a buff not a nerf.


After 1.2 I am pretty sure I will have to shelve my Merc and go roll an operative or a sorc in order to heal. What a joke. They have effectively almost doubled our heat costs with these changes.


I just don't understand why they would NERF our already gimped class. It's so incompetent and it's absolutely unreal. All I can say is that I can't wait for GW2 because I will be moving on if this kind of complete idiocy continues from the dev team.


I was picked exclusively over a sorc for our NMM ops. It may have been an l2p issue, but it's the cold-hearted truth. In the right hands, BG Merc is a top tier healer. I am also a beast in PVP if I'm not focused the entire mat h. Even if I do get focused, if I premade with a tank it's game over; we purposely sit in poison while fighting to get extra defense and healing.


Even with all this, we (BG Merc) don't deserve what we're about to get. We (my premade) are the minority, in that or skill usually out-weighs those we play against.


** the balance issues are not originating from poor class design, but from the players themselves. Patches like these are made because quality beats quantity, then quantity QQs for nerfbats. High skillcap players feel the wrath of the minions! :(


Edit: forgive the errors...typing from iPad.

Edited by _droider_
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I sincerely hope that BW takes the time to listen to the merc/commando healers and not go through with this huge nerf.

Our heat management is bad enough already. Try to get ONE person to full health and you're overheated. With these changes we will just spam rapid shots and pretend like we don't have any other healing abilities.


We need a BUFF, not a nerf.

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I was picked exclusively over a sorc for our NMM ops. It may have been an l2p issue,


That must be exactly it. I would never bring a merc healer over one of our awesome sorc healers. Never. What a ridiculous idea.


On Soa, if we don't have a sorc healer for the platform phase, 1) I will overheat before reaching the bottom, 2) People won't be at full health when Soa re-appears, 3) I will have to use vent heat after what's supposed to be a DOWNTIME phase, leaving me without vent heat during the actual fight.


GJ BW. :)

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If all these changes go through I forsee no more fun healing as a merc in pvp or pve and will quit this bloody game. Why for gods sake are all these changes on the PTR at once, was it so necesary to nerf the merc healer into the ground?!



•Critical Efficiency now reduces the cost of Rapid Scan by 8 (down from 16).

I can understand this. Our heat efficiency was a bit too high, the main issue I had wasn't overheating, it was just the lack of power on heals.

•Cure Mind no longer reduces the cost of Cure. It now causes Cure to heal the target for a small amount.

Generally I'm fine with this. Only real nerf is if you cure people that are full health.

•Hired Muscle now increases critical chance by 1% per point.

3% crit nerf? I enjoyed having a lot of crit as a healer, it often made up for some of the weakness of my non-crit heals. Not game breaking, but annoying.

•Kolto Missile now affects up to 4 targets (up from 3), improving reliability in group and Operation situations.

Positive change, but I would much rather have 6 or 8 targets.

•Kolto Residue now increases all healing received by 3% (down from 5%).

This is exactly the kind of nerf that I feel is the opposite of what BGs needed. This hurts us a viable Ops healers and hurts our general healing effectiveness in our weakess area (aoe healing).

•Kolto Shell now builds 16 Heat when activated.

I'd be happy enough with 8 heat as I don't really feel that we need completely 'free' heals. But 16 seems like it might be too much. I often have to recast this in combat because on the tank it only lasts a short time.

•Supercharged Gas now vents 8 Heat (down from 16) when used and increases all damage and healing dealt by 5% (down from 10%).

I don't feel like this is needed. We were too efficient with heat when doing normal healing, but we are plenty good at overheating when things get nasty and that's when we need SCG the most. Not only that but we're loosing more of our healing effectiveness which I've felt to be a weakness. This change should be completely reverted.

The shield applied by Kolto Missile now reduces damage taken by 5% (down from 10%).

BW somehow thinks that BH are overpowered as Ops healers? I certainly don't feel that way. This will be rough on the more spiky tanking encounters and hurts us again as Ops healers. I really don't feel that this was needed.

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Have all of you tried out the changes yet? Boycotting nerfs by unsubbing? I was hoping to see some discussion on this thread. All I see is a bunch of babies crying. Notes aren't final.


