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Over Powered healing killing PvP


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So, you are saying that your merc healer friend can outlast 4 players wailing on him, with interrupts and stuns? Who the hell are you playing against? I would like to see a video of this please.


This thread is full of exaggeration.


It actually is possible...me and my tank friend can tank 8 people the two of us for about a minute.


(i'm a merc healer)


however what makes me so incredibly angry is how bad these people in this game are at MMOs...i will admit that i've only played WoW for a month so it might be beyond blindly easy in PvP but in any other MMO there is a really key rule for pvp


Know. Every. Class.


My main is a merc healer. I have a marauder DPS and a scoundrel DPS. I can drop ANY merc healer almost instantly. Why? Because I know the class.


The people who Q_Q'd about merc being OP getting me nerfed make me quite angry...you realize that if you had HALF a brain...even HALF maybe even 1/4 of a brain you'd realize a merc heals EVERYONE AND HIMSELF WITH A SINGLE HEAL!!!!


a merc has several heals allow me to break them down for you...because if you don't L2P even the 1.2 nerfs will still allow me to fight 2vs8


rapid shots: no cooldown...heals for about 500...useless for anything other then saving heat


healing scan: 8 second cooldown...heals for 1-2k...basically is made to trick idiots (99% of the playerbase) into interrupting it so we can heal without problem...it works everytime...no person has ever avoided interrupting my healing scan....again that half a brain comes in here


emergecy scan: 18/21 second cooldown...heals for 1-3k...1 time heal for 1-3k...19 second cooldown..if you can't out dps that then dps isn't for you and you should prob /unsub


kolto shell: 3k heal over 30 seconds...in 1.2 this ability will no longer be used by any good healer...again if you can't beat 3k over 30 seconds then you should /unsub


(if you can't beat 6k over 18 seconds you need to unsub as well)


kolto missle: useless ability IMO...the buffs it gives are decent but not worth wasting the global cooldown imo...6 second cooldodnw...heals for 500-1000 to 3 targets


so with all of those how is it that we heal for so much? heres our last heal and the first one we get at level 10


rapid scan...no cooldown...heals for 3-6k (in pvp...in pve can heal up to 7.5k+) can be spammed endlessly...heals for lots...1 target heal...2 second cast time


one heal...we heal 98% of our healing with...one heal...one...with a cast time...if people had even part of a functioning brain you'd just interupt THAT ONE HEAL...two people can keep that heal on cooldown forever!! BUT YOU DONT!


ahggggg *smashes head into wall over idiots getting nerfs sent out*

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one heal...we heal 98% of our healing with...one heal...one...with a cast time...if people had even part of a functioning brain you'd just interupt THAT ONE HEAL...two people can keep that heal on cooldown forever!! BUT YOU DONT!


Well, a large part of the annoyance is that 10s that it cannot be interrupted. And with multiple people around, there's always some AoE splash damage or whatever making a lot of CC a non-viable answer to that.


But, yeah, that's how I annoy merc healers. I aim to interrupt that one heal.

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This is actually a simple concept that I tried to get across in a few other games but programmers still dont get it


You have to completely separate pve and pvp or pvp will not work


A healer in any game is the last decade is created with the ability to heal a tank or group in a raid situation with boss mob that put out alot more damage then any single or even 2 players and the heals are made to be able to handle that damage


So when you step into a pvp realm healing becomes overpowered because the damage isnt that high.


It is one completely logical thing yet no game maker seems to get it


Or they did get it and found that a level 50 player does 30% less damage than a boss and included trauma. -30% healing debuff.

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Well, a large part of the annoyance is that 10s that it cannot be interrupted. And with multiple people around, there's always some AoE splash damage or whatever making a lot of CC a non-viable answer to that.


But, yeah, that's how I annoy merc healers. I aim to interrupt that one heal.


10 seconds every 2 minutes!!! only 10 seconds per 2 minutes!!!


two people could keep it interupted 1 minute and 50 seconds every 2 minutes (however if two people can't kill them in 1 minute and 50 seconds something is wrong....

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Or they did get it and found that a level 50 player does 30% less damage than a boss and included trauma. -30% healing debuff.




1vs1 =/= group pvp


warzones=group pvp


warzones =/= 1vs1



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This is actually a simple concept that I tried to get across in a few other games but programmers still dont get it


You have to completely separate pve and pvp or pvp will not work


A healer in any game is the last decade is created with the ability to heal a tank or group in a raid situation with boss mob that put out alot more damage then any single or even 2 players and the heals are made to be able to handle that damage


So when you step into a pvp realm healing becomes overpowered because the damage isnt that high.


