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★★★[ARENA] - benefits of adding ARENA to SWTOR★★★


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lol this is too much fun how can i stop now your fun to play with


"In real life, I am a university graduate that's studied, debated, and written extensive papers on ethical and religious philosophers ranging from Mill to Milton, Socrates to Sarte. "


i vote you for pvp president!! are you the reincarnation of buddha i bow down to you :)


Am I supposed to be insulted by a creepy, insecure data-mining person on the internet that apparently thinks that citing another entirely different post in a different forum section altogether is some sort of damning attack on me and that I should feel bad?


No. I stand by what I said. Here and elsewhere. You're making yourself out to look pretty stupid basing your personal attacks on "lol u tink u so smrt".


Outside of your social circle, yes, it is OK to be well-read. I'm glad I don't live wherever you come from.

Edited by Neverfar
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Am I supposed to be insulted by a creepy, insecure data-mining person on the internet that apparently thinks that citing another entirely different post in a different forum section altogether is some sort of damning attack on me and that I should feel bad?


No. I stand by what I said. Here and elsewhere. You're making yourself out to look pretty stupid basing your personal attacks on "lol u tink u so smrt".


Outside of your social circle, yes, it is OK to be well-read. I'm glad I don't live wherever you come from.


Did i hit a nerve? I demand a duel to regain my honor. ROFL

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Did i hit a nerve? I demand a duel to regain my honor. ROFL


Dang. I was about to say the same thing, considering how rapid-fire you're responding to me.


The difference is I'm not the creepy obsessed person who had to dredge up previous posts in a laughably weak attempt to discredit me. Oh noes I'm well read and use big words! I guess I'd feel ashamed if I had stupid neighbors. :D

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Dang. I was about to say the same thing, considering how rapid-fire you're responding to me.


The difference is I'm not the creepy obsessed person who had to dredge up previous posts in a laughably weak attempt to discredit me. Oh noes I'm well read and use big words! I guess I'd feel ashamed if I had stupid neighbors. :D


im on Oceanic PVP server "johnblaze" i'll meet u there.. be there or be square i already slapped u in the face with my used tampon :)

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im on Oceanic PVP server "johnblaze" i'll meet u there.. be there or be square i already slapped u in the face with my used tampon :)


That was such a bizzare threat/comeback that I'm genuinely confused. Does anyone have a protocol droid that speaks "XBox Rage Kiddie"?

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That was such a bizzare threat/comeback that I'm genuinely confused. Does anyone have a protocol droid that speaks "XBox Rage Kiddie"?


in other words i want to have your babies... dont u get it im in love with you!! read me something from the dictionary i love the way the hate rolls off your tongue it compells me to troll you more :)

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Ok first OP I can say I agree with adding in arena. NOW LET ME POINT OUT that wow balance was BASED on 5v5 NOT 2v2 or 3v3. Seen a post commented or mentioned about warlock priest combo an how it wouldn't work-WRONG. They had that combo up above 2k rating. It is a very powerful combo due to the fact the priest can do good dmg as well as heal his partner.

I'm not here to debat wow in term of balance (which I feel it's pretty damn balance) or any of what that game does but I did have to point that out.

Though if tor made arena with a similar system for rating I did believ rewards should be fluff or armor with zero mods but a very different look that those who was able to aquire it stood out from all other and didn't gain a single bit of advantage.

I personally didn't mind the difference in armor in wow. Was fun to try and obtain. But this game (tor) isn't wow so I think the change should be fluff based with unique looks of armor. My 2c an comment on something pertaining to wow

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in other words i want to have your babies... dont u get it im in love with you!! read me something from the dictionary i love the way the hate rolls off your tongue it compells me to troll you more :)


Still waiting on that protocol droid. I can't even make heads or tails of what this guy is saying. I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to be offended! :o

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Still waiting on that protocol droid. I can't even make heads or tails of what this guy is saying. I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to be offended! :o


The fact that your confused confirms my win. LMAO now let this thread be without your usless comments.


Thanks K BYE

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I have to say, I'm not a fan of the idea of Arenas in SWTOR. The way that classes are balance and designed won't allow for balanced PvP without screwing up PvE, however hard they try.


Classes, according to the developers, are balanced around all the skills and functionality they have available to them. For a Sage and Commando, this means less potential DPS, even while DPS spec'ed, because they can use some off-heals. Really expensive, slow to cast off heals, but they're there none the less, so they aren't as good at other things.


That can more-or-less work in the non-competitive warzone gameplay, but as you're already seeing with ranked warzones, competition makes you scrape every last scrap from your class, and there are two types of class that excel. Classes that have on main function that they can focus solely on (Marauders, Snipers), and classes who second utility comes at no cost. Tanks have taunts that are off the GCD and cost nothing, so it doesn't deplete their DPS output to be throwing taunts around and using their secondary functions.


