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Restrict World Boss loot via level


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I feel that the only people whom will have issues with this are the ones that are currently 20 levels higher than the boss itself and are farming them for cash.




As a new player, a few undiscoverd grids on the map lead me to a strange place in Drummond Kass. A named area, seemingly empty. I thought nothing of this for a few days (leveling has been slow, im only leveling when my friend is on)


1am Aussie time, when im running around gathering crystals for my crafting profession, i discover "The First" in this seemingly empty but named place. Oh wow! a Worldboss!


Someone starts to form a group for him. While the group is forming, a level 38 appears, and solos the "The First".


The next day i keep a look out for this viscious beast. All day he's nowhere to be seen. again, around 1-2am in the morning he appears, it takes over an hour but i get a group together, we fight and are victorious.


What a blast it was, and new friends were made in the process. I go to sleep, wake up about 11am the next day. Spend some time crafting then go crystal gathering again.


"The Fist" is up, yet again. And being Solo'd yet again by someone who's 20 levels higher than it.




These world bosses are meant to be for people around its level, a group event where people need to call on strangers and friends alike to group together, work together to achieve a common goal, and then reap the rewards of their success should they defeat him.



They are not meant to be "Money Tree's" for higher levels whom camp them all day and put all the loot up on the AH for ridiculous prices.




As a new player, I both look forward too, and dread coming across more world bosses as my Adventures in SWTOR continue. Knowing full well how much fun it will be to fight them, while at the same time knowing that it will be extreamly hard, to get a chance in at these bosses as they are all being camped by high levels looking to make an easy buck.




A solution to this, would be to "lock off" the loot on the bosses, so if a player is able to solo the boss, nothign at all would drop.


Im sure you developers know the level range/difference between a group genuinley looking to fight him at the aproximate level of the boss, and a player 10-15 levels higher (or perhaps two, tank and heals duoing it) purely for $$ loot.



Please let us have a chance to enjoy the game's bosses without being slapped in the face by creditfarmers that cant seem to come up with any better/creative ways to make cash other than preying on the fun/enjoyment of lower levels with their current farming tactics.




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while a great deal of what you are describing occurs, what about those of us that actually farm them for loot for alts/companions and in some circumstances rather specific skins for orange items?


are we just sol now for world bosses that groups rarely form for? its already enough trouble just to get a group together for heroics on any given planet.

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perhaps, actualy participate in the groups that form to kill the boss at its own level rather than looking to twink you're character?


i realy dont see the big deal with twinking in SWTOR, as you level pretty fast anyway the gear never realy stays long.


Another reason why the high levels farming it for hte AH sucks, its good gear but not worth buying because you grow out of it too quick!

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not really, especially when being provided for by a rich main. the few drops that arent prototype will last you 7ish levels, and the prototype will last 5ish, and the mods another 3ish before they are easily replaced. generally they are cheaper overall than keeping up to date with blue mods, especially if you actually use more than 1-2 companions.
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  • 4 months later...

I agree with this idea wholeheartedly, but I honestly think it isn't going far enough just to restrict it based on the loot. The issue that I find unbelievably infuriating is the high level characters that either "come to help a friend" or join in with the correct level players just because they are bored. This goes against the entire idea of world bosses and while I understand this is a social game that is meant to bring people together, it is still A GAME which means rules.


One of the things I look forward to most while levelling is doing world bosses with fellow players on my planet. Putting the group together, coordinating and executing are all fun in their own right; personally, I find the loot to just be a bonus. Lately, this entire experience has been ruined by the constant stream of high level characters coming to low level zones to do world bosses. Now instead of actually having to race against an enrage timer, manage your resources and maximize your damage all while dealing with mechanics you have some bored level 50 loot training your group "for teh lulz". That isn't why I pay $15 per month and I know that isn't why a lot of other people pay either. I pay and play for the experiences, not the epic items. I'd rather wipe for an hour on a world boss than call in some high level to do it for me.


Allowing players to participate in fights against world bosses much lower level than they are strips the meaning from the world boss and denies players the chance to do it themselves, the way it was intended. I know the developers may have more pressing issues at the moment, but at least consider implementing some sort of system to keep only level appropriate characters doing the world bosses. The weekly quests were honestly a step backwards for that aim and I implore you to remove them.

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while a great deal of what you are describing occurs, what about those of us that actually farm them for loot for alts/companions and in some circumstances rather specific skins for orange items?


are we just sol now for world bosses that groups rarely form for? its already enough trouble just to get a group together for heroics on any given planet.


Be proactive, group for them when you're suppose to and if you want stuff for your companions and specific skins, well then go find stuff to buy on the AH.

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I feel that the only people whom will have issues with this are the ones that are currently 20 levels higher than the boss itself and are farming them for cash.




As a new player, a few undiscoverd grids on the map lead me to a strange place in Drummond Kass. A named area, seemingly empty. I thought nothing of this for a few days (leveling has been slow, im only leveling when my friend is on)


1am Aussie time, when im running around gathering crystals for my crafting profession, i discover "The First" in this seemingly empty but named place. Oh wow! a Worldboss!


Someone starts to form a group for him. While the group is forming, a level 38 appears, and solos the "The First".


The next day i keep a look out for this viscious beast. All day he's nowhere to be seen. again, around 1-2am in the morning he appears, it takes over an hour but i get a group together, we fight and are victorious.


What a blast it was, and new friends were made in the process. I go to sleep, wake up about 11am the next day. Spend some time crafting then go crystal gathering again.


"The Fist" is up, yet again. And being Solo'd yet again by someone who's 20 levels higher than it.




These world bosses are meant to be for people around its level, a group event where people need to call on strangers and friends alike to group together, work together to achieve a common goal, and then reap the rewards of their success should they defeat him.



They are not meant to be "Money Tree's" for higher levels whom camp them all day and put all the loot up on the AH for ridiculous prices.




As a new player, I both look forward too, and dread coming across more world bosses as my Adventures in SWTOR continue. Knowing full well how much fun it will be to fight them, while at the same time knowing that it will be extreamly hard, to get a chance in at these bosses as they are all being camped by high levels looking to make an easy buck.




A solution to this, would be to "lock off" the loot on the bosses, so if a player is able to solo the boss, nothign at all would drop.


Im sure you developers know the level range/difference between a group genuinley looking to fight him at the aproximate level of the boss, and a player 10-15 levels higher (or perhaps two, tank and heals duoing it) purely for $$ loot.



Please let us have a chance to enjoy the game's bosses without being slapped in the face by creditfarmers that cant seem to come up with any better/creative ways to make cash other than preying on the fun/enjoyment of lower levels with their current farming tactics.





I'm sorry but i disagree, i soloed the nar shaddaa world boss saturday night just to see if it could be done and got some rather nice loot, as an artifice as well i also got a magenta crystal schematic (which would be the only reason i would want to solo this boss in the future).


I think that the respawn timer for world bosses should be dropped to 1 hour instead of four, while also adding coding that allows a player to only have loot drop from a certain boss once every 12 hours.

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