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Bioware, great job on ruining Commandos


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I need advice...after playing 3 wz's after 1.2 i decided my commando is forever dead/retired/drunk in a bar etc.



So.......can anyone provide me with suggestions to mmo's that have decent pvp, more than 4


classes to chose from, and a lvling system(+loot ofc) except WoW ;)

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uh... grav round always cost 2 ammo. Prior to the patch is was 3 ammo - 1 for the talent. Now it's 2 baseline.


Your ammo didn't change at all.


If you use the boom boom round you will eat more ammo more quickly. Since you need to do that to actually provide DPS now you run out of ammo. Look at the costs broadly.

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If you use the boom boom round you will eat more ammo more quickly. Since you need to do that to actually provide DPS now you run out of ammo. Look at the costs broadly.



I think we're suffering some sort of communication problem here. Probably interference from you posting from what is obviously an alternate dimension.

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"Honor, Duty, Defense of the Republic


Not all heroes carry Lightsabers. Some just have the will to fight.


For decades, the armed forces of the Galactic Republic defended their civilization against the seemingly unstoppable Sith Empire. Despite countless setbacks, the men and women of the Republic military never backed down until the Senate ordered them to do so. These brave souls remain ready and willing to lay their lives on the line today.


In the wake of the Treaty of Coruscant, the Republic military has begun recruiting from within its own ranks, creating cutting-edge Special Forces squads for the inevitable day when the war with the Sith Empire begins anew. These advanced strike teams are comprised of only the most talented and disciplined soldiers—a new breed of elite Republic Troopers."



What is above is what i read when i decided to build a commando. Than i spent my money my time to discover before the 1.2, that BW just wanted another classes to make them impression of a game not made only by lightsaber users. Because commandos never was a fully finished class. It was, before 1.2, a class that Bioware not paid much attention and not used much time to finish it properly. Nice to play, fun to play, but an unfinished product.


But that was tolerable until yesterday.


Now, i discovered what i read before making my account, using my work to pay for it and most important, used my time to help OTHERS have more fun. AS commandos now are just bantha fodder for lightstick users. What we can read above is a simply lie from BW marketing dept. Nothing more nothing less.




The link above? I bet we will start to see more of this. Because im feeling cheated. Cheated as consumer.


Since i started to play the game (paying the same amount like everyone else), how i can suppose to be competitive with the specs of the product i bought now? I did yesterday 12 hours of pvp non-stop with almost 500 kills. Only to notice that my guild leader had almost the double of kills and damage in 6 hours!!!!! My conclusion is, i pay like everyone else, nothing more, nothing less. But my product have less quality and it's defective on purpose them the other ones. I'm a second class customer now????


BW sold me an already unfinished product and now, came to my computer and took, lets say few more of its characteristics away. I don't see a car seller coming to my house and taking away my mp3 player and saying its a patch.


I liked Dragon Age before the ruin of DA2. I liked Mass Effect until BW totaly ruined the end of ME3. And now i am starting to dislike SWTOR in the same way.


I lost my quote of faith, money and my time in Devs/producers after SOE NGE in galaxies. And what i see here is the same. Its only a question of time to see a game made only by those who uses a light-stick. Exact the same thing that happened in galaxies.


And before any troll thinks there is cookies here.

My commando is valor 79 and the only one using BM full gear and i have already the WH one in my server.


Ty BW so much for wasting my time and my money. Im waiting to my game cards ends. then i will see if i can sell my account anywhere trying to recover my money back, because my time i can never recover it. So as soon my game cards ends, bye bye BW and EA.


But in future i will pay a lot more attetion to not allow your brand enter in my computer or my house again. And from my pockets, you will see no more money.


PS: sry any mistype, english is not my 1st language.

Edited by Lexb
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Your English was perfect.



In the end all of us commandos chose the wrong class/AC. In a way people on the boards are correct to say that it is basically our fault. If we had looked at the range of classes it was obvious that the trooper was the odd man out, and that is probably why many of us liked it. It was the paladin of SWTOR. It has been treated as that class concept has always been treated.

