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Star Wars: The Clone Wars 4:22 "Revenge" Discussion


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For those that missed the episode, you can watch it here.


Overall, a pretty damn good way to end the season. I guess Katie Lucas is a lot better at writing than her dad. :D


All and all, I'm actually glad Maul is alive and I'm looking forward to see what happens to him next.

Edited by Aitix
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Tbqh, Maul seriously sucked....also proof that jedi can use red sabers!


Anyway...I mean the guy had to get his brother, to kick Obi-Wan's *** and then when they fought he reminded Obi-Wan of his master and that threw him off. I mean I get the whole "darksiders are evil and all that" but he couldn't solve his own problems by himself?

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I had a lot of fun watching it. I'm also liking the Asajj Ventress character more and more


Hopefully they tie in Anakin into the storyline. It'd be cool to see him realize what the dark side can do to a once super powerful force user


Imo minute per minute these past few seasons of the clone wars have been more entertaining than most of the prequels :jawa_angel: I hated the cartoon at first but it has become one of my must-see pieces of TV :eek:

Edited by Jakain
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Maul version 1.3 was totally worth it. They've upped the threat level in Clone wars to condition red with a villain who's as menacing as Savage and as intelligent as Palpatine. Good times ahead. I wonder if he lost his Lord status with Dooku being the Apprentice? Everyone just seemed to refer to him as maul sans Darth. Edited by sanctified
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I loved the episode...

My favourite line was when ventress and kenobi realised they had to run, and obi wan said "I learned from you," Ventress' reply was glorious "FUUU-NEY" I just loved the way her pitch changed loads XD

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Tbqh, Maul seriously sucked....also proof that jedi can use red sabers!


Anyway...I mean the guy had to get his brother, to kick Obi-Wan's *** and then when they fought he reminded Obi-Wan of his master and that threw him off. I mean I get the whole "darksiders are evil and all that" but he couldn't solve his own problems by himself?


I hope in the next season Maul does do some more *** kicking, but in the part where he uses the force to get the lightsaber from Opresse's hand you can see that it took him a bit of effort. So he might still be in the process of regaining his power/strength

Edited by Malrus
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"When I cut you in half I should have aimed for your neck instead." - Obi-Won Kenobi

That line made me laugh. Actually most of the lines made by kenobi in that episode made me laugh. I thought it was a good episode.

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At first I thoguht it was going to end with Maul's 2nd death with the way the music was going and the similar battle between Luke and Darth Vader with rage coming from both of them...I was so happy to see that it'll be another arc at one point in the next season. Overall, Season 4 was the best season. Season 3 was filled with flashbacks and plotholes, having a ton of dead characters in a lot fo those episodes...


Season 4 was about....the Clone WARS. Love how it was darker, and I hope the show keeps going that way. I think we need a real episode for Delta Squad, not just a quick cameo. Though no doubt that would be very hard to get all the voice actors from Republic Commando. Just overall, I want to see more death, more in-depth philosophical episodes like Mortis, etc.


But mainly.....more on the fall of Anakin Skywalker...he needs to get further down the path to the darkside, we saw an ok amount of that with the slavers episodes based on the comic book, but we need another "sand people" moment.

Edited by Eillack
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I found the Ventress appearing to save Kenobi predictable when I saw Maul and Savage kicking Kenobi's butt in trailers for the episode. This episode was pretty good, I forsee Ventress being redeemed in the next season.
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The episode felt rushed and the gaping plot hole of how Ventress magically finds where Savage is just ruined it for me. The only highlight was seeing Kenobi giving into his rage.


Overall, this whole season was a huge disappointment and was full of too many useless filler episodes and there was little to no character development. I'm kind of tired of seeing Anakin already because it just reminds me of how horrible the prequels were.


Also, can they make Grievous be not absolutely useless for once?

Edited by ComeAndSee
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I found the Ventress appearing to save Kenobi predictable when I saw Maul and Savage kicking Kenobi's butt in trailers for the episode. This episode was pretty good, I forsee Ventress being redeemed in the next season.


Well before Ventress' life story was remade, based of the original Clone Wars mini-series a comic series called Obsession came out. It followed Anakin Skywalker pretty much being obsessed knowing that Ventress was somehow still alive, even though she should have fallen to her death. In the end of the comic series there is a massive battle on a planet who's name I can't recall where Ventress, fully rebuilt by the latest medical technologies and the darkside was in a kolto tank.


Ventress and Skywalker battled it out for awhile with it all ending with Skywalker stabbing her in the chest with his lightsaber...few panels later it shows a Republic medical shuttle in hyperspace carrying Ventress' corpse and other bodies. All of a sudden Ventress walks up to the cockpit (apparently the powers used to heal her can bring her back to life, or at least heal heavy wounds) and she tells the freaked out shuttle pilot to take her far away from the Republic and from the war...and that's how it ened with her. Ventress just tired of all the war, the death, etc, and just trying to get away from it to find peace.


TCW remake series really tarnished Ventress though....she was never a Nightsister, the Nightsisters weren't supposed to be destroyed, or at least dwindled down to a few survivors, and Ventress wasn't just some random assasin...she was Dooku's fully-time aprentice.


But at least in TCW, I would like to see her becoming more light-side, seeing that her new origin included being a Jedi at one point...

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Where do you get Ventress being Dooku's full time apprentice?



Sidious, Dooku and others always called Ventress an assassin. She begged Dooku to make her an apprentice and he refused always.



Dark Rendezvous Novel.


season 3 when sidious asks dooku to kill ventress because he doesnt want him have an apprentice incase he tries to overthrow him,dooku replied she is too important for him.


Then at the same episode when ventress holocall him and asks him his help he says "you fail me for the last time and you no longer my apprentice now die"

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Where do you get Ventress being Dooku's full time apprentice?



Sidious, Dooku and others always called Ventress an assassin. She begged Dooku to make her an apprentice and he refused always.



Dark Rendezvous Novel.


Watch the ORIGINAL Clone Wars mini-series.

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It looked like Dooku was going to use Ventress to help him overthrow Sidious, but Sidious either caught wind of it or foresaw it, he confronted Dooku and Dookue betrayed her to save his own neck. it was the one time we've seen Sidious angry with Dooku.
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