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Over Powered healing killing PvP


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the fact that healers are currently designed to heal nightmare mode raid boss damage means that healing MUST be significantly nerfed if this game is to have any sort of life expectancy. I don't know why these arrogant healers, so full of themselves, don't realize this. People will QUIT and this game will go free to play then eventually get shut down if this continues.


The fact that DPSers are currently designed to chew through a nightmare raid boss hit point pool before the enrage is up means that DPS must be significantly nerfed if this game is to have any sort of life expectancy. I don't know why these arrogant DPSers, so full of themselves, don't realize this. People will QUIT and this game will go free to play then eventually get shut down if this continues.


"If you don't do x, kittens will die" is the argument used by someone who has no actual point to fall back on.

Edited by Syylara
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This is the first thing you've posted today that I agree with.


50 sniper/slinger?


41, actually. MM is best for squishy damaging, since their tooltip numbers are higher. Lethality for burning everyone up, and engineering for... well engineering is great for noobs because they can full energy every minute...

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41, actually. MM is best for squishy damaging, since their tooltip numbers are higher. Lethality for burning everyone up, and engineering for... well engineering is great for noobs because they can full energy every minute...


I was curious about the level because you've made several posts in the Sorc/Sage nerf threads using your experience as a ~40 sorc/sage. It's no secret that this class is OP pre-50, just as casters are in every mmo before max level/high end gear.


I have a 30~ sniper and really enjoy tearing through (non-merc) healers in WZs but that just shows I'm using my own totally irrelevant sub-50 PvP experience to form an opinion. I barely ever face snipers/slingers @ 50 myself so I was curious as to what a 50 sniper/slingers impression was of their performance; more specifically, wtfpwning squishy healers.

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One word, EXPERTISE. They need to get rid of the healing bonus in expertise because the defence/damage nullify one another, but healing isn't, it is just boosted. If expertise granted something to the effect of, DPSers vs someone healing can ignore the healers defence bonus from expertise it would even out, but as it stands now there is nothing holding back the extra healing from expertise.


To be honest I'd be happy if expertise + to healing only worked on friendly players, that would mean a healer is still unkillable, as long as his TEAM are backing him, it shouldn't be that a healer can get 2 heals interrupted but when he gets that final 3rd heal off because both the DPSers interrupts are now on CD, his expertise healing bonus allows him to half health himself, then he can get another one to three (depending on the class) heals in before the DPSers can interrupt him again. All of which are getting a +15% bonus from being in battlemasters gear and the DPSer is not doing any extra damage because of the +15% to defence from expertise gear.

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If you have 2 people on a healer and you can't take him down... you're obviously doing something wrong. Either 0 communication or bad timing on CCs and Interrupts but hell you can lock that guy completely... 2 CCs + 2 interrupts


Wrong, 3 healer teams, with possibly some classes to offheal can outheal even the heaviest burst with some intelligent play (meaning kiting / LoSing) and teammates helping them.


I play an assault Vanguard, this week I faced off against a 3 healer team (2 Mercs & Sorc) with DPS offhealing in Alderaan and it was like hitting your face against a brick wall. Even with the luckiest crit streaks, you have no story against 2 healers, sorc shields, guards and taunts all being thrown at you while you're getting counter-stunned by their team as well.


Those teams are incredibly strong in Alderaan and Huttbal as they can simply sit on an objective forever. Less so in Voidstar, but still.


However, I'm not complaining, they're adding a number of nerfs and debuffs in 1.2 that will make it much more feasible to disable a healer.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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I dont see the logic that as a dps you should be able to kill a healer 1v1. If that was true why would you bring a healer at all in a WZ? Then there would be no way in hell to keep up the ballcarrier or whatever.


A good dps that chain some CC can get a healer very low but then he will get out and heal up. With 2 good dps that help to chain CC u are dead. WZs in this game is a lot about teamwork and very little about 1v1 anyway.

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Signed. Dont get me started on heavy armor healers that cant be interupted. ***?!!?


It's people like you that get classes nerfed for mo reason. The uniterruptable ability is tied to our bubble which is on a cd, and it doesn't make us immune to cc. Bh are also single target healers, which extends to healing themselves, and cant group heal or heal on the move. Put a good mara on merc/comm healer and they have to go defensive, thus no healing to their group, ball carrier, etc.....its really not that hard.

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It's people like you that get classes nerfed for mo reason. The uniterruptable ability is tied to our bubble which is on a cd, and it doesn't make us immune to cc. Bh are also single target healers, which extends to healing themselves, and cant group heal or heal on the move. Put a good mara on merc/comm healer and they have to go defensive, thus no healing to their group, ball carrier, etc.....its really not that hard.


^That is the true.

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It's no secret that healing in this game is overpowered. The only people arguing that it isn't are the ones that are taking advantage of it's lack of balance. I would ask these people to not be short sighted and think about the good of the game first.


The vast majority of people that PvP, do so to mess someone up. It's been the foundation of PvP in MMOs since PvPs conception. Now when healing imbalance turns the PvP experience into an exercise in frustration like we're starting to see, people quit and find something else to do. While it may be fun to take advantage of healing imbalance and spam LOL at these people while blocking their ability to achieve. It's not going to help with long term retention.


We're already getting the same syndrome that Rift saw with it's overpowered healing. ie. stack healers and spam which leads to:


Boring PVP is Boring!


Leads to:


see ya!


Additionally, it's bad enough the combat mechanics in this game are so slow and clunky. Why would you want to add the slow boring grind that comes with overpowered healing into the mix? You're just exasperating an unpleasantness in the game.


