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Over Powered healing killing PvP


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LOL yes healing is OP in PVP that due to the bolster effect, take away bolstered stats and you will really see how it changes, in PVP need to be made,,



we all seen the level 10 scoundral or level 40 sage healing thru almost everything players got to hurt them. that can be fixed with longer cooldowns on certian heals...

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Healing Scan heals for basically 2/3 of what Rapid Scan does, at 2/3 the cost, in roughly 2/3 the time, and refunds 16 heat on the next Rapid Scan. It is pretty much strictly better than Rapid Scan in all cases but apparently you're trying to convince people to not interrupt that. I guess it must be a good strategy because a lot of people are falling for it.


The only time interrupting Rapid Scan would be preferable is if you can immediately kill the Merc. This rarely happens due to the class's exceptional resilency.

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Healing Scan heals for basically 2/3 of what Rapid Scan does, at 2/3 the cost, in roughly 2/3 the time, and refunds 16 heat on the next Rapid Scan. It is pretty much strictly better than Rapid Scan in all cases but apparently you're trying to convince people to not interrupt that. I guess it must be a good strategy because a lot of people are falling for it.


The only time interrupting Rapid Scan would be preferable is if you can immediately kill the Merc. This rarely happens due to the class's exceptional resilency.


Less than 2/3 the healing...2/3 the time yes...2/3 the heat yes


the issue is that it's just not worth it...in pvp i don't use healing scan much...it's healing isn't effective...i use it for the less heat of the next one but it's not enough to effect me...i don't ever top heat anyways


if a merc is getting focused properly there is no time for a healing scan...you can't take the chance it won't crit and you only get a 1k or even if it does crit and you get 2k heal compared to the 5-6k heal from a rapid scan...you need the bigger heals you keep yourself up


keeping heat managed is easy anyways...the only way you can cap it is in a frantic situtation...like i said thats when healing scan doesnt help or when its going to fast to matter anyways


in casual healing i use it...and if damage is low i use it...but overall i don't use it and 95% of my healing is rapid

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i will say though that i also don't use kolto missle...ever...people always say "you should use your kolto missle for the 10% increase to DR when super charged gas is up"


i mean the way i see it is this:


kolto missle and get 500 health back and 5% increased healing and have 2 use a global cooldown...or just keep throwing out non stop 4k-5k heals from rapid scan? rapid scan


super charged gas:


i could use kolto missle to get dr...and lose about 1 second because of global cooldown...


OR go HS RS HS RS HS RS HS RS HS RS and be able to put in a LOT of heals in that time


i know some healers swear by kolto missle...i really only take it so i can get further up my tree...and after 1.2 it will have less than no use...its buffs are being taken out so im thinking about not even speccing it at all


so just as i differ in that way i will say that some people may rely on healing scan as well...but to me its just...meh


in pve i never miss it...but in pvp its carp


and i'd say that my perforance in WZs speaks for itself as to whether what i do works or not

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LOL yes healing is OP in PVP that due to the bolster effect, take away bolstered stats and you will really see how it changes, in PVP need to be made,,



we all seen the level 10 scoundral or level 40 sage healing thru almost everything players got to hurt them. that can be fixed with longer cooldowns on certian heals...


bolster is 1-49...no1 cares about that...the way the story is designed pvp can not be balanced until 50...its why no1 should take 1-49 pvp seriously


classes are designed and given abilities in an order so that they can complete the difficulty of their class specific quest


that's why operatives damage doesn't get high till 36-40 but merc can hit top dps at level 10


get to 50 before you post in this thread plz slr

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bolster is 1-49...no1 cares about that...the way the story is designed pvp can not be balanced until 50...its why no1 should take 1-49 pvp seriously


classes are designed and given abilities in an order so that they can complete the difficulty of their class specific quest


that's why operatives damage doesn't get high till 36-40 but merc can hit top dps at level 10


get to 50 before you post in this thread plz slr


noone's saying pvp should be balanced strictly around 10-49 but it's still not to be ignored, if say healers are op at 50 (and) 10-49 that's something to take into consideration, to just simply ignore 10-49 out of some elitist attitude as if someone gets to level 50 and they're somehow the only thing that matters in a giant game is pretty arrogant.


all things should be taken into consideration not just one aspect.


as we get further and further in the game (say.. a year in maybe, something like that...) and time has been given for the majority of people to play at level 50 then i could see a large part of the focus being on level 50 (although i still don't think any other aspects should be completely ignored)


bu it's too early for the elitist to come out of their holes and start proclaiming that 50 is all that matters. endgame this and endgame that. :rolleyes:


don't talk unless your 50 and all the other elitist crap that mmo players usually like to spew forth.

Edited by teambff
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There is no reason to have healers in PVP. None. Everybody should be using player-made or vendor-sold stims and medpacks. The better medpacks should have timers on their use and a casting time. It will contribute to the economy. Make a seperate spec for PVP so you can still have healers in PVE.