I fully agree with this. No reason to cancel subs over proposed patch notes. Sure, you can cancel over patch notes that go live to the real servers, but why are you so upset about what's happening on the test server? I think that much of this will have to be reversed before it goes live otherwise there won't be many Mercs healing anymore.


Heck, there might not be many players healing anymore. BW did a good job in making healers more attractive in SWTOR. They can DPS more than in most games and have good companions and such. But then why would you make all healers lives more miserable by nerfing them so much that healing Ops / HMs becomes so much more stressful. It was already borderline stressful/enjoyable, but if these changes go in, it will just be too much stress/trouble for me to keep healing. I'm sure many others will make the same choice.


Then it's back to square one where every group in the game is looking for healers, because they are so painful to play that almost no one will do it unless they are a masochist.

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I was picked exclusively over a sorc for our NMM ops. It may have been an l2p issue, but it's the cold-hearted truth. In the right hands, BG Merc is a top tier healer. I am also a beast in PVP if I'm not focused the entire mat h. Even if I do get focused, if I premade with a tank it's game over; we purposely sit in poison while fighting to get extra defense and healing.


Even with all this, we (BG Merc) don't deserve what we're about to get. We (my premade) are the minority, in that or skill usually out-weighs those we play against.


** the balance issues are not originating from poor class design, but from the players themselves. Patches like these are made because quality beats quantity, then quantity QQs for nerfbats. High skillcap players feel the wrath of the minions! :(


Edit: forgive the errors...typing from iPad.


It's not that I can't get the job done, it has more to do with class perception. Sorcs have better AOE healing and are just thought to be better healers by the vast majority. I have healed through both NM and HM operations on my merc but nerfing us isn't going to help player perception of our class. It's going to hurt our case. I had to convince my guild that my merc healer could get the job done. The real kicker was when I solo healed through 2nd NM EV boss (Lava boss) after our other sorc healer ate it early. I don't want to have to convince my friends that I can get the job done all over again once the nerf bat screws up their perceptions again.


I think we are in a pretty good spot currently on live, but I just don't see any real justification for making our heat twice as hard to manage. We aren't too efficient. There are many fights where we need every bit of that efficiency to keep up with a sorc, and now it's just going to be impossible.

Edited by Ivaed
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These changes are just crazy ... if the were to implement them the way they are listed the only things that could make heat manageable would be to:


1. Remove the diminishing heat mechanic and make it a flat rate (even that may not be enough)

2. Make all cast heals give us SCG build up not just rapid scan. Keep Rapid Scan at 6 and make all the other heals including cure build up SCG...though the value of SCG is totally nerf'd but atleast it's still something

3. Buff talent that makes rapid shots hit for more...hell add it to the kolto missile talent

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Kolto Shell is USELESS after the changes.


If your going to make Kolto Shell cost Heat.


IMPROVE THE HEALING significantly (150%.)

Make it only usable on more then one target.





Lower cost of ammo to 1.

Increase healing by 75%.

Make it usable on more then one target.




Add Talents to lower its cost to 0/raise its heal amount.

Edited by Daecollo
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what really bothers me about this is that bioware came out nowhere with these crazy nerfs


i mean, seriously, who is/was complaining about merc healers? in pvp especially, ppl laugh at them with interrupts, NO ONE is complaining about merc healers in pvp


and as for pve? WHY?


i don't care so much about the changes, not exactly


just the fact that this is a big F U slap in our faces




i just hope this is brought up in the weekly q&a or that BW acknolwedges the face slapping they're doing to merc healers

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Couple of points:


What would possess them to further the gap between Sorc healers and BH healers? I just can't figure that one out. It was bad enough before, now it's going to be worse.




Why is it companies think making healing more stressful (like it already isn't the most stressful job in these kinds of MMOs) equates to making healing more fun?

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Couple of points:


What would possess them to further the gap between Sorc healers and BH healers? I just can't figure that one out. It was bad enough before, now it's going to be worse.




Why is it companies think making healing more stressful (like it already isn't the most stressful job in these kinds of MMOs) equates to making healing more fun?


these guys obviously don't play their games


that, and they're traditionally known to favor sorcs/wizards

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Healing has been nerfed across the board. You think Sorc didn't get hit? Oh we did! Much harder then you guys. If these go live, I also am dropping my sorc.


