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★★★[ARENA] - benefits of adding ARENA to SWTOR★★★


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simple earn the gear and there is no gear difference just skill... i hate all you QQers


Too bad the ones that will declare "skill" are the ones that already got the high arena rating first and use it as a bulwark against any up-and-comers.


You're digging a rather deep hole of arrogance there. If you're so "elite" why do you need a special exclusive set of gear to give you an edge over other pvpers?

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So I stumbled upon this thread and have never played wow.. What exactly is the reasoning for not adding a pvp feature that is popular in a way that works for swtor? I have still not really seen a good one in like 40 pages. Will point out that this game desperately needs more pvp options given biowares slowness developing warzones and failed open world pvp..


I understand skepticism about doing 1v1 as clearly this game is not really balanced at that level currently, and I think that probably the most valid argument against arenas is there will possibly be more rebalancing that is illogical/frustrating to players not involved in them. Realistically speaking though, if you limit arenas to 3v3 or 4v4 how much more balancing is that going to require over what wz already requires?


A lot of the arguments in this thread against arenas just don’t really make sense. The whole repeat of WoW, community ruining, new player alienating argument is actually somewhat laughable… Lets assume its absolutely true and swtor copies WoWs playbook exactly, how does it even matter? This game still needs more content or people won’t even be playing it.


Couldnt have said it better myself!

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Your questions and statements are likely to fall upon blind eyes in this thread. It's turned into a bizzarely polarized conflict between "I'm so elite everyone should bow to me in a game-sanctioned way" and "Pvp isn't fair nerf class X" with a sprinkling of extortioninc trolling almost every post and trying to make me feel bad for using big words that scare him. :rolleyes:


lol scare me? Bahaha you make me laugh! Im so educated i have a protocol droid so far up my *** im talking like a puppet! oooh big words from a little man hiding behind his computer... should be careful who you insult because in real life i dont know if you have noticed... if you insult people constantly without good reason you may find yourself with a big black eye to go with that stupid mouth of yours. Hope you talk like this to people in real life lol little girl.

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lol scare me? Bahaha you make me laugh! Im so educated i have a protocol droid so far up my *** im talking like a puppet! oooh big words from a little man hiding behind his computer... should be careful who you insult because in real life i dont know if you have noticed... if you insult people constantly without good reason you may find yourself with a big black eye to go with that stupid mouth of yours. Hope you talk like this to people in real life lol little girl.


Your little obsession with me is creepy and unhealthy. Let it go.


By the way, misogyny works great in middle school but emotionally stable and socially experienced people tend to think less of the person that goes around calling people female, intended as an insult.

Edited by Neverfar
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Your little obsession with me is creepy and unhealthy. Let it go.


By the way, misogyny works great in middle school but emotionally stable and socially experienced people tend to think less of the person that goes around calling people female, intended as an insult.


Socially experienced? more like social minority. The fact that you troll other posters in threads and reply to everything people say in the Role playing threads you have initiated tells me that you my friend have no social life. I see you have dulled down on your tone because in reality you were in the chess club and have no real life friends so you request the development team to create some form of video storyline playback system so you can jerk off to the faps you have created.



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Socially experienced? more like social minority. The fact that you troll other posters in threads and reply to everything people say in the Role playing threads you have initiated tells me that you my friend have no social life. I see you have dulled down on your tone because in reality you were in the chess club and have no real life friends so you request the development team to create some form of video storyline playback system so you can jerk off to the faps you have created.




The sad little obsession with me continues.


Sorry for the fecal paintings this guy is smearing on the metaphorical walls, folks.


Oh, you may need to explain your stalker's habit of looking up my old posts (none of which I am ashamed of in anyway) to give some context to your e-thugging. Otherwise you're making no sense to anyone.

Edited by Neverfar
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The sad little obsession with me continues.


Sorry for the fecal paintings this guy is smearing on the metaphorical walls, folks.


Oh, you may need to explain your stalker's habit of looking up my old posts (none of which I am ashamed of in anyway) to give some context to your e-thugging. Otherwise you're making no sense to anyone.




lmfao enough said

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While i like the idea of arena, you post lost something as soon as you mentioned GW2.


I actually think an arena type pvp implementation in this game would be great. I also love the idea of having huttball matches watchable, and being able to gamble credits on the outcome of those matches.


Perhaps you could do this with and arena type match up too. The only problem with arena is that it highlights different classes weaknesses more and fuels more fotm rolls.


It can be done, but it must be done well. Perhaps a normalisation or ability trimming could be used to help balance the characters up in the arena to help with this problem.

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While i like the idea of arena, you post lost something as soon as you mentioned GW2.


I actually think an arena type pvp implementation in this game would be great. I also love the idea of having huttball matches watchable, and being able to gamble credits on the outcome of those matches.


Perhaps you could do this with and arena type match up too. The only problem with arena is that it highlights different classes weaknesses more and fuels more fotm rolls.