It is one completely logical thing yet no game maker seems to get it


ummmm... Trauma...

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4 DPS>raid boss damage! why would u EVER cry about a healer healings more than ur damage?


lets say it IS unbalanced and that they SHOULDN'T be able to...why would only 1 person be attacking them even so?


if a healer only did 50% healing of:p the weakest damage did damage...even then WHY would only ONE PERSON BE ATTACKING THEM!?


a healer is to be killed by the ENTIRE GROUP....WHO ELSE ARE YOU ATTACKING?!


it is 8vs8 NOT 1vs1 1vs1 1vs1 1vs1 1vs1 1vs1 1vs1 1vs1


you guys who are wondering why 1 person can't kill a healer are NEVER going to obtain war hero armor...its going 2 be bad for u :s

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(i'm a merc healer)


I interrupt the Rapid Scan and it's not an i-win. Literally all the good Merc Healers I've seen switch immediately to the other Scan after you interrupt Rapid Scan like you didn't even do anything.


I already know this...


Sorcs - Hard interrupt Dark Infusion, "Soft" Interrupt Innervate

Mercs - Hard interrupt Rapid Scan

Ops - Hard interrupt Kolto Injection.




It's not like lol-sages or lol-commando's where you win by kicking their i-win buttons.

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I interrupt the Rapid Scan and it's not an i-win. Literally all the good Merc Healers I've seen switch immediately to the other Scan after you interrupt Rapid Scan like you didn't even do anything.



Yea but the other scan has an 8-10 second cooldown. So if he already used it hes stuck until the interrupt is done.

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Yea but the other scan has an 8-10 second cooldown. So if he already used it hes stuck until the interrupt is done.


not only that but even if i use it it only heals for 1-2k and then has an 8 second cooldown


whenever someone interupts my rapid scan i then use a differant longer cooldown heal do rapid scan once more and then quickly cast a healing scan but dont do it 1-2 times


100% of the time (yes 100% it has never failed) they take the bait interupt my healing scan and then i procede to use my rapid scan until my healing scan is off cooldown and repeat the process


the only other scan we have only heals for 1-2k...it has an 8 second cooldown...we can't just switch to it...sure we can get ONE heal from it...but its 2k...u can BEAT 2 K EASY!


just stop being such a noob and you'll be okay

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This games much more lenient for healers than others MMOs I have played.


1. No silences.

2. Interrupts only lock out one spell for 4s and most classes have 6-12 second cooldowns.

3. No offensive dispels.

4. No resource drains.

5. Healers never run OOM.

6. No healing debuffs.

7. Burst damage isn't too excessive relative to players HP.

8. Guard.


1. Theres no disarms either, does that make dps op? no it just means they took those two types of CCs out and replaced them with extra stuns.

2. Interrupts in this game are much much more numerous and on much shorter CDs then any other game. What do you want? every class in the game but trooper having a WoW mages mirror of CS on a 6-12s CD? Do you not see the problem with that?

3. Almost nothing worth dispelling so its a non-factor

4. Game mechanics of energy aren't built to support draining, simply put it would utterly destroy not just trooper healers and op healers but all classes that use energy/heat/ammo.

5. Really? I can only chain cast 5-6 heals before going OOE.

6. Marauders and soon to be snipers have a heal debuff, sure its weak compared to other games but that's more than cancelled out by this game not having detaunts or viable group heals.

7. Burst damage is fairly consistent with other games

8. Other games have guard too, and guard is actually stronger in those other games because of how well it synergises with group heals.


I don't think you have actually played any other MMOs...

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not only that but even if i use it it only heals for 1-2k and then has an 8 second cooldown


What if I were to tell you I'm the patient kind who will ignore Innervates + Healing Scans in order to get to the "real" heals? :/ It don't make a difference. Only way to kill good Merc healers is for you to outgear them by a lot or zerg them down after the bubble is gone.


Also it's really hard and a pain in the *** right now to try and coordinate interrupts with the AOE CC spam, crappy UI, and the GCD. If I'm trying to storm interrupt somebody I have to sit back and play gentle with my abilities to not screw up my timing.


Hopefully it'll be easier next patch.

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1. Theres no disarms either, does that make dps op? no it just means they took those two types of CCs out and replaced them with extra stuns.

2. Interrupts in this game are much much more numerous and on much shorter CDs then any other game. What do you want? every class in the game but trooper having a WoW mages mirror of CS on a 6-12s CD? Do you not see the problem with that?