Did Mercs need nerfs? Nope I don't think so. But Sorc healing is beyond ruined if these go live and will be impossible to pvp with one let alone do anything but a normal Ops. I would go with my merc and my sorc would be shelfed. But considering all the work I have put into her, I might just end up quitting. It's getting warmer afterall. =)


Not gonna go into the lengthy reasons why but talk to a sorc healer and you will know we are getting screwed big time. I'd be the first to say we were OP and needed the "bug" fix which was the reason we were OP in the first place.

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The only thing worth being upset about is 16 heat kolto shield. IMO that wont go through. That or they will remove the skill... Its garbage anyways.


Everything else is meh... really... getting upset about those percentages is silly.

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Critical Reaction is still worthless.. would be nice if they changed it to vent heat on a critical.


Kolto Shell costing 16 heat is ....r*t*r*e*...

(Improve the heal amount by 200% and let us use it on multiple targets if you wanna keep this monstrosity.)

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•Critical Efficiency now reduces the cost of Rapid Scan by 8 (down from 16).

I can understand this. Our heat efficiency was a bit too high, the main issue I had wasn't overheating, it was just the lack of power on heals.

•Cure Mind no longer reduces the cost of Cure. It now causes Cure to heal the target for a small amount.

Generally I'm fine with this. Only real nerf is if you cure people that are full health.

•Hired Muscle now increases critical chance by 1% per point.

3% crit nerf? I enjoyed having a lot of crit as a healer, it often made up for some of the weakness of my non-crit heals. Not game breaking, but annoying.

•Kolto Missile now affects up to 4 targets (up from 3), improving reliability in group and Operation situations.

Positive change, but I would much rather have 6 or 8 targets.

•Kolto Residue now increases all healing received by 3% (down from 5%).

This is exactly the kind of nerf that I feel is the opposite of what BGs needed. This hurts us a viable Ops healers and hurts our general healing effectiveness in our weakess area (aoe healing).

•Kolto Shell now builds 16 Heat when activated.

I'd be happy enough with 8 heat as I don't really feel that we need completely 'free' heals. But 16 seems like it might be too much. I often have to recast this in combat because on the tank it only lasts a short time.

•Supercharged Gas now vents 8 Heat (down from 16) when used and increases all damage and healing dealt by 5% (down from 10%).

I don't feel like this is needed. We were too efficient with heat when doing normal healing, but we are plenty good at overheating when things get nasty and that's when we need SCG the most. Not only that but we're loosing more of our healing effectiveness which I've felt to be a weakness. This change should be completely reverted.

The shield applied by Kolto Missile now reduces damage taken by 5% (down from 10%).

BW somehow thinks that BH are overpowered as Ops healers? I certainly don't feel that way. This will be rough on the more spiky tanking encounters and hurts us again as Ops healers. I really don't feel that this was needed.


QFT. Great Analysis.

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Healing has been nerfed across the board. You think Sorc didn't get hit? Oh we did! Much harder then you guys. If these go live, I also am dropping my sorc.


Did Mercs need nerfs? Nope I don't think so. But Sorc healing is beyond ruined if these go live and will be impossible to pvp with one let alone do anything but a normal Ops. I would go with my merc and my sorc would be shelfed. But considering all the work I have put into her, I might just end up quitting. It's getting warmer afterall. =)


Not gonna go into the lengthy reasons why but talk to a sorc healer and you will know we are getting screwed big time. I'd be the first to say we were OP and needed the "bug" fix which was the reason we were OP in the first place.


They did get hit, but no where close to the lvl Mercs did.




Concerning Sorc healing:


"Conclusion / TL;DR

Ok, the net takeaway from this is that while we are certainly getting a good swing of the nerfbat, it's not nearly as bad as it looks on the surface. Healing is going to take a bit of an efficiency and emergency healing hit, and will need alter strategies a bit to re-optimize after the change, but overall is coming away fairly unscathed, and in fact are gaining a bit of raid utility and mobility out of the deal."

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I will not pay for a game with devs this incompetent.


I play for PVE and progression these changes will make life as a merc/healer un-fun and way to stressful to enjoy any content.


What we needed was a slight buff to our AE healing, we get that but we also get hammered on everything else.:eek:


Would be nice is if the dev{s} who came up with these changes would respond so will all know who is responsible for this ignorance.


These changes show a total disconnect to your player base.

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