Healers, as far as I have seen on my Mercenary and others I have played with, is far from OP. The point of a Healer isn't to help the target stay alive, it is to KEEP them alive. Any decently geared PvP'er (Centurion and mostly Champion) Should be able to take on TWO other decently geared PvP'ers when healed by a decently geared healer. If you add in the fact the target being healed is a Tank PvP geared and specced character, 3 opposing players should be no problem. The reason many people are under the impression healers are OP because of this basic mechanic of Defense/Sheild/Healing vs. Damage/Damage/Stun is because no one ATTACKS or STUNS the healer. When I am focused on during a match, I get barely 250k-300k healing a match, which compared to an opposing team with 3 300k+ damages is minuscule because generally I am the only healer. When I am NOT being focused down I truly raise hell because I can put out an outwards of 350k-nearly 500k healing with a half PvE/PvP mix. Healers are a class that is meant to be overpowered because as far as defenses go most healers burn their's up fast and can't out heal stuns, pushbacks, and delay's from being attacked. They are like the Operatives pre-nerf, if you catch them out in the open they are as good as dead, you don't and ignore them, YOU are as good as dead.


Healers are a class to be focused, not ignored and nerfed. You see a healer, you kill them. You don't kill them they outheal your damage, unless there are several of you or two Battlemaster geared, and you come on here and whine and complain when your not tactically adept.


On my server most people (quite literally), recognize me and focus me down after marking me, this means I need a tank and sorcerer with static barrier because when I, a healer, am focused, my healing output is drastically cut.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I can kill them as my Marauder but god damn it takes forever,and i know rauders get so many generous ways of interuptting and thats key to it but between the IM IMMUNE DERP DERP and the Throw and stuns it just takes FOREVER and dont even get me started on the biochem ones :p
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I actually think they went the right way with the changes in 1.2.


A healer should be able to heal through someone hitting him BUT they should have to be mindful of baiting interrupts and not be able to heal indefinitely.


Apart from the change to the sorcs proc from a cast time to a crit % increase (so more healing as opposed to faster healing.. more a trade off than a nerf) the other nerfs were focused on the resource use of sorcerors/sages and mercs/commandos so are affecting how long you can heal for, not how much you can heal for.

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I'm still curious why nobody ever mentions how a heal heavy team (and thus DPS low) is supposed to capture say the middle objective in Alderran without being able to kill the other team.


Capturing an unclaimed node is certainly doable if a lot of your healers are hybrid healers and so can dps as well as the CC generally available to a lot of healers (generally meant to be used defensively but offensively can turn the tide). Your unkillable line just slowly moves forward and drags the engagement further towards their spawn point than the objective until there is enough of a gap that you can safely cap.


Taking a point already controlled by an enemy is near impossible though unless the other team is terrible but on the flipside you don't lose a point you already own.

Edited by theangryllama
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Do you know what an interrupt is?






Love when I interrupt, not just healers but sorcs too they stand there like *** can I do now, lol kinda like they are pressing their heals button but its broke for 4 sec and by that time they are dead.


Mara's FTW!

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Interrupts don't fill up the resolve bar, so as I said 2 CCs + 2 interrupts.


What you're trying to push as a theory is that


When I do say 400k Healing and you do 400k Damage... I'm OP and need a nerf or you need a buff to be able to do 500k damage. Do you see the red flag that this whole sentence raises? Cuz I've been watching the warzone charts and things are more or less like that. There is no significant difference between healing done and damage done.


If that doesn't prove your idea is flawed, I don't know what does.


overhealing tends to account for significantly higher amounts than overdamage....neither counts to the results at the end....


If you're healing for as much damage as there has been, yeah it probably is a red flag, as it essentially means 'you're always ahead to such a point that i can not ever get ahead', which would require significant levels of overhealing feeding that advantage,

Edited by Adzzy
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With the derailed thought train of this thread and the nerf in 1.2, all those healers need to roll mercs and tracer down the opposition before they can kill your groop..


Would be a lot easier than actually trying to heal thru it.


62 sorc

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As both a healer and dps, I don't get how anyone can say healing isn't OP?

It's so easy to keep people alive, even if they're focused. The only way people die is when they run out of range. and I only use a dps set...I don't even use a healing set and have an extremely easy time.


And when I'm dps, 1v1, it's impossible to kill a healer with half a brain. You're supposed to be able to drain a healers mana/force and that's how you are able to eventually kill them....yeah that doesn't happen in that game. Healers have unlimited force, etc.

Quit crying about nerfs, they're justified.


Sorcs currently have unlimited force with innervate crits, that's a justified nerf. The sorcs crying about it are being dumb.

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Don't worry, We've already noticed the healer exodus from the swfitsure, both brackets. It'll only get worse once 1.2 actually goes live.


Individually healers are not overpowering. One DPS can keep a healer out of the ongoing battle because it forces the healer to focus heals on itself, and not it's team. Add guard and the healer can toss a few more heals out, but still focuses predominately on itself. Mark the healers and they're pretty irrelevant pretty fast. Heals become 'overpowered' when you start stacking 3+ healers, but that seems to be like a game problem, not a class problem.


I really wonder what happens in the lives of you people that make you suggest and whine so much about so many things you're able to control with your own behavior.


Over quoted but never understated, L2P.

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ps innervate crits are not the crux, its the combined total of all three heals.


poepl unable to kill someone being healed must be missing a guard aswell or a second healer..


Unless they are useless and running solo trying to hero the whole warzone.


very disappointed with the nerf, with the squishy nature of the sorc i would love some insight on how they are supposed to heal in 1.2

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