As far as the empire goes, you can put 2 healers plus 2 bounty hunters on the same team...put them BM gear while your at it. If these players are even semi-competent any Republic team does not stand a chance. The BH's will torch everybody going after the healers and in turn will be healed as necessary, I see it every day.

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1vs1 =/= group pvp


warzones=group pvp


warzones =/= 1vs1



I sincerely hope you're being sarcastic. There is absoloutly no reason why you should have to have every single DPS in your group on a single healer to kill it. At most, MOST, I'd say 3 DPS should smash a healer, 2 should be able to beat it without much difficulty and 1 dps should be able to kill a healer given enough time

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There is no reason to have healers in PVP. None. Everybody should be using player-made or vendor-sold stims and medpacks. The better medpacks should have timers on their use and a casting time. It will contribute to the economy. Make a seperate spec for PVP so you can still have healers in PVE.


As far as the empire goes, you can put 2 healers plus 2 bounty hunters on the same team...put them BM gear while your at it. If these players are even semi-competent any Republic team does not stand a chance. The BH's will torch everybody going after the healers and in turn will be healed as necessary, I see it every day.


I find your username ironic given this post. There is also no reason for close range DPS. All DPS should be ranged. Better yet, all abilities should be replaced with a 'pewpew' button that does the same thing for everyone. This way balance will never be an issue and PvP will be entirely based on gear and using the map. Why would one want diverse PvP?

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This whole nerf this/nerf that is getting way out of control. The PvP in this game is pretty balanced as it stands right at this point. The one thing the OP is over-looking is the fact that the one class,operative/scoundrel, isn't being played as much due to the nerf-bat coming in 1.2 that kills the class. They are the healer killers that were in PvP matches before that most re-rolled another class.


BW is making a serious mistake taking these skilled healer killers out of the loop. Are they aggravating, sure. Are they unstoppable as they are now? Not by a long shot. But someone got butthurt by a couple of exceptional players and cried foul. There is not one class out that I can not kill 1 v 1. Sure some classes played by exceptional players roll stomp me 10 to 1, but that makes me a better player in the long run and soon I can kill them 30 to 45% of the time.


IMO if you are having trouble killing a certain class it is your spec or a lack of knowledge of that class period.


Sorry for the rant, but Nerf's have to stop before this game is trash.

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As far as the empire goes, you can put 2 healers plus 2 bounty hunters on the same team...put them BM gear while your at it. If these players are even semi-competent any Republic team does not stand a chance. The BH's will torch everybody going after the healers and in turn will be healed as necessary, I see it every day.


DPS classes nuking players while healing classes heal players? The very idea is ridiculous, nerf that to the ground.

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I sincerely hope you're being sarcastic. There is absoloutly no reason why you should have to have every single DPS in your group on a single healer to kill it. At most, MOST, I'd say 3 DPS should smash a healer, 2 should be able to beat it without much difficulty and 1 dps should be able to kill a healer given enough time


You wont see healers, atleast sorcs after 1.2


As it is right now, without a guard i get torn to shreds by every mdps in the game. With a guard it takes people effort.


I am tired of the nerf everything threads.. and again they get their way. Wanna kno if anything can kill swtor. The community


This thread is a joke

Edited by Cebby
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Reality is not a joke. All this papercrafting and cry for l2p and l2interrupt or i-shutted-down a healer has nothing to do with unkillable teams now )) I see it almost every WZ being a healer or tank or dps. Nobody could kill anybody. Objectives are staled. Rush, try to cap, run for respawn and endless fights near objectives with millions HPS around.


May be in PUG games it is brilliant as you all said here and healers are easy target. But good geared premade vs premade it is a endless chewing gum and it is not a fun. I'm not going to cry for a nerf but may be a little rebalancing will be good.

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IMO if you are having trouble killing a certain class it is your spec or a lack of knowledge of that class period.


I actually don't disagree with your overall point, but on this specific point - give me a break.


You can take the best sniper in the world, put him up against the best heal-spec Commando, and the Commando will do a little dance and laugh at the sniper as he comfortably heals through every point of damage while killing the sniper by slow attrition.


Snipers do primarily white damage, which means it gets fully mitigated by every form of defense. That means we hit like nerf darts against Commandos 1v1.


The classes are not at all balanced in the way you suggest. They are balanced (to the degree in which you would argue they are properly "balanced" right now) in more of a rock-paper-scissors fashion.


I can't solo a Commando healer, but my controlled burst DPS does make me great at nuking Sages before they have the chance to react and heal themselves. I'm not a great front line attacker, but I'm great for defending a static objective (like a turret) because of talents like entrench, orbital strike, and our bubble - and for providing background DPS to augment our melee fighters.


But you're kidding yourself if you think any class can reasonably kill any other class, all other variables being equal. To that end, I agree that PvP teams with 3-5 heavy armor healers can be nearly unkillable if they are competent at their class.

