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★★★[ARENA] - benefits of adding ARENA to SWTOR★★★


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yeah but i live near a rock that has no road's i got parachuted in with a satelite attached to my back so i can communicate with the world could u charter a plane for me?


P.s i could do with a home cooked meal ive been eating dirt and grass for months and it does impact on your health.


I can give u some cookies

Also i have a van

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I noticed the stupid person I put on ignore is putting a LOT of replies into this thread. I guess he found a place to latch on to since a signifigant number of people told him to grow up and leave the Star Wars discussion thread. I guess he can pretend to blend in with the arena advocates here.


Funny, I actually think arenas are a good idea here. Within reason. But count on a "moral relativist" to outright refuse to see middle ground during a discussion. Haha, idiot.

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Arena really has many more + then -, It will bring so many players from other games looking for a new competitive way too game. and tbh with how resolve works arena in this game could be so much more balanced then in a game like wow.


Agreed, actually. With a few changes from WoW arenas, it could work out pretty well.


A trick to get more people in on the idea and make it more likely to happen would be to drop the "people who aren't 100% behind the WoW arena model are terribad scrub loozers lol" part from any argument and instead stick firmly to the good parts of the proposal.

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I noticed the stupid person I put on ignore is putting a LOT of replies into this thread. I guess he found a place to latch on to since a signifigant number of people told him to grow up and leave the Star Wars discussion thread. I guess he can pretend to blend in with the arena advocates here.


Funny, I actually think arenas are a good idea here. Within reason. But count on a "moral relativist" to outright refuse to see middle ground during a discussion. Haha, idiot.


LMAO did u take me off ignore to check up on me? Im honored that you're still sour from our last conversation, did i hit a nerv? ROFL aww noes people told me to grow up and leave the star wars discussion thread! BAHAHA u are definately a little deranged an abnormal i actually feel sorry for you and thats the honest truth.

Why you try SOOOOOOOOOOO hardd to gain acknowledgement from this community of trolls and haters? that reason alone is enough to dismiss you from having any real social life at all. But its ok money can buy anything even friendship :D

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Agreed, actually. With a few changes from WoW arenas, it could work out pretty well.


A trick to get more people in on the idea and make it more likely to happen would be to drop the "people who aren't 100% behind the WoW arena model are terribad scrub loozers lol" part from any argument and instead stick firmly to the good parts of the proposal.


Hey thanks for the tip man im your biggest fan can i send some nakid photos of me dressed up as leia so we can role play because i know how much you love to play dress ups and live out your star wars fantasies ive read all your threads and really want to get to know you. I'll tell you my username on E-harmony if you tell me yours :D

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Hey thanks for the tip man im your biggest fan can i send some nakid photos of me dressed up as leia so we can role play because i know how much you love to play dress ups and live out your star wars fantasies ive read all your threads and really want to get to know you. I'll tell you my username on E-harmony if you tell me yours :D


You're a silly cookie.

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You're a silly cookie.


Is that really what he said? Hmm, seems that even on ignore, I can see his posts if someone quotes them.


Sad thing is, that's a repeat from yet another thread, almost word for word. He's not only stupid, he's uncreative and recycles his trolling material. :D


I feel bad for all the "moral relativists" out there. They have this stupid little man making lots of noise and making all the rest of them look bad. In case anyone is wondering, his days-long infantile rage started when I poked holes in his self-serving "philosophy" on a different thread.

Edited by Neverfar
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Cute. The village idiot is so excited that he had to post, twice, when he has absolutely nothing to contribute but his obsessive hatred of me.


Too bad he's still on ignore and all I see are post notices. :)


Hiding behind a computer wont get you far in life. I actually want you to think your as cool as you think you are because i can guarantee one day your going to get your two front teeth knocked out :D

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Is that really what he said? Hmm, seems that even on ignore, I can see his posts if someone quotes them.


