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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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Right now, yes, things make look rosey. But quite a few MMO's looked to have a rosey future, but ultimately ended up losing the majority of subs when those "locusts" you refer to left the game.


There's an old saying: don't count your chickens before they hatch.


An MMO can have masses of "potential", but potential is only of worth when it is brought into reality.


Right, and Monkeys could start flying out of my butt; but it's highly unlikely. This isn't a matter of counting chickens. TOR had a successful launch has won crap tons of awards and enjoys a large mostly contented audience. Wringing your hands and worrying about issues that have no signs of transpiring is ludicrous.


GW2 just isn't going to be a threat the cash sop alone is going to turn off a lot of players and even if someone dose drop 50.00 on it, it doesn't mean they will stop playing the other MMO they are paying for. Tera will do okay but just Okay.....TSW; well it will have a cult following that will be loyal but will not break out into the mainstream...Funcom knows this.


My point is even if these games all do extremely well it still probably won't effect TOR in any way shape or form. I know a lot of folks are hoping BioWare fails, but they really need to get a life.

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I think GW2 being in closed beta indicates a release way prior to dec, september seems more likely to me.


I will switch to that when it comes out. If this game changes enough by then I could see myself playing both in tandem.

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I think GW2 being in closed beta indicates a release way prior to dec, september seems more likely to me.


I will switch to that when it comes out. If this game changes enough by then I could see myself playing both in tandem.


Don't bother. You'll be twice as disappointed. Trust me.


I think I'm going to quit gaming until all these knuckle-dragging developers and companies realize DX11 is available.




GW2.. lol..oh man.

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There is absolutely nothing among these leaked cash shop items that let's you "win" anything. It's nothing more then "pay 2 save time" at the very most.


Exactly. It'd be different if they were selling say, Tier 2 Armor Pieces. Nothing you can buy that will give you an advantage unless you really just hate actually playing the game and just want to buy exp boosts (which only last an hour).


Not everyone sees a lack of subscription as a plus.


So if your cable company told you that you no longer had to pay a monthly subscription, you just had to buy the digital converter box and if you wanted extra features like HBO or DVR service, you just had to pay for those as well, you'd say "No thanks, I'll keep paying my $60 a month."?


I guess it's true: treat the customers like crap and they'll keep coming back for more :(



Sorry, noob question, but what is RvR?


Realm vs Realm

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ill speak for myself...

TERA - anime style i cant play something like that... tried the beta... did not like it :( = No

GW2 - gfx :confused: gameplay :eek: story line :( = No

SWTOR - star wars :D Bioware :D = HELL YEAH


dont care what peeps say... i like the game and will play it

there will be always people playing :p





same thing mate, GW no.. but Titan yeah will roll it! is coming out at 2016 i think til then SWTOR!


While I don't like the fact that Tera has no stealth class the Popori look like a fun race to play as:



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Don't bother. You'll be twice as disappointed. Trust me.


I think I'm going to quit gaming until all these knuckle-dragging developers and companies realize DX11 is available.




GW2.. lol..oh man.


Lol in WoW DX9 was the default settings and no matter how low I set my graphics it always had a massive hiccup problem. Then I switched to DX11 in the advanced settings and it runs smoothly on max even in PvP and Molten Front.

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Easy raids, No combat log/damage meters, Rated bg's as answer for competitive pvp, 100000 bugs, Nerfing fun specs to the ground, Failure to fix ilum immediately before everybody kill traded their way to gear, no arena

= cancelled sub


see you guys in D3 forums where we can complain that game.

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TITAN becuase of Blizzard's coding will crush everyone and start another 10 million sub game.


Titan, not GW 2 not Tera, not anything else mentioned here.


I wouldn't worry much about a game that will launch in 2015 at the earliest.

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I just want to say I think swtor is a great game for what it is, a pve game. What I'll be getting guild wars 2 for is a pvp game. I didnt really enjoy GW1 (tried it a bit, like WoW just didnt do it for me), but they are tossing the old formula out almost completely and adopting the DAOC formula.