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Today i startet PVP. It was like every day. Until i realized .. the whole enemy team where healers. Let me specify this, 6 healers and 2 commando/healers. We had no chance. Even if all of our team attack one healer at the same time he wont go down. and the commandos shredded us. I tanked as much as i could but there was barely damage at all to tank. So i was utterly useless. I deal not much damage, thats not my role. After a long fight they won. And they won the 8 matches afterwards. We were no noob team. but this was ridiculous. A limit on healers per match would be great
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I think a system that tries to balance class makeup in a pick up group group would be good, period. I had a huttball group yesterday with four snipers, two assassins, a DPS operative, and a Juggernaut tank. Zero healers.


Even in cases of four-man premades, that still gives you four PUG spots to try and create some balance, if the premade is unbalanced.

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I think a system that tries to balance class makeup in a pick up group group would be good, period. I had a huttball group yesterday with four snipers, two assassins, a DPS operative, and a Juggernaut tank. Zero healers.


Just want to mention dps operatives can heal pretty good. They get kolto infusion/injection just by taking operative.

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I think a system that tries to balance class makeup in a pick up group group would be good, period. I had a huttball group yesterday with four snipers, two assassins, a DPS operative, and a Juggernaut tank. Zero healers.


Just want to mention dps operatives can heal pretty good. They get kolto infusion/injection just by taking operative.


True, but unless they spec into the healing tree their usefulness as a primary healer (particularly when a huttball carrier is getting hammered from all angles), is still limited.


And four snipers on a huttball team is groan inducing, haha. They rely on indirectly DPSing enemies who are otherwise engaged, but when they constitute half your team, that's almost impossible.

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noone's saying pvp should be balanced strictly around 10-49 but it's still not to be ignored, if say healers are op at 50 (and) 10-49 that's something to take into consideration, to just simply ignore 10-49 out of some elitist attitude as if someone gets to level 50 and they're somehow the only thing that matters in a giant game is pretty arrogant.


all things should be taken into consideration not just one aspect.


as we get further and further in the game (say.. a year in maybe, something like that...) and time has been given for the majority of people to play at level 50 then i could see a large part of the focus being on level 50 (although i still don't think any other aspects should be completely ignored)


bu it's too early for the elitist to come out of their holes and start proclaiming that 50 is all that matters. endgame this and endgame that. :rolleyes:


don't talk unless your 50 and all the other elitist crap that mmo players usually like to spew forth.


Did you say a year for people to get to 50? What are they doing, playing 10 mins a week?


You cant balance pvp around 1-49...

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This is not call of duty, in MMO's there will be healing. I've seen so many posts on here of people crying because they can't kill someone because of heals. For real? Killing the healer never occurs to you?


PVP can be very frustrating, just ask my wife who came into the room last night because of my screaming expletive. Why? I'm in the endzone in huttball the pass is coming to me in my mind I'm thinking "Touchdown!" then out of nowhere a stealth sorc blasts me out of of the target area and intercepts the ball. I got OWNED. So what... I'm not on here saying we should make my resolve 100% while in the huttball aoe area, or any other crap.


Somedays you get the bear, somedays the bear gets you.



The bigger problem is the "I lost to such and such so they are OP"


You know what I think? OP is OP! Thankfully the devs are pretty even handed when it comes to the nerf wars. Its a real sign of immaturity blaming someone else for your shortcomings. A lot of MMO players have it in their mind that they are the greatest of all time at whatever they do and that if someone beats them, then the 'offender' must be OP.

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As a Healing specd Sage, With BM gear and Biochem. I can be pretty rough to take down at times. But I do see alot of people doing it wrong. I see so many people burn an interuprt on heals that are not important to me. Good players who interupt my big heal will drop me fast players that just interupt any do not. Keeping myself up pretty much kills my heals for the group. And players that interupt my AOE heal really drive me up the wall thats my biggest help in WZ's.


This actually happend last night was in a WZ and one player was pounding on me the whole game. I got off maybee two good heals. He couldnt hardly hurt me but he did cut my healing by my guess about 75-100k. It was a very good strategy. To many people dont use strategy against good healers.

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This is not call of duty, in MMO's there will be healing. I've seen so many posts on here of people crying because they can't kill someone because of heals. For real? Killing the healer never occurs to you?


PVP can be very frustrating, just ask my wife who came into the room last night because of my screaming expletive. Why? I'm in the endzone in huttball the pass is coming to me in my mind I'm thinking "Touchdown!" then out of nowhere a stealth sorc blasts me out of of the target area and intercepts the ball. I got OWNED. So what... I'm not on here saying we should make my resolve 100% while in the huttball aoe area, or any other crap.


Somedays you get the bear, somedays the bear gets you.



The bigger problem is the "I lost to such and such so they are OP"


You know what I think? OP is OP! Thankfully the devs are pretty even handed when it comes to the nerf wars. Its a real sign of immaturity blaming someone else for your shortcomings. A lot of MMO players have it in their mind that they are the greatest of all time at whatever they do and that if someone beats them, then the 'offender' must be OP.


Cool story about stealth sorc! Or was he simply covered by operative stealth field?

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