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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

★★★[ARENA] - benefits of adding ARENA to SWTOR★★★


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Couldn't stand Arena in WoW, won't be able to stand it here. The game has horrid balance problems as is, if Arena was implemented before these were properly addressed, it would only worsen the problem. Even WoW Developers admitted Arena was among their worse mistakes as the game was not meant to support it and to this day continues to be a pain in the a.s.s to balance and properly upkeep. SWTOR more so could not support Arena without disgusting balance issues, worse than what is already seen in Rated Warzone play now.


i still think arenas could work if Bioware avoids the mistakes Blizzard did. (and yes Blizzard admitted arenas as designed were a mistake)

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I understand the temptation to not care when you're on top of the ratings. I really do. What bores me is one-sided fights, and a gear gap between two combatants, especially a rating-based gap (war hero gear SHOULD take some time to earn) throws the idea of "skill" halfway out the window already. Of course people want nice things for themselves, but it's considerate for you to note that WoW-style rated gear, that's stats instead of appearance, leads to some pretty steep climbs for anyone who didnt catch the season early.


I'd be cool with all kinds of perks for rated's best pvpers. New mounts, unique armor looks, pets... hell, even new emotes. Maybe a /champion emote! :D


While i completely agree with you, i have been behind in the gear grind in wow arena every season i played, but i am a nerd and have always learned quickly at games hehe. mostly i would start halfway through the season when players had already been sitting on glad rating for multiple months and still come out with my title and mount but thats not saying eveyone should and could do so. I would also like too see a rating "decay" system if arena was too be implemented which means. After a team has been inactive for a set amount of days/weeks(whatever devs say, because its their choice ultimately) their rating will start to go down a set amount of points per day untill they decide to log on and play again. what this will help accomplish is, It gives everyone a fair chance of being rank 1 and makes it so the top rated teams cannot just sit on their rating letting nobody have a shot at their title or rank spot, which has been a downfall of wow arena for 11 seasons.

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Revert the game to one character only per paid subscription. Then people will actually care about the viability of the other 7 classes.


Then you can consider arenas.


as it is now, the game has an extrememely high churn rate that would IMHO only increase if arenas arrived with the current 3-4 truly viable arena classes.

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Fact of the matter is this game needs some form of arena and cross server ques to cater for the few that still want to play this game. There have been many great suggestions of adding grudge matches and being able to view arena matches etc etc this would be AWESOME! and something blizzard hasnt done.


And as others have stated i would also get all my old arena buddies to come play with me if this was available here.


Pretty simple in my opinion: Implement arenas taking into consideration all the things blizzard did wrong and profit from all their subscribers coming over here because they wanna try something different. This game has an excellent backbone and im assuming it can only get better ive been waiting for them to implement arenas from day 1 and i hope they do this before some other company snatches up the idea and subscribers and this game continues to dwindle. used to have 200 people on my server and now theres less then 50 at any given time this should be an indication of how people feel about the game currently.


So i dont think it would hurt to add any new dimensions to this game.. :)

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Revert the game to one character only per paid subscription. Then people will actually care about the viability of the other 7 classes.


Then you can consider arenas.


as it is now, the game has an extrememely high churn rate that would IMHO only increase if arenas arrived with the current 3-4 truly viable arena classes.


That's practically impossible. Now that the game is out, locking out people's alts will only cause subscriber-crushing outrage.

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Most bad players think this, and they also think just because they dont like something it has no place in an mmo.


Nah, to be fair, its already been said in this thread that arenas were blizzards biggest mistake.


Arenas are admittedly Blizzards biggest mistake ever.




but with that aside, ive never been called bad in my 8 years of mmo's (goin on 9), ill take that as a liberty.



Edited by Scotland
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Nah, to be fair, its already been said in this thread that arenas were blizzards biggest mistake.


Arenas are admittedly Blizzards biggest mistake ever.




but with that aside, ive never been called bad in all 8 years of mmo (goin on 9), ill take that as a liberty.




Just fyi, That comment was made from a devs standpoint on class balancing...not in the eyes of the players which arena has kept people subbed too that game for over 6-7 yrs.

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Just fyi, That comment was made from a devs standpoint on class balancing...not in the eyes of the players which arena has kept people subbed too that game for over 6-7 yrs.


It has no place in a group based MMO, where 8 vs 8 is the norm for Ranked.


Separating Arenas from the rest of the game completely, would be the only way to make it work.


i.e. its own skill tree/stat customisation/class balance, nothing earned in the arena's can be taken to the normal world and nothing earned in the normal world can be taken to the arenas.

Edited by Scotland
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It has no place in a group based MMO, where 8 vs 8 is the norm for Ranked.


Separating Arenas from the rest of the game completely, would be the only way to make it work.


i.e. its own skill tree/stat customisation/class balance, nothing earned in the arena's can be taken to the normal world and nothing earned in the normal world can be taken to the arenas.


Wow you just contradicted yourself. you should stop talking now :)

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It has no place in a group based MMO, where 8 vs 8 is the norm for Ranked.


Separating Arenas from the rest of the game completely, would be the only way to make it work.


i.e. its own skill tree/stat customisation/class balance, nothing earned in the arena's can be taken to the normal world and nothing earned in the normal world can be taken to the arenas.


Your just one of those players who does not want this game to be successful. Just because arena means you cant hide behind a group of 7 other people which is harder to point out your weakness of being horrible does not mean all of us need to do so.

Edited by TwitchWINs
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Your just one of those players who does not want this game to be successful.


You spell it "You're"


and i want this game to be very successful, i dont want them to ruin it any more than they already have by adding way too much work than they can already handle.


Adding arena's would need ALOT of work.

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You said arena's arent meant for MMO's then start by telling us what would make it work? Go figure right...




that isnt contradicting myself.


Go back to school.


They don't/won't work when mixed with the mmo world, adding them as a separate function they way i gave my view on, would be the only way to make it work.

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You spell it "You're"


and i want this game to be very successful, i dont want them to ruin it any more than they already have by adding way too much work than they can already handle.


Adding arena's would need ALOT of work.


Mad people who have nothing of worth 2 say st4rt to correkt grammar.

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that isnt contradicting myself.


Go back to school.


They don't/won't work when mixed with the mmo world, adding them as a separate function they way i gave my view on, would be the only way to make it work.


I agree with you there.


But you said they wont work at all... then said they will only work if... wonder what this means. LOL

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Dont even try to talk too this troll. Bads will always say NAY to arena because it exposes them for what they really are, Bad. They cannot hide behind a team of 7.


So true.. i bet he doesnt have any keybinds and he gets rick rolled in WZ's so fears that implementing something that he is not good at will hurt is E-Ego

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Players like that aren't allowed to have an ego. maybe an eggo waffle.


lol too funny! Can some of you guys saying no to arena post your current PVP ranking as well as your comments that would give us a better indication of the calibre of players saying no to this AWESOME game improvement.. :)

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