Also the PVE in GW2 does actually sound cool, public quests were A LOT of fun in warhammer, mostly because you meet so many people. In swtor 9/10 people are solo, same as any game. Public quests let you solo with other people which builds community like it should. Making them dynamic is a great pve concept too, I think rift did this also (never played), but gives you a sense that you are fighting FOR something, and not just doing quest a, b, c..


Voice acting is cool in SWTOR also, they really did a great job there. But the story I want is the story of how our realm defeated realm X by rallying the guilds for a massive 2 prong simultaneous attack on their towers and suppy trains, and then once they were diverted a third force (mostly comprised of that somewhat elitist guild we all hate but came through this time), hidden in the forest, quickly set up siege weapons and assualted their fortress for a surprise 11th hour victory... which will be remembered for months to come! This to me is what MMO's are for.

Edited by salamanderx
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TITAN becuase of Blizzard's coding will crush everyone and start another 10 million sub game.


Titan, not GW 2 not Tera, not anything else mentioned here.


Such faith in a game you know absolutely nothing about.

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Right, and Monkeys could start flying out of my butt; but it's highly unlikely. This isn't a matter of counting chickens. TOR had a successful launch has won crap tons of awards and enjoys a large mostly contented audience. Wringing your hands and worrying about issues that have no signs of transpiring is ludicrous.


GW2 just isn't going to be a threat the cash sop alone is going to turn off a lot of players and even if someone dose drop 50.00 on it, it doesn't mean they will stop playing the other MMO they are paying for. Tera will do okay but just Okay.....TSW; well it will have a cult following that will be loyal but will not break out into the mainstream...Funcom knows this.


My point is even if these games all do extremely well it still probably won't effect TOR in any way shape or form. I know a lot of folks are hoping BioWare fails, but they really need to get a life.


So, are you trying to say that just because TOR won awards and had a successful launch, you think that it's long term success is guaranteed? Lol.


Seriously? I've heard this kind of "this game will withstand all competition" prophetic crap before. It's always amusing to see people try to cite reasons why.


Since when does a successful launch guarantee anything? Box sales do not guarantee long term subscription retention. Sub levels from the first few months after launch aren't accurate indicators either.


Have you seen the MMO industry? It's littered with MMO's that won awards, and some launched quite well. And some where even based on VERY popular IP's like Star Trek. And yet, the majority flopped after 6 months.


This ain't hand wringing. It's history.


Of course, one can choose to bury ones head in the proverbial sand, and pretend that SWTOR is guaranteed to be an overwhelming success. But that would be very naive. And could ultimately end in dissappointment.


I am not saying that TOR is guaranteed to ultimately flop. My point is that TOR stands just as much as chance at flopping as it does at succeeding. But the longer time goes on, the more accurate the indicators will be on the end result.

Edited by Tarka
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GW2: Pink butterfly combat animations plus buy to play + tons of micro-transactions

WoW: Kung Fu Panda Pokemon Adventures + tons of micro-transactions

Tera: Korean grind fest


Yup, SWTOR should be able to compete.

Edited by Azzras
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We don't know much about Titan except:


- Titan will be cross-platform with excellent coding, as WoW is (and every other Blizzard game were). As a Mac user, it means I won't have to either use Windows, reboot everytime I want to quest or lose 100 GB of disk space just to entertain a second partition. I also expect OpenGL client performance to be in the same ballpark thant its DirectX counterpart and available day 1.


- Titan will be built upon Blizzard huge experience. Expect a lot of refinements absent of swtor like a download manager allowing to play while downloading assets in the background, EU/US separate maintenance times, mobile tools (AH, armory, guild chat/guild management tools), add-ons, macros, a web site that works perfectly on all platforms (including mobile ones devoid of flash support) as of day 1.

And I expect PvP to be truely epic and not limited to 8vs8 battlegrounds due to a weak game engine.


- Titan will easily feature a lot of side games (like MoP will have) and, hence, huge replayability.


- Titan will attract a huge number of followers, hence allowing for vivid worlds and thriving online communities.


- Titan may add everything WoW has been lacking due to initial development choices and that developpers had always wished they had thought of.


Sure, Titan may fall behind our expectations but it has easily the potential to be better than WoW in every possible way.


And we already know that SWTOR has fallen short of besting WoW in so many areas besides voice acting and character customization that the buzz Bioware fed the community with for several years is already embarassing.