Secondly, I'm already tired of the typical "Marauders aren't OP at the moment" argument. When the most common defence is "Lol, you're not supposed to engage them one on one, L2P", it should be pretty obvious that the class is either currently too powerful in small scale engagements, or the defending class can ONLY shine with a large team.


What that means for matches with smaller numbers of players per team, is that some classes just wont be able to cut it, as things stand. As soon as you try and balance those classes, you're almost certainly going to making those classes who perform well in larger confrontations significantly better than small scale encounter specialists, which will ruin the balance for Warzones, and probably PvE encounters.


Whether or not PvE is a bit of a joke here it the moment, it'll be even more of a joke if we get PvP balancing around 2 vs 2/3 vs 3 happening here.

Edited by Tyrias
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The fact that your confused confirms my win. LMAO now let this thread be without your usless comments.


Thanks K BYE


Being confused by stupid people confirms your win? Well, if that makes you happy, I guess go for it.


Too bad I'll still keep posting. :)

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I have to say, I'm not a fan of the idea of Arenas in SWTOR. The way that classes are balance and designed won't allow for balanced PvP without screwing up PvE, however hard they try.


Classes, according to the developers, are balanced around all the skills and functionality they have available to them. For a Sage and Commando, this means less potential DPS, even while DPS spec'ed, because they can use some off-heals. Really expensive, slow to cast off heals, but they're there none the less, so they aren't as good at other things.


That can more-or-less work in the non-competitive warzone gameplay, but as you're already seeing with ranked warzones, competition makes you scrape every last scrap from your class, and there are two types of class that excel. Classes that have on main function that they can focus solely on (Marauders, Snipers), and classes who second utility comes at no cost. Tanks have taunts that are off the GCD and cost nothing, so it doesn't deplete their DPS output to be throwing taunts around and using their secondary functions.


Secondly, I'm already tired of the typical "Marauders aren't OP at the moment" argument. When the most common defence is "Lol, you're not supposed to engage them one on one, L2P", it should be pretty obvious that the class is either currently too powerful in small scale engagements, or the defending class can ONLY shine with a large team.


What that means for matches with smaller numbers of players per team, is that some classes just wont be able to cut it, as things stand. As soon as you try and balance those classes, you're almost certainly going to making those classes who perform well in larger confrontations significantly better than small scale encounter specialists, which will ruin the balance for Warzones, and probably PvE encounters.


Whether or not PvE is a bit of a joke here it the moment, it'll be even more of a joke if we get large scale PvP balancing happening here.


That was my other concern, apart from the danger of having arena-earned gear that has stastically higher attributes than standard pvp gear.


It happened to World of Warcraft frequently: pvers would be enjoying a power/build then arena's demands would nerf it to the ground.


If the devs have sufficient restraint, arenas could work quite well. I actually support them, minus rated gear with higher stats and retooling all class balance around arena functionality.

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still waiting for that duel :(


Sorry. Not going to make a character on your server. You're more than a little attached to the scary man with the big words that so intimidated you that you had to check his previous forum posts to assemble an insult that went something like "hurr u also uze big wurdz der 2 lol".


I don't want this to get any more obsessive or borderline romantic for you than it already has. That's not healthy. :o

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Sorry. Not going to make a character on your server. You're more than a little attached to the scary man with the big words that so intimidated you that you had to check his previous forum posts to assemble an insult that went something like "hurr u also uze big wurdz der 2 lol".


I don't want this to get any more obsessive or borderline romantic for you than it already has. That's not healthy. :o


Sorry confucious we should all bow down too yerr cyber superiority cake must taste good LOL

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Sorry confucious we should all bow down too yerr cyber superiority cake must taste good LOL


Apart from the stupid tiresome cake meme attached to your prattle, comparing me, even sarcastically, to a world-famous teacher and political philosopher isn't really going to hurt my feelings. "ur mom" jokes might work better. :)

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That was my other concern, apart from the danger of having arena-earned gear that has stastically higher attributes than standard pvp gear.


It happened to World of Warcraft frequently: pvers would be enjoying a power/build then arena's demands would nerf it to the ground.


If the devs have sufficient restraint, arenas could work quite well. I actually support them, minus rated gear with higher stats and retooling all class balance around arena functionality.


Curiously, I'm less concerned about the gear implications. I suppose I just kind of assume that only a mentally deranged development team would take the teams who are doing best in a competitive environment, and then heap on a gear based statistical advantage on top of that. BM -> WH might not be much of a difference, but I doubt that attempting ranked PvP would be much fun if you couldn't get your WH in unranked and the only teams that had it were the most skilled teams anyway (or at least most skilled in the early days of the season).