3. Almost nothing worth dispelling so its a non-factor

4. Game mechanics of energy aren't built to support draining, simply put it would utterly destroy not just trooper healers and op healers but all classes that use energy/heat/ammo.

5. Really? I can only chain cast 5-6 heals before going OOE.

6. Marauders and soon to be snipers have a heal debuff, sure its weak compared to other games but that's more than cancelled out by this game not having detaunts or viable group heals.

7. Burst damage is fairly consistent with other games

8. Other games have guard too, and guard is actually stronger in those other games because of how well it synergises with group heals.


I don't think you have actually played any other MMOs...


He's actually played WoW before...you can tell by the terms they use! and if they have played wow they know all

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The only time I am immortal as a healer is when a bunch of scrubs with crap gear are on me.


When 2 BATTLEMASERS are on me I go down fast.



Learn to play is the only problem with this game. LEARN TO INTERRUPT!!!!!


Ignoring interrupts for damage is the result bad players complaints about healing.

Edited by Metalmac
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What if I were to tell you I'm the patient kind who will ignore Innervates + Healing Scans in order to get to the "real" heals? :/ It don't make a difference. Only way to kill good Merc healers is for you to outgear them by a lot or zerg them down after the bubble is gone.


Also it's really hard and a pain in the *** right now to try and coordinate interrupts with the AOE CC spam, crappy UI, and the GCD. If I'm trying to storm interrupt somebody I have to sit back and play gentle with my abilities to not screw up my timing.


Hopefully it'll be easier next patch.


It DOES make a differance. You keep trying to say that I'm not good and that's why I think people would be able to kill me. The differance is I'd argue I'm one of the better of the game (I know I'm the best on my server)


I haven't lost a WZ in 2 months and often times my group causes people to rage log mid way through the wz...not quit the wz...but LOG OFF because we destroyed them so badly and they don't want to pvp against us again


I don't die in pvp more then like 1-2 times and like i said me and my tank friend can tank 2 vs 8 for over a minute


with all of this stuff i am telling YOU the people who have trouble killing people like ME (and you have all described the people like me) how to kill ME


cordinated people interupting that one heal is all you need...2 people hitting on them will make them not able to heal anyone and cut their damage by 3/4


4 people doing the same will kill a merc healer in a couple seconds


1 good marauder can keep a merc healer at bay...not kill them but keep them standing 1 spot healing ONLY themselves for the entire game!


again i'm not saying this has ever happened to me...i'm saying that it doesn't happen to me and that i'm trying to HELP YOU be able to kill a class that isn't OP by understanding how they tick


the lack of understanding and the refusal to accept help and the refusal 2 learn classes is why useless nerfs r placed...its why most of you are so bad...and it's why in ranked wzs and in 1.2 i will still be unkillable and will be destroying the people like you


or...you can learn...skill up...and play


"Skill up before complain"

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The only time I am immortal as a healer is when a bunch of scrubs with crap gear are on me.


When 2 BATTLEMASERS are on me I go down fast.



Learn to play is the only problem with this game. LEARN TO INTERRUPT!!!!!


Ignoring interrupts for damage is the result bad players complaints about healing.


1/4 pvp matches someone uses an interupt...its really sad :s

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1. Theres no disarms either, does that make dps op? no it just means they took those two types of CCs out and replaced them with extra stuns.


Disarms aren't necessary for a number of reasons. 1. Most abilities ignore defensive stats and 2. Everyone is basically equal in terms of types of CC's.


2. Interrupts in this game are much much more numerous and on much shorter CDs then any other game. What do you want? every class in the game but trooper having a WoW mages mirror of CS on a 6-12s CD? Do you not see the problem with that?


Interrupts should be punishing. They should be punishing if you miss and punishing if you are hit. It's like people are taunting you when you kick the Innervate and that Dark Infusion comes in a micro-second later.


3. Almost nothing worth dispelling so its a non-factor

4. Game mechanics of energy aren't built to support draining, simply put it would utterly destroy not just trooper healers and op healers but all classes that use energy/heat/ammo.


IMHO no need for dispels. There's no blessing of freedoms or paly bubbles that can make or break a fight.


5. Really? I can only chain cast 5-6 heals before going OOE.


I was in a Voidstar match earlier this week where I did 150k~ protection on the Op healer I was playing with and I died about 7 times defending them for 7 minutes straight while they were in continuous combat.


6. Marauders and soon to be snipers have a heal debuff, sure its weak compared to other games but that's more than cancelled out by this game not having detaunts or viable group heals.


I'm going to admit that I'm not in depth with every classes strengths and weaknesses. I learn a little everyday, but it's not like WoW where I knew every class/spec in and out. Hell, I use to be so bored I would play with the talent calculators.