SWTOR will improve quickly but will it be enough? It is already crippled by an under performing game engine, lack of other OSes support, population fragmentation, unfinished UI, small PvP battles, lack of RvsR or functional world PvP, just slightly above average high end PvE and EA management.



I want to believe in SWTOR since I love Star Wars and the game has a quite a few attractive features but I fear it may feel really outdated byt the time Titan hit the shelves.

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I'm not personally sure that Titan will be all people think it will be.


I don't think even Blizzard are so arrogant to assume that Titan will be as much of a success as WoW was.


After all, MMO history proves that it doesn't matter what your past history has been in the industry, you can always mess up your next project.


As Brad "Everquest->Vanguard" McQuaid, and Richard "UO->Tabula Rasa" Garriot both proved.

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I'm not personally sure that Titan will be all people think it will be.


I don't think even Blizzard are so arrogant to assume that Titan will be as much of a success as WoW was.


After all, MMO history proves that it doesn't matter what your past history has been in the industry, you can always mess up your next project.


As Brad "Everquest->Vanguard" McQuaid, and Richard "UO->Tabula Rasa" Garriot both proved.


And the last I heard was Titan may be a FPS.



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GW2: Pink butterfly combat animations plus buy to play + tons of micro-transactions


naw... the shop only provides convenience items. Fluff and xp gain enhancers etc, stuff you dont need to compete or win, they've made this policy clear.


Not that I think swtor is in any danger either, pretty sure you could call it a massive success already. It just doesnt fill the pvp void, so its apples and oranges anyway.

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It's worth looking at "The Secret World" by Funcom. This comes out in June and looking at the "youtube" videos it looks very promising.


Hopefully SW TOR might improve with patches, but they will need to merge servers very soon and maybe allow Guilds to merge as well.


Meanwhile I'm having to play STO when I hit a daily brick wall with TOR

Edited by Qwertystarchaser
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naw... the shop only provides convenience items. Fluff and xp gain enhancers etc, stuff you dont need to compete or win, they've made this policy clear.


Not that I think swtor is in any danger either, pretty sure you could call it a massive success already. It just doesnt fill the pvp void, so its apples and oranges anyway.


I think you misunderstood my statement.


I didn't say pay to win, I said buy to play plus tons of micro-transactions.

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So, are you trying to say that just because TOR won awards and had a successful launch, you think that it's long term success is guaranteed? Lol.




No i'm not LOL

I just think LOL

That all of the doom saying LOL

Is a bit insipid LOL.

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We don't know much about Titan except:


- Titan will be cross-platform with excellent coding, as WoW is (and every other Blizzard game were). As a Mac user, it means I won't have to either use Windows, reboot everytime I want to quest or lose 100 GB of disk space just to entertain a second partition. I also expect OpenGL client performance to be in the same ballpark thant its DirectX counterpart and available day 1.


- Titan will be built upon Blizzard huge experience. Expect a lot of refinements absent of swtor like a download manager allowing to play while downloading assets in the background, EU/US separate maintenance times, mobile tools (AH, armory, guild chat/guild management tools), add-ons, macros, a web site that works perfectly on all platforms (including mobile ones devoid of flash support) as of day 1.

And I expect PvP to be truely epic and not limited to 8vs8 battlegrounds due to a weak game engine.


- Titan will easily feature a lot of side games (like MoP will have) and, hence, huge replayability.


- Titan will attract a huge number of followers, hence allowing for vivid worlds and thriving online communities.


- Titan may add everything WoW has been lacking due to initial development choices and that developpers had always wished they had thought of.


Sure, Titan may fall behind our expectations but it has easily the potential to be better than WoW in every possible way.


So... Sources?


- Titan will easily feature a lot of side games (like MoP will have) and, hence, huge replayability.
The terms "easily" and "a lot" are incredibly suggestive and opinionated.


- Titan will attract a huge number of followers, hence allowing for vivid worlds and thriving online communities.


- Titan may add everything WoW has been lacking due to initial development choices and that developpers had always wished they had thought of.
MAY, that's the key word there. They may also go back to MuDs for all we know of Titan.
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