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Your best moment in SWTOR so far?


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I was on

Tatooine, searching for the bodies/data pads of those mercs the Sand people killed.

I came to the 3rd spire/tower I believe it was, & a Jedi Sage player came up next to me,

after killing the Imperials guarding it.



I was LV 28, him 29, but was ready & willing for PvP is he flagged me. Instead, his character bowed to me 3 times & just left.


Should befriended him, oh well.

Edited by Darth_Solrac
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I came across something similar in the planet HOTH.


I was minding my own business, and at the very far end of the screen I see a Sentinel literally hauling *** towards me. Me being a dumb ***, I was flagged for PvP in a PvE server, and all my comps were out crafting. The guy pauses a few yards ahead of me and does the whole "go away" companion thing and *points* at me. Im like OH **** OH **** ive never pvp'ed outside WZs before.


He force leaps and we have our epic duel, and I end up winning the fight.

I'll never forget that fight lol.



Sith Assassin, in the 40s back at the time.

Edited by Zanxscarce
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I came across something similar in the planet HOTH.


I was minding my own business, and at the very far end of the screen I see a Sentinel literally hauling *** towards me. Me being a dumb ***, I was flagged for PvP in a PvE server, and all my comps were out crafting. The guy pauses a few yards ahead of me and does the whole "go away" companion thing and *points* at me. Im like OH **** OH **** ive never pvp'ed outside WZs before.


He force leaps and we have our epic duel, and I end up winning the fight.

I'll never forget that fight lol.



Sith Assassin, in the 40s back at the time.


I was a sentinel at lvl 41, id just ran through an imperial camp on belsavis. I ran across a sith assasin and a juggernaught... Neither had companions whilst i had scourge, however they were both lvl 46. They werent flagged for pvp (we are on a PVE server btw) I dont think they understood that they could still attack me as they headed for the repubic camp like 100 meters away, i obviously ran but got attacked by mobs. Me and scourge were at 75% health when the imperials arrived back now flagged for PVP after invading the republic outpost and running back. All hell broke loose and the rest is a blur, i made it out with an unconsious scourge and 30% health with 2 sith lying defeated by my side. 1 minute later they came back with 2 friends for revenge, god knows how they managed to find me, guess they knew where i was questing as they were back on my tail with 2 extra people.


I knew i was outmatched against two 46's and 2 45's, a juggernaught, an assassin, an operative and a sorcerer. I tried to speeder but hadn't bought speeder upgrade 2 and they caught up to me. The republic being the glorious faction it is, decided to help me out, within a minute the reaid group planning to attack the primal destroyer (6 level 50's) arrived, ust as i got attacked. The rest is history, i added the assasin that attacked me on my sorcerer alt, he said fair doose and we got to know each other.... It ended up being slap down my fav experience...

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I remember i saw a jedi guardian on alderaan, and just stalked him on my speeder, and followed him everywhere he went. i put on one of my creepier looking masks, and accidentaly followed him right into the reps town, where i was obliterated...
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I have a few but they are strictly PvE encounters, and they mostly involve force push


On my Jedi Guardian

It was on Tatooine fighting a group of sand people next to a rock formation. one of the sand people climbed on top of the tall rocks. He was probably a foot away from me and maybe 4 feet up, i force pushed him and he went flyyyyyyyying. I knew he was gonna go up and away but i didnt think he was gonna fly as high or as far as he did.


On Alderaan, 3 mobs on top of a cliff, but there was about a 5 foot wall made of rocks behind them so they wouldn't go straight off, they would have to go over the wall. I jumped in, of course i see one of the mobs get on top of a rock. Naturally i force pushed him, and as expected he arced up and over the wall and down about 100 feet.


Another one on Alderaan, this one was me vs an elite guarding a chest or quest item. The elite was standing on a rock and behind her was a waterfall. Even though elites are good chances for loot drop i couldnt resist. I force jumped, and force pushed the elite....all i see from the edge of the rock was -12500 (how much hp they had).


I've had a few on my commando/merc too where i do my knockback, but i get really close to the enemy. If you do this the knockback can send them straight up and back down.

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I came across something similar in the planet HOTH.


I was minding my own business, and at the very far end of the screen I see a Sentinel literally hauling *** towards me. Me being a dumb ***, I was flagged for PvP in a PvE server, and all my comps were out crafting. The guy pauses a few yards ahead of me and does the whole "go away" companion thing and *points* at me. Im like OH **** OH **** ive never pvp'ed outside WZs before.


He force leaps and we have our epic duel, and I end up winning the fight.

I'll never forget that fight lol.



Sith Assassin, in the 40s back at the time.


Yea, that woulda been my 1st PvP in my PvE server. As Sith, I probably shoulda aggressed, but I wanted to see if there was any dark side in that Sage. Apparently not, going by his subsequent actions.

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I had something similar on my Smuggler too. On Hoth no less. I just finish up killing some wampas, and am at 2/3 health, when suddenly, a Sniper comes up and begins to lay the beatdown on me. After using every defensive/survival tool I have, + Risha targetting him, I manage to finally kill the sniper fellow and continue on my mission. That was fun. :)
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Best moment in the story was when my

Miraluka Jedi Knight proceeded to beat the Emperor down. Blind Guardian took down the freakin' EMPEROR!



Best moment in PvP? Just a few moments ago while on my Assassin. Some nub Gunslinger in the Imperial bonus series area on Nar Shaddaa (yes, they do cross over). And flagged for PvP. So I creepdogged up on him and proceeded to introduce him to a really bad day. That was a righteous kill.


Tbh, I hope we get combat logs soon and I REALLY hope that Battleclinic supports them. :D

Edited by Captain_Zone
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I remember i saw a jedi guardian on alderaan, and just stalked him on my speeder, and followed him everywhere he went. i put on one of my creepier looking masks, and accidentaly followed him right into the reps town, where i was obliterated...


I literally lold when I read this

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Was drunk as a sheep one night, and dinged 25 on my Jedi Sentinel. Bought him a speeder, decided to run around the Fleet going "WHEEEE" because for some reason, it amused me at the time.


It was short-lived, for I came to realise you can actually fall through the holes between the catwalks in the GTN section and die.


- - -



When Risha asked me, a female Smuggler, whether she should marry this Dubrillion count/baron/whatever, I told her to string him along for a while. This gave me strange, inexplicable satisfaction.



- - -


And finally... I joined a guild at level 42, and dinged 50 four or five days later. Because due to unfortunate circumstances I'm forced to play on mobile broadband, I hadn't expected to do anything with the guild until much, much later.

Instead, as a freshly dinged 50, they drag my laggy backside into every possible operation in the game, despite the fact I had no clue of tactics and my dps must've been abysmal. I won nine pieces of epic loot in that one night, plus a number of new friends. And they insist I come again despite being rubbish. It's people like this that make MMO's so much better than single-players. <3

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