7. Burst damage is fairly consistent with other games


Should of done arena's after WOTLK launch. :/ Sigh.


8. Other games have guard too, and guard is actually stronger in those other games because of how well it synergises with group heals.


I don't think you have actually played any other MMOs...


I just haven't played yours. I'm old school.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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It DOES make a differance. You keep trying to say that I'm not good and that's why I think people would be able to kill me. The differance is I'd argue I'm one of the better of the game (I know I'm the best on my server)


I haven't lost a WZ in 2 months and often times my group causes people to rage log mid way through the wz...not quit the wz...but LOG OFF because we destroyed them so badly and they don't want to pvp against us again


I don't die in pvp more then like 1-2 times and like i said me and my tank friend can tank 2 vs 8 for over a minute


with all of this stuff i am telling YOU the people who have trouble killing people like ME (and you have all described the people like me) how to kill ME


cordinated people interupting that one heal is all you need...2 people hitting on them will make them not able to heal anyone and cut their damage by 3/4


4 people doing the same will kill a merc healer in a couple seconds


1 good marauder can keep a merc healer at bay...not kill them but keep them standing 1 spot healing ONLY themselves for the entire game!


again i'm not saying this has ever happened to me...i'm saying that it doesn't happen to me and that i'm trying to HELP YOU be able to kill a class that isn't OP by understanding how they tick


the lack of understanding and the refusal to accept help and the refusal 2 learn classes is why useless nerfs r placed...its why most of you are so bad...and it's why in ranked wzs and in 1.2 i will still be unkillable and will be destroying the people like you


or...you can learn...skill up...and play


"Skill up before complain"


Agreed, but....


I'm gonna have to challenge you on the "Best healer in the server" statement....


See you in rated my friend :)

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you guys who are wondering why 1 person can't kill a healer are NEVER going to obtain war hero armor...its going 2 be bad for u :s


War Hero will be trivial to obtain, and inevitably we'll find ourselves in rated BGs playing against scrubs in top end armor. Good for us, bad for whatever team they end up on.

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I swear part of what makes Merc healers overpowered is that a lot of people actually believe the lies Mercs put out about how interrupting Rapid scan (the heal without CD) is better than interrupting Healing Scan (the heal on CD).


If you look at their healing tree, not interrupting Healing Scan basically makes the next Rapid Scan free. Because Mercs are extremely resilient, they're never in danger of dying immediately, so they will get the extra free heal later. This is why you can't get them to overheat which is pretty much the only way you're ever goign to beat them.


Interrupt a Healing Scan is like interrupting 2 heals at the same time because they no longer get the next Rapid Scan for free too. And no you're just not going to see a situation where interrutping the Rapid Scan let you kill the Merc. That kind of stuff just doesn't happen against good Merc healers.


Also, if you look at all the talents put together, Healing Scan heals more per heat than Rapid Scan. It heals for a bit more than 2/3 of what Rapid Scan heals for at 2/3 the cost, and also puts a small HoT + armor buff whereas Rapid Scan doesn't do that.


Now next patch the heat cost reduction for Healing Scan is reduced so it might be correct to interrupt Rapid Scan now, but for now interrupting Rapid Scan is exactly why you're not able to kill the Merc.

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I swear part of what makes Merc healers overpowered is that a lot of people actually believe the lies Mercs put out about how interrupting Rapid scan (the heal without CD) is better than interrupting Healing Scan (the heal on CD).


If you look at their healing tree, not interrupting Healing Scan basically makes the next Rapid Scan free. Because Mercs are extremely resilient, they're never in danger of dying immediately, so they will get the extra free heal later. This is why you can't get them to overheat which is pretty much the only way you're ever goign to beat them.


Interrupt a Healing Scan is like interrupting 2 heals at the same time because they no longer get the next Rapid Scan for free too. And no you're just not going to see a situation where interrutping the Rapid Scan let you kill the Merc. That kind of stuff just doesn't happen against good Merc healers.


Also, if you look at all the talents put together, Healing Scan heals more per heat than Rapid Scan. It heals for a bit more than 2/3 of what Rapid Scan heals for at 2/3 the cost, and also puts a small HoT + armor buff whereas Rapid Scan doesn't do that.


Now next patch the heat cost reduction for Healing Scan is reduced so it might be correct to interrupt Rapid Scan now, but for now interrupting Rapid Scan is exactly why you're not able to kill the Merc.




i can get past the heat without healing scan...thats why 1.2 isn't going to be so bad


the reason people do so bad is because of people like you

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