Sad thing is, that's a repeat from yet another thread, almost word for word. He's not only stupid, he's uncreative and recycles his trolling material. :D


I feel bad for all the "moral relativists" out there. They have this stupid little man making lots of noise and making all the rest of them look bad. In case anyone is wondering, his days-long infantile rage started when I poked holes in his self-serving "philosophy" on a different thread.


"moral relativists" wow i think you've created that into a cleche now.. congrats! on recyling all your old and boring material and offering nothing NEW to this thread but others opinions and acting as if they were your own. Im assuming you look like and speak like golem from lord of the rings lol hahahaha

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Hiding behind a computer wont get you far in life. I actually want you to think your as cool as you think you are because i can guarantee one day your going to get your two front teeth knocked out :D


I suppose "you're" (see the spelling?) goin to knock his two front teeth out for him?

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I'm sure that there have been many posts about this topic over the last several months.


A lot of this post are my personal opinions, so bare with me.


With F2P right around the corner, BioWare should do everything in their power to attract anyone and everyone they can. For some reason I have a hunch that MoP for WoW will fizzle out quick enough to give people an opportunity to come to this game and give it a try. If we have Arenas implemented in the near future I think there would be more of a pull to the hardcore PvP population from all sectors of the MMORPG community.


You can never have enough players for PvP, good or bad. The deeper the theory crafting gets for PvP the more players this game will attract.


To all of those who talk about Outlaw's Den being used as Arena matches....

1) It's not ranked

2) Stats are not tracked

3) Any raid group could wipe out your match

4) It's only one zone

5) You can't Q into Outlaw's Den with the expectation of having the same number of players to face unless you coordinate a match with people via forums or in game.


I agree with every single word that the OP posted other than 1v1.


1v1 would be insane in my personal opinion due to some the of the possible match ups that could present themselves, resulting to endless games. (Two IA medics spamming surgical probe for 4 hours straight, for example). Not saying that it couldn't be added to the game but I personally wouldn't participate, but if the community wants it; let it be so. I want SWTOR to attract THE BEST OF THE BEST


I think that 2v2/3v3/4v4 arenas would be wonderful additions to this game, but I agree with the several people opposed to Arenas rewarding superior gear to RWZ gear sets. We need to keep our WZs alive to keep PvP alive for all skill levels of PvPers, rather than have the best of the best log in for ~2 hours a week to get their 10 games done and log out. Seeing the top ranked PvPers in a WZ on a regular basis will add prestige to both the game and the individual that is top ranked. (Besides who wouldn't want to tell their friends, "hey check it out, me and so-and-so went head on in a 1v1 in the Huttball and I beat him!")


I think that you should grind out the top teir PvP gear via WZ/RWZ and have it be an even playing field for everyone to battle it out.


I am totally in favor of implementing arenas but I think that MMORPG communities should stop directly comparing Arenas/PvP to WoW and maybe look at other sources of creativity.


I think that the Halo series has done a fantastic job giving their community diversity in their online gameplay. Large-scale, medium-scale and small-scale game variants with different ranking systems for each has made Halo what it is today.


Halo may not be everyone's cup of tea but they really have done a wonderful job giving the community diversity.


Another thing that ANY MMORPG could benefit from..... (although I dont know how it would be effectively implemented)




Community designed maps with a voting system OR a developers pick would be amazing. you could keep the design very simple to save money and to keep maps as static as possible.


I think that you could have the best of both worlds with areas; Objective based 3v3/4v4 arena maps with respawn timers such as a 1 flag CTF, 1 node Control the Point, or something epic that we all know BioWare is capable of creating. (Look at how innovative and different huttball is...)

and 2v2/3v3/4v4 deathmatch style arenas that most of us are used to.


Having a split between these two styles of arena would satisfy many people and it would keep team composition constantly changing.


If arenas are added to this game they SHOULD NOT be a requirement to get gear. If players do not want to participate they shouldn't have to.



Long story short:



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