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Slicing... Does it even work anymore?


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Well Slicing is not a great money maker, but it is above break even, not counting the bonus missions you get.

I have four characters, all with 400 Slicing. And between them I have all the Mission and Gathering skills covered. So I use all of the bonus mission items myself.


I agree that it should be upped a bit cash wise, but given that I hate using the useless GTN (lowest pop server, so its always empty) at least it is straight cash.



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Guys they're taking augments away from us (HUGE source of income) and they're also letting PVPers get mission discoveries. It's not fair! You're taking everything away from slicing. This is BY FAR the most heavily nerfed crew skill.


All they're giving us is "slicing tech parts" which sound like some generic bullcrap that is going to sell for a couple hundred creds each. Seriously, why take away everything that makes slicing viable and give it nothing in return that could make us decent money

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If you want to make the best money possible from a gathering skill, pick up Scavenging.


Fully half the crafting skills in the game rely on this one gathering skills.


Fill the GTN with vastly overpriced mid-tier to end-tier materials and flux and enjoy the credits rolling in.


If you want to make good money overall I can also recommend Underworld Trading and Treasure Hunting. Like with Scavenging, fully half the crafting skills in the game rely on Underworld Metals.


What Slicing offers you is a source of direct credits, not needing a crafting skill or using the GTN to transform the results to credits.


If you are willing to go the extra mile then it's far better to pick up another gathering, or mission, skill.


The gains from running Slicing missions are prototype and artifact missions for various skills. Level 340 Underworld Trading, Treasure Hunting and Slicing (currently) missions are worth quite a lot.


The actual returns on lockboxes aren't substantial enough to mention.

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Guys they're taking augments away from us (HUGE source of income) and they're also letting PVPers get mission discoveries. It's not fair! You're taking everything away from slicing. This is BY FAR the most heavily nerfed crew skill.


All they're giving us is "slicing tech parts" which sound like some generic bullcrap that is going to sell for a couple hundred creds each. Seriously, why take away everything that makes slicing viable and give it nothing in return that could make us decent money


Wow. The only way Bioware could possibly solve both of these problems is if they made these useless "slicing tech parts" be the material component for crafting augments. They'd never think of that though. DOooooooOOOmmmm!

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