It can be done, but it must be done well. Perhaps a normalisation or ability trimming could be used to help balance the characters up in the arena to help with this problem.


Huttball could REALLY benefit from a few extra zones. New traps, new platform arrangements... that sort of thing could keep me entertained for a good long while. What if the Huttball zone was made to have "surprises" each match to keep each team on their toes? That'd be awesome.

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Huttball could REALLY benefit from a few extra zones. New traps, new platform arrangements... that sort of thing could keep me entertained for a good long while. What if the Huttball zone was made to have "surprises" each match to keep each team on their toes? That'd be awesome.


Huttball is arguably the BEST pvp map ever designed. The concept is ingenious and definately my favorite match.

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Huttball is arguably the BEST pvp map ever designed. The concept is ingenious and definately my favorite match.


I love it too. Odd that so many people hate it. I hate Voidstar most of all... one little flung pebble messes up a bomb planting. Blech!


Huttball's seen all of my favorite pvp matches, rated and unrated. Good stuff, so much so that I wish it were a real sport sometimes, violence and all. :o I'd at least like a Frog Dog and Rotworm t-shirt, and choose which one I wear by random draw. :)

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Your obsession is unhealthy, and your posts say much more about your immaturity than I ever could.


its funny how you keep telling me how unhealthy/stupid/un-educated i am? Are you trying to indicate that your of your own self acclamed "forum elite"? u make me fall of my chair in tears!!


I gravely fear for your safety in the real world where you obviously have no friends thats why u spend so much time on here telling everyone how great and well read you are to convince people that cant see you that your the best thing since sliced bread. I mean this conversation was meant to be about arena but were wrong to post our opinions in here if they dont live up to your E-standards.. u little worm go back into your hole and wait for the early bird to eat you up.



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its funny how you keep telling me how unhealthy/stupid/un-educated i am? Are you trying to indicate that your of your own self acclamed "forum elite"? u make me fall of my chair in tears!!


I gravely fear for your safety in the real world where you obviously have no friends thats why u spend so much time on here telling everyone how great and well read you are to convince people that cant see you that your the best thing since sliced bread. I mean this conversation was meant to be about arena but were wrong to post our opinions in here if they dont live up to your E-standards.. u little worm go back into your hole and wait for the early bird to eat you up.




The first thing you need to do when you've dug a hole so deep that you can't get out of it is to stop digging. :cool:

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First thing you need to do is go out and have a drink and talk to people instead of romancing the idea that you will one day be on the development team :cool:


I noticed you stopped your meaningless babble in the Star Wars discussion forum session. Were all the people telling you to calm down/go away driving you off? ;)


The best thing you can do for your "moral relativism" quasi-religion is to stop posting. Really. You're making moral relativists look like emotionally stunted children.

Edited by Neverfar
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I noticed you stopped your meaningless babble in the Star Wars discussion forum session. Were all the people telling you to calm down/go away driving you off? ;)


The best thing you can do for your "moral relativism" quasi-religion is to stop posting. Really. You're making moral relativists look like emotionally stunted children.


ROFL actually no one has said anything but you because their obviously more mature then the level i have stooped to in order to converse with you LMAO. Are you hoping i would go away? because i can do this all day little man. Ahaha


Thanks for ignoring me i won i won i won!


P.s I love the way you illustrate how cool you are in every post must mean the world to someone who has nothing but an online universe to live in :)

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Back on topic (neat, I don't see extortioninc's tantrums anymore, but I do notice with a little insert when he has tantrums), arenas could probably do a lot for the game if done right. If the gear remains only different/better looking for higher ratings, the competition will remain skill-emphasized.


I wish I knew an easy way to make Huttball smaller team compatible. A one-on-one Huttball match seems practically impossible. Five versus five, maybe?

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Mirianlol, bravo. Really nice post you made here man and i am glad too see so many responses as i have been saying this since beta but the fact is BW simply does not take a hint or even look at the success of arena in wow, myself and countless friends have played wow for 7+ years and have had glad 3 times 1 per Xpac, and i expect too do the same when MOP comes out. I was a die hard swtor fan but RWZ is just not enough there is so many other factors involved in RWZ that are out of a players control like RNG spawn timers,fire traps...ect. Myself and my guild are the best on our server almost all of us being 2.9-3k rated in rwz b4 we all quit. ***I can tell you this, myself and at least 20 friends would resub if arena was implemented****.