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So, you weaken Commando healing, weaken Gunnery but you buff one of the most overpowered classes in the game (Marauder and I'm sure Sentinel) along with I'm sure other classes. You did nothing to improve our PvP survivability, you just made it worse. Standing ovation, thank you for not listening at all.


preach on brother Kushtaka, I had just finished acquiring my battle master gear and had settled on a somewhat effective build only to have the dps taken from my glass cannon. witch by the way was a pretty weak *** low, dps cannon to begin with. Please fix this class, look back at your original concept ..... is the comando that you see today in game what you intended?? i am not asking for a un-nerfing but maybe a re-evaluation of the other attacks in the commandos arsennal, if you play the commando in pvp you know that the grav-shot was pretty much all you had to cause consistent dammage to the other players. we spammed it because we had too not because we wanted too. Now we dont even have that with the longer casting time we are that much more of a target. if any thing you should have shortened the casting time if you planned to take 10% of grav-shots damage, and the fact that you fixed demo round and it actually works the way it was intended is great but when your target has laid you out and your getting cloned it realy dos little to help the situation. meaning that without the stack of dots on your opponent you might as well spit on them for all the good it will do you.


Try playing the commando live, against real players on a pvp server with less than perfect gear and see what mess you have made of this class.,

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"Honor, Duty, Defense of the Republic


Not all heroes carry Lightsabers. Some just have the will to fight.


For decades, the armed forces of the Galactic Republic defended their civilization against the seemingly unstoppable Sith Empire. Despite countless setbacks, the men and women of the Republic military never backed down until the Senate ordered them to do so. These brave souls remain ready and willing to lay their lives on the line today.


In the wake of the Treaty of Coruscant, the Republic military has begun recruiting from within its own ranks, creating cutting-edge Special Forces squads for the inevitable day when the war with the Sith Empire begins anew. These advanced strike teams are comprised of only the most talented and disciplined soldiers—a new breed of elite Republic Troopers."



What is above is what i read when i decided to build a commando. Than i spent my money my time to discover before the 1.2, that BW just wanted another classes to make them impression of a game not made only by lightsaber users. Because commandos never was a fully finished class. It was, before 1.2, a class that Bioware not paid much attention and not used much time to finish it properly. Nice to play, fun to play, but an unfinished product.


But that was tolerable until yesterday.


Now, i discovered what i read before making my account, using my work to pay for it and most important, used my time to help OTHERS have more fun. AS commandos now are just bantha fodder for lightstick users. What we can read above is a simply lie from BW marketing dept. Nothing more nothing less.




The link above? I bet we will start to see more of this. Because im feeling cheated. Cheated as consumer.


Since i started to play the game (paying the same amount like everyone else), how i can suppose to be competitive with the specs of the product i bought now? I did yesterday 12 hours of pvp non-stop with almost 500 kills. Only to notice that my guild leader had almost the double of kills and damage in 6 hours!!!!! My conclusion is, i pay like everyone else, nothing more, nothing less. But my product have less quality and it's defective on purpose them the other ones. I'm a second class customer now????


BW sold me an already unfinished product and now, came to my computer and took, lets say few more of its characteristics away. I don't see a car seller coming to my house and taking away my mp3 player and saying its a patch.


I liked Dragon Age before the ruin of DA2. I liked Mass Effect until BW totaly ruined the end of ME3. And now i am starting to dislike SWTOR in the same way.


I lost my quote of faith, money and my time in Devs/producers after SOE NGE in galaxies. And what i see here is the same. Its only a question of time to see a game made only by those who uses a light-stick. Exact the same thing that happened in galaxies.


And before any troll thinks there is cookies here.

My commando is valor 79 and the only one using BM full gear and i have already the WH one in my server.


Ty BW so much for wasting my time and my money. Im waiting to my game cards ends. then i will see if i can sell my account anywhere trying to recover my money back, because my time i can never recover it. So as soon my game cards ends, bye bye BW and EA.


But in future i will pay a lot more attetion to not allow your brand enter in my computer or my house again. And from my pockets, you will see no more money.


PS: sry any mistype, english is not my 1st language.


:D:D:D:D......:eek: maybe there is a theme to these posts ;)

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If you use the boom boom round you will eat more ammo more quickly. Since you need to do that to actually provide DPS now you run out of ammo. Look at the costs broadly.


i don't even know where to start with this post...


demo round is the source of gunnery's ammo issues? (gunnery HAS ammo issues?)


you weren't using demo round whenever it was off CD before?

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Your English was perfect.



In the end all of us commandos chose the wrong class/AC. In a way people on the boards are correct to say that it is basically our fault. If we had looked at the range of classes it was obvious that the trooper was the odd man out, and that is probably why many of us liked it. It was the paladin of SWTOR. It has been treated as that class concept has always been treated.


It´s sad but it´s true. My impression is, it´s not enough sell an unfinished product, they need to make it more defective, and to end the process with a gold key, make you feel like an idiot for purchasing a product of them.


That´s my tolerance limit point. From now if BW wants to continue making social engineering experiments. They will make without my money.

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Something really needs to be done with this patch. What we here at the Commando forum knew weeks ago has also been brought to light here http://taugrim.com by Taugrim. The reason why we, as Commandos, saw these incoming GLARING issues with the imbalances plaguing this game is we get to see it "in stereo", meaning we get it right in the teeth harder than any other ranged class due to our lack of what should be inherent to any ranged class in the entire genre. We lack CC. We lack dependable escape mechanisms. We lack any reliable method of keeping ourselves "at range" from melee.


I know some Sentinel/Marauder/Assassin/Shadow/Juggernaut/Guardian will inevitably stroll over here and attempt to convince us that they "need to be able to break distance and survive as easy as they can in SWTOR"...but we all know that's BS. Most of us here on the Commando forum have other characters and we know how they play, we're not stupid. We know when a class is overpowered and when a class has weaknesses. And most of us here have been playing MMO's for several years, so we know what balance is. Right now this game is balanced toward melee in every way, especially in PvP. Everyone knows it; BioWare knows it, as detached and unimaginative as they are, they know.


And I like how they try to sell us random rhetoric with a straight face: "well, I have an imaginary number, that number is...RAINBOW...and let's say that RAINBOW is the total time spent using the ability...UNICORN...and that % is the blahblahblahblahblah...."


Really? Really? Yeah, we use Grav Round because that's what the Gunnery spec revolves around, and why shouldn't we use it? No one who knows this class will buy off on the notion that you can get to 500k damage in a WZ with just Grav Round and a few Demo/HiB's thrown in here and there. I see that those dirty, filthy Sorcerers escaped scrutiny by spamming that ridiculous lightning. Wow. Just wow. If anything in this game makes me want to kick a puppy until my leg falls off it's that stupid, childish lightning. But I digress...


Most of us here played WoW, and most of us had a revolting Arcane Mage or guildy that played that vile class (kidding, relax) and yes, well all tormented them for their 98% usage of Arcane Blast but guess what? Blizzard made the spec that way, so what? Same with Fire Mages and Frost; they had staple abilities that they used the heck out of but they also had OTHER ABILITIES that they used when their main nuke wasn't cost efficient or viable at the time (yay, Ice Lance). Give us other useful attacks that we can use reliably or make Grav Round instant if the damage must be lowered and the defensive buff lowered. Forgive me for using that Mage comparison, if anyone has a better one, by all means go ahead.


Anyways, all I see from this patch is: Lightsabers. Everything else just doesn't matter. Ranked WZ's don't matter either apparently, I guess that leaves us all time to get our Sentinels geared out in full BM though, right?



