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Over Powered healing killing PvP


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The vast majority of people that PvP, do so to mess someone up.


I PvP to work with people as a group to accomplish an objective. If said people arent working together to take down the healer and lock them out, then that is your problem.


Its also possible you are attacking a healer with guard on them and ignoring the tank.


Try AOEing the tank and healer, which will take out the tank and leave the healer all alone. Try separating them, or try getting multiple people on the healer so they never get to use an ability.


Saying that you should be able to just drop a healer is ignorant. By that logic the healer could just say "It isnt fair that a person can DPS me down while I spam heals."


Different classes get access to different things for a reason, because its intended for those classes to work together. Mark healers, get a sent or marauder on them and they are toast. As a Watchman sentinel I can pretty much take down any healer or force them to walk away. 6 second really cheap interrupt +force choke +healing debuff+ controlled burst.


I just rerolled to a healer and trust me I can tell when the team is working together to lock me down or not.


Sounds like you arent communicating in ops chat, trying to solo a healer who has a tank guarding them and then complaining you can easy mode win pvp.


PvP isnt about "Messing people up" its about winning alongside your teammates. Otherwise all WZs would be 1v1. Work together with your team or go home.

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We had a healing stalemate the entire match tonight at mid-turret. It just went on and on until the match ended. Designers just need to put healing on it's own type of power/energy and then tweak the regen rate to change as total healing builds up. Though I think PVP is tons of fun it can easily turn into Heal Wars.


I like those fights, those super long really challenging fights.


Its also quite possible both teams were ignorant to the other teams healers and didnt try to take them out.


Lets assume the fight is 5v5. You are trying to tell me at any given point when 5 of you were on the same guy bursting him down and interrupting him you couldnt kill him?


Most people that complain about healing have all their DPS spread out on different people and complaining noone dies.

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This topic simply doesn't deserve this many wasted electrons... we been trolled, y'all.


However, I'll throw 2 more credits into the mix...


As a healer: sometimes I last for 30+ seconds against 4+ people, sometimes I die in less than 5 seconds to 2 people. I've seen enough of both extremes to be quite certain that the difference is a combination of skill, gear, and who's got their CDs available. Period.

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We all know the people complaining about this game are gonna find things to complain about GW2. People wanna qq, I don't get it, but that's how it is.


How long do you think it will take for the first QQ post to appear on GW2 forums?


Does open beta count?

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