Also i would like too see more skillful abilities put into this game like "shadow word death" "smoke bomb" "vanish actually causing (immune) on incoming spells" and some sort of hard lockout like "counterspell"

Edited by TwitchWINs
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Mirianlol, bravo. Really nice post you made here man and i am glad too see so many responses as i have been saying this since beta but the fact is BW simply does not take a hint or even look at the success of arena in wow, myself and countless friends have played wow for 7+ years and have had glad 3 times 1 per Xpac, and i expect too do the same when MOP comes out. I was a die hard swtor fan but RWZ is just not enough there is so many other factors involved in RWZ that are out of a players control like RNG spawn timers,fire traps...ect. Myself and my guild are the best on our server almost all of us being 2.9-3k rated in rwz b4 we all quit. ***I can tell you this, myself and at least 20 friends would resub if arena was implemented****.


I'd be on board with you, if you were all right with highend pvp gear not being locked behind arena rankings. Appearances and such for high rankings are fine, even awesome, but the "skill" mantra goes out the window if a geared aristocracy is established, like in WoW, draining the arena of a much higher participant count.

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I'd be on board with you, if you were all right with highend pvp gear not being locked behind arena rankings. Appearances and such for high rankings are fine, even awesome, but the "skill" mantra goes out the window if a geared aristocracy is established, like in WoW, draining the arena of a much higher participant count.


While i never had a problem in wow with this because i was always in that high rated group, hehe. I do see where some players come from and frankly its just unfair when the higher skilled players get rewarded for being better by making their characters even harder to kill and do more damage. what i would like too see is rewards based on rating but not those of upgraded gear just visual upgrades so people know when you walk around. Your the top dog.

Things like special mounts,titles,gear skins(not just the same gear with changed colors in PS pain...cmon BW you can do better then that). and maybe even have like, the top 10 teams each month or two have a tournament arranged in a seeded tourny style competition for the rank 1 spot, this spot giving the highest and most prestigious and sought after title/mount/gear skin ext or maybe just the fact of knowing your the best<is what i would like most>. Skill and love for the game is much more rewarding then any ingame items.

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While i never had a problem in wow with this because i was always in that high rated group, hehe. I do see where some players come from and frankly its just unfair when the higher skilled players get rewarded for being better by making their characters even harder to kill and do more damage. what i would like too see is rewards based on rating but not those of upgraded gear just visual upgrades so people know when you walk around. Your the top dog.

Things like special mounts,titles,gear skins(not just the same gear with changed colors in PS pain...cmon BW you can do better then that). and maybe even have like, the top 10 teams each month or two have a tournament arranged in a seeded tourny style competition for the rank 1 spot, this spot giving the highest and most prestigious and sought after title/mount/gear skin ext or maybe just the fact of knowing your the best<is what i would like most>. Skill and love for the game is much more rewarding then any ingame items.


Thats exactly what we need.. I think everyone knows that rewarding the best players with better gear was the major downfall in arena's for the up and comers. If rewards were based on looks only and bragging rights and not stats that alone would give everyone a reason to do arenas to improve their play skills and tactics as this is what arena should be based on.

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While i never had a problem in wow with this because i was always in that high rated group, hehe. I do see where some players come from and frankly its just unfair when the higher skilled players get rewarded for being better by making their characters even harder to kill and do more damage. what i would like too see is rewards based on rating but not those of upgraded gear just visual upgrades so people know when you walk around. Your the top dog.

Things like special mounts,titles,gear skins(not just the same gear with changed colors in PS pain...cmon BW you can do better then that). and maybe even have like, the top 10 teams each month or two have a tournament arranged in a seeded tourny style competition for the rank 1 spot, this spot giving the highest and most prestigious and sought after title/mount/gear skin ext or maybe just the fact of knowing your the best<is what i would like most>. Skill and love for the game is much more rewarding then any ingame items.


I understand the temptation to not care when you're on top of the ratings. I really do. What bores me is one-sided fights, and a gear gap between two combatants, especially a rating-based gap (war hero gear SHOULD take some time to earn) throws the idea of "skill" halfway out the window already. Of course people want nice things for themselves, but it's considerate for you to note that WoW-style rated gear, that's stats instead of appearance, leads to some pretty steep climbs for anyone who didnt catch the season early.


I'd be cool with all kinds of perks for rated's best pvpers. New mounts, unique armor looks, pets... hell, even new emotes. Maybe a /champion emote! :D

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Couldn't stand Arena in WoW, won't be able to stand it here. The game has horrid balance problems as is, if Arena was implemented before these were properly addressed, it would only worsen the problem. Even WoW Developers admitted Arena was among their worse mistakes as the game was not meant to support it and to this day continues to be a pain in the a.s.s to balance and properly upkeep. SWTOR more so could not support Arena without disgusting balance issues, worse than what is already seen in Rated Warzone play now. Edited by LeonHawkeye
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Back on topic (neat, I don't see extortioninc's tantrums anymore, but I do notice with a little insert when he has tantrums), arenas could probably do a lot for the game if done right. If the gear remains only different/better looking for higher ratings, the competition will remain skill-emphasized.


I wish I knew an easy way to make Huttball smaller team compatible. A one-on-one Huttball match seems practically impossible. Five versus five, maybe?


Still here honey :)

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