Edited by Tyrias
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Curiously, I'm less concerned about the gear implications. I suppose I just kind of assume that only a mentally deranged development team would take the teams who are doing best in a competitive environment, and then heap on a gear based statistical advantage on top of that. BM -> WH might not be much of a difference, but I doubt that attempting ranked PvP would be much fun if you couldn't get your WH in unranked and the only teams that had it were the most skilled teams anyway.


Blizzard did just that, and most other MMOs tend to follow their models. They gave a special gilded carriage called arena gear for the highest rated arena pvpers, establishing more or less a self-perpetuating aristocracy that only had some shifting every time a new season came out, but even then barely so. It was a horrible gear model, but considering how petty and selfish even some of the posters in this thread seem to be, more than eager to call anyone not of their self-declared elite tier "baddies", then yes, they probably want the gilded carriage here too, the better to sneer down on everyone else and wonder why arena participation is drying up.

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Blizzard did just that, and most other MMOs tend to follow their models. They gave a special gilded carriage called arena gear for the highest rated arena pvpers, establishing more or less a self-perpetuating aristocracy that only had some shifting every time a new season came out, but even then barely so. It was a horrible gear model, but considering how petty and selfish even some of the posters in this thread seem to be, more than eager to call anyone not of their self-declared elite tier "baddies", then yes, they probably want the gilded carriage here too, the better to sneer down on everyone else and wonder why arena participation is drying up.


Does posting comments make you feel socially accepted? LOL i think we need a protocol droid to interpret that load of ********


True / False ?

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So I stumbled upon this thread and have never played wow.. What exactly is the reasoning for not adding a pvp feature that is popular in a way that works for swtor? I have still not really seen a good one in like 40 pages. Will point out that this game desperately needs more pvp options given biowares slowness developing warzones and failed open world pvp..


I understand skepticism about doing 1v1 as clearly this game is not really balanced at that level currently, and I think that probably the most valid argument against arenas is there will possibly be more rebalancing that is illogical/frustrating to players not involved in them. Realistically speaking though, if you limit arenas to 3v3 or 4v4 how much more balancing is that going to require over what wz already requires?


A lot of the arguments in this thread against arenas just don’t really make sense. The whole repeat of WoW, community ruining, new player alienating argument is actually somewhat laughable… Lets assume its absolutely true and swtor copies WoWs playbook exactly, how does it even matter? This game still needs more content or people won’t even be playing it.

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So I stumbled upon this thread and have never played wow.. What exactly is the reasoning for not adding a pvp feature that is popular in a way that works for swtor? I have still not really seen a good one in like 40 pages. Will point out that this game desperately needs more pvp options given biowares slowness developing warzones and failed open world pvp..


I understand skepticism about doing 1v1 as clearly this game is not really balanced at that level currently, and I think that probably the most valid argument against arenas is there will possibly be more rebalancing that is illogical/frustrating to players not involved in them. Realistically speaking though, if you limit arenas to 3v3 or 4v4 how much more balancing is that going to require over what wz already requires?


A lot of the arguments in this thread against arenas just don’t really make sense. The whole repeat of WoW, community ruining, new player alienating argument is actually somewhat laughable… Lets assume its absolutely true and swtor copies WoWs playbook exactly, how does it even matter? This game still needs more content or people won’t even be playing it.


Your questions and statements are likely to fall upon blind eyes in this thread. It's turned into a bizzarely polarized conflict between "I'm so elite everyone should bow to me in a game-sanctioned way" and "Pvp isn't fair nerf class X" with a sprinkling of extortioninc trolling almost every post and trying to make me feel bad for using big words that scare him. :rolleyes:

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Arena in WOW ...well it was all about getting the Arena gear and then for any others who didnt have an arena team and or ppl who jus joined the game and got to 50 it was nearly immpossible to compete due to that gear gap.


I'd be ok with arena if the gear was available to all who played the game, arena or not for if you want skill based PVP gear progression has to stop at some point to make ppl rely more on skill and not the higher teir gear.


simple earn the gear and there is no gear difference just skill... i hate all you QQers

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Arenas are admittedly Blizzards biggest mistake ever.




"As for the biggest mistake? There's a lot of them that I think, were ... they just "fell out" of things. One example: I wish the servers were more stable when we launched, of course - there's a lot of that sort of thing. We have a lot of excuses for that - we didn't expect nearly the response - but we can't say it wasn't a mistake. If I was going to pick on a game design thing that I look back on and think was a mistake? We really never designed WoW to be a competitive e-sports game; it was something that we decided to start tackling because there was such a desire and demand to evolve it in that direction, to introduce competitive arenas. I'm not sure that that was the right thing to do with the game."



No to arenas


WZ's are just fine.


One of the main reasons I still play this boring, repetitive, end game lacking turd, is that they dont retune my flipping class every weekend.

Edited by TrakonBazzaak
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