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Game Update 1.2: Legacy is on the Public Test Sever!


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BioWare should really start giving us the Patch notes prior to the actual patch day..

They do.


If you would pay attention and learn to navigate their easily laid out website, you would find the notes 2+ weeks before the release date.


As the notes are available now and the patch is not live.

Edited by DMuhny
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This is a awesome game and i wish i can play but until Someone hires me I can't play this sucks aaaaahhh and the update looo***sss awesome




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What I would like personally is for them to have legacy or at the very least, unlockable races, to affect the account and be useful across all servers. I already made characters of every class of varying races in a single server. I am more or less like all of em so being able to create new classes with different races is moot unless it also is usable on different servers on one Legacy.


Would also be neat to open more options with the family tree if we could use characters from different servers, as I could think of all kinds of options and RP ideas as that goes if I could have more characters to include in it.


Otherwise, I really am digging everything about the legacy system. Can't wait for it to be fully implemented.

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So... I just read through http://mmo-mechanics.com/news.php?article=1-2-legacy-system-preview to see what kinda stuff is hapening, suggest a lot of you do the same, i for one didnt spend all this time leveling my legacy to be denied the items, due to a lack of credits, you need to level AND pay roughly 12 million credits to get the majority of the items, this doesnt sit right with me as i was under the impression after the guild summit that it was level your legacy, and get it for free OR wait and pay a massive amount of creds, reallly hope this is just incorrect information as if i have to go save that many credits after all the work i put into leveling my legacy already, i might just sod it and leave the game, just a little rant, but if you were looking forward to legacy as much as i was, dont get your hopes up
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one more person complain, I'm gonna find them and slap them. God aren't we all spoiled brats. " I want this, I want that "


Do you know what my grandmother used to tell me. " Want in one hand and Poop in the other, see one which fills first "


Seems noone these days can be happy unless something is specifically tailored to them.

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So... I just read through http://mmo-mechanics.com/news.php?article=1-2-legacy-system-preview to see what kinda stuff is hapening, suggest a lot of you do the same, i for one didnt spend all this time leveling my legacy to be denied the items, due to a lack of credits, you need to level AND pay roughly 12 million credits to get the majority of the items, this doesnt sit right with me as i was under the impression after the guild summit that it was level your legacy, and get it for free OR wait and pay a massive amount of creds, reallly hope this is just incorrect information as if i have to go save that many credits after all the work i put into leveling my legacy already, i might just sod it and leave the game, just a little rant, but if you were looking forward to legacy as much as i was, dont get your hopes up



I heard it was EITHER/OR not both

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Sith smuggler???????????????????????? HELLO???????????????


What the hell is going on with this game?????????????????????


Whats next Jar Jar Jedis????????????????????????????????????




NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jar jar Sith! Mwahahahahaha. :rolleyes: Seriously though no one said you had to make a sith smuggler if you didn't want to. Assuming you have your legacy lvl high enough for that or however it's supposed to work..

Also isn't the plural for jedi....jedi? don't think you really need the s, kinda like with pokemon usually people don't say pokemons they just say pokemon. :D Ok I'm done being a grammar nazi. :p

Edited by Caadeus
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....WoW has lore? pretty sure they ****ed up their lore a long time ago...


Oh look! The Chiss species that the Republic knows nothing about are leading its most elite military unit, with access to sensitive information and technology unknown to the galaxy at large!


Makes WoW's lore look pretty coherent by comparison to me.

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LOVE that Vanguards gets Nerfed... and Operatives stay OP in PVP... Actually Operatives need more LOVE! Because i have seen few others than Operatives that can do 400k damage in a pvp game AND almost 100k Healing... i DEMAND Operative BUFFS!!!
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Oh look! The Chiss species that the Republic knows nothing about are leading its most elite military unit, with access to sensitive information and technology unknown to the galaxy at large!


Makes WoW's lore look pretty coherent by comparison to me.


.....Point taken.

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Oh look! The Chiss species that the Republic knows nothing about are leading its most elite military unit, with access to sensitive information and technology unknown to the galaxy at large!


Makes WoW's lore look pretty coherent by comparison to me.


Since when are Chiss Force sensitive? I mean, yes, it's not my call to make, but way to mess up the already in-place lore =/

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Some really good changes I see that a lot of people are overlooking are the new targeting options. We'll finally have Target of Target, and the other thing about being able to see group member's targets without having to target them will be really nice too!
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There are a lot of nice things in this upcoming patch, like the Galactic bank and mail on our ships, but mostly I see group content.


Is there actually any SOLO mission content being added?

Edited by Thlaylie
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I for one am greatly excited about this and it's definitely going to offer many more hours of fun for me. And as for a few of the people complaining about not getting same sex relationships yet, I understand and there is a reason. In the guild summit they stated they didn't want to just tack it on as an afterthought but make it work and with great Bioware storytelling. So I would bet it would be in the first expansion. Edited by rainbowsix
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Since when are Chiss Force sensitive? I mean, yes, it's not my call to make, but way to mess up the already in-place lore =/


Where is that Chiss can't be force sensitive?



There a few Nameless Chiss Jedi Padawan's during TCW(Not the television, just the overrall era)

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So uh... I really didn't have the patience to read ALL of the comments but I did notice that some people had the same question as me and that's how the species unlocks are going to work... Does this mean that the fact that I already have a full server of characters basically f's me over and I won't be able to convert them to a species I unlock? XD
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