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These people from bioware who thought and decided that commandos were really OP and needed a change should get an IRL Grav Round and Demo round to their faces. :D


I used to be a class balancer at Bioware, then i took a Grav Round to the knee

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BW and the community want us to believe that this nerf was done on some scientific study of numbers that prove that we were 1 over powered and 2 simply spaming one ability and 3 no other class is spaming a main ability.


So show us the numbers. Prove your point to me....I don't think you can. I think this was the typical knee jerk reaction to PVP whiners about another class being OP. Then the developers look at the number of commandos and say...wow so many commandos they must be op why else would this many people be playing them...



Happens in every MMORPG that has PVP and PVE....the wonderful balancing via whining. No classs or spec is safe.


MMORPG are the bush leagues of gaming genre.

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My guildmate has been complaining about sentinels for so long, he actually rolled a commando to DPS in operations.


It's the infinite wheel of "my class is worse than the others"


I say wait for 1.2 and play a Healer commando in hard modes, see what gives then. I do understand our grav round damage is nerfed by 10% but Demo Round is buffed by 10% and we get to use Full Auto more often with Curtain of Fire proc rate being boosted to a much higher percentage.


The big change now is that people thinking they can just sit and spam Grav Round will have to use Demo Round and Full Auto when available or fail miserably in PVP/PVE damage output.



Your guildmate was bad.

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I can't even roleplay to myself that the game still fun. After 20 hours of pvp non-stop in 2 days and not being able to buy a belt with useless stats. Thks god i only have one account here. I have 4 accounts in Lotro and in EVE and never had such disappointment and bad experiences such i`m having here before. The game fun simply had gone. The pve content is just a bit above than a single player game. Devs have no clue about what is game balance (in fact they don't have a single clue about they are doing imo). The pvp is very limited unbalanced and now due sound bugs, it's better to play without sound. An Tenth of WOW players all spread along i bet in ten times more servers (to fix their servers issues) making the server population horrible among a lot of servers.


Yeah, after 1.2 the last bit of fun playing just gone puff...


Bioware is a new game company that had grow too fast and they simply jumped important parts in the way. Like trying to make customers happy with happy experiences.


They don`t listen their customers, they not try to make them participate, they lie to them and they cheat on them like they did in Mass Effect 3 1st day DLC. The impression i have when i think or when i see Bioware logo is: arrogance and time wasted.


Now think about Nestle, Coca-Cola and Johnson & Johnson. What do you see?


That's the most important thing when you build a brand and BW is giving a **** about that, and consequently to us.

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Yeah, after 1.2 the last bit of fun playing just gone puff...


Bioware is a new game company that had grow too fast and they simply jumped important parts in the way. Like trying to make customers happy with happy experiences.


They don`t listen their customers, they not try to make them participate, they lie to them and they cheat on them like they did in Mass Effect 3 1st day DLC. The impression i have when i think or when i see Bioware logo is: arrogance and time wasted.


Bioware is not a new developer and based on how you are posting my guess is that Bioware as a company is older than you are.Proof http://bit.ly/Im6Ymd


You trying to turn a thread about patch changes for SWTOR into an argument about Day one DLC. There are better places to talk about your opinion, like a personal blog.

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Bioware is not a new developer and based on how you are posting my guess is that Bioware as a company is older than you are.Proof http://bit.ly/Im6Ymd


You trying to turn a thread about patch changes for SWTOR into an argument about Day one DLC. There are better places to talk about your opinion, like a personal blog.


Yeah Bioware is new. Old are Atari (1973), Lucas Arts (1982), Microsoft Games (1994)...


Want me to post companies with more than 100 years old?


About BW cheating, it's public info and it's a shame btw.






Hard is the truth, the best to do is accept, fix and try to improve. but i bet you are a bit bellow of this kind of thinking.

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Full auto should be interruptible for commandos, and maybe add something in T5 or higher a chance to reset HIB when Gav Round gets interrupted.


We'd have a lot more HiB's that's for sure. And what you suggest is lunacy...you're suggesting a buff...crazy man, just crazy.

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