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Opinions wanted on Hybrid spec


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My Sentinel is only level 30 atm, so I don't have experience playing to 50.


Just curious about a hybrid build for PvP (don't care at all about PvE).





Best parts of Watchman and Focus:

- Watchman: reduced cooldown and distance req. on Leap, reduced cooldown on interrupt, Sweep (AoE), and Rebuke, bonus damage to Cauterize.

- Focus: 2nd Leap, reduced cooldown on stun, CC breaker heals, "focus bomber" talents, bonus speed after Leap.


Feedback always appreciated.

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just don't think that going in a hybrid build for Sentinel is worth it. The classes shines when you master one not be a jack of all trades. It might work in the mid lvls, I dunno but at 50 if you're not using the top ability in the trees you're gimping yourself a great deal


works for Sage/Inquiz, not for knights, not that i've seen.

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Just look at skills on the top rows in each tree to see what you're missing.

You really need to get choose a tree, get the top skill and put whatever is left in the others.



Force Exhaustion: doesn't really impress me.

Focussed Resonance: 30% Surge. Very good ability.

Enduring: useless.



Merciless Slