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So many dead servers


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i agree

i played on one sever.. at night saturdya we used to have 20-30 people in republic fleet.

i left for a month, i came back, 5-10 people in republic fleet at saturday night lol

i left to the other server, not the most popular one, but we have now 100-150 people at all nights in republic fleet.

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i agree

i played on one sever.. at night saturdya we used to have 20-30 people in republic fleet.

i left for a month, i came back, 5-10 people in republic fleet at saturday night lol

i left to the other server, not the most popular one, but we have now 100-150 people at all nights in republic fleet.


We used to have around 150 people. Now we have 40.

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lol i have to love this post, sooon there will be alot of fanboys asking us what the heck we are talking about that the servers are full with ppl ^^ yea i agree with you this game is pretty much dead for me today, i canceled my subscription first i was sent to freedom of nadd, then the que was soo long and they told me to reroll so i did and the server i ended up in is imo verey light.


this was one big pieace of ***** to a game

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Curious where you're getting the figure of 25% from?


You're in denial if you think they haven't lost 60-80% of the initial player base. I get my figures from playing on 4 different servers which have all seen a drop of 60-80% (2 prelaunch servers and 2 launch day servers) . All are full of nothing but chirping crickets in fleet.

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Agree strongly. I want free server transfers/merges fast. The AH is dead. Ilum's dead.


You really think they'll do something? There are certainly too many servers; it feels like an old game, population-wise, lol.

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They are losing a lot of subs, they have to do something like merge the low population server or else they will be losing more that that. We post here because we are genuinely not having a good time playing a game where we have to go in and wait for hours just for a pvp pop, or even a HM run, which is supposed to be end game content.


And BW refuse to acknowledge this is an issue and they are looking into it, they keep giving us false statistic like 1.7 Mill subs, where are they? they are no where to be seen.


hahahaha... i'm just waiting for my sub to end at the moment, not going to resub if they dont do anything about this.

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You're in denial if you think they haven't lost 60-80% of the initial player base. I get my figures from playing on 4 different servers which have all seen a drop of 60-80% (2 prelaunch servers and 2 launch day servers) . All are full of nothing but chirping crickets in fleet.


So made up statistics are made up.....


FYI on one of my many servers there was a huge decline, it so happened that it was the same time oceanic servers opened and the server just so happened to have a large aus population.

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It is kind of telling that 3 months into game and they are already offering free weekends to bring in more people. Most companies only do that when the game is having issues.


Nonsense. Blizzard spammed 14 day free trials before the launch of Burning Crusade as their population was steadily increasing.

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Game is dying if you play imperial and DEAD if you play Republic sad but true. When you have an MMO where the currency is worthless the game will die fast just like it did in Rift. People dont farm anything to kill time / farming puts people in the world for world pvp as well but since currency is worthless nobody is in the world ever so most people just log out after dailies if they are even still doing them at this point.


20 people 35 was the highest all night from 6pm-3am on republic fleet on death wind corridor we went from having a steady 30 people first 2 months to having maybe 6-9 people log in a week....almost all the guilds have disbanded and made one super guild of about 30 people online just so they could all run some PvE. I just can't believe this game died so damn fast...even aion and rift lasted a couple of months to a year almost.

Edited by warkat
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Uhm, devs can barely manually transfer toons onto the PTS.


Game is only three months old.


I think you got a better chance leveling an alt to your current level than waiting on a magic transfer that will probably not happen in the next three months.

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Game is dying if you play imperial and DEAD if you play Republic sad but true. When you have an MMO where the currency is worthless the game will die fast just like it did in Rift. People dont farm anything to kill time / farming puts people in the world for world pvp as well but since currency is worthless nobody is in the world ever so most people just log out after dailies if they are even still doing them at this point.


20 people 35 was the highest all night from 6pm-3am on republic fleet on death wind corridor we went from having a steady 30 people first 2 months to having maybe 6-9 people log in a week....almost all the guilds have disbanded and made one super guild of about 30 people online just so they could all run some PvE. I just can't believe this game died so damn fast...even aion and rift lasted a couple of months to a year almost.


Haha, you are so funny! You have access to rift, aion and swtor statistic so you kmow this game dieing! If not chill out stop rage! Thing will get better!

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Greetings everyone!


Since we have several threads regarding server population, in the interest of consolidating feedback, we are going to close this thread. We ask that you please continue this discussion here:



Thank you for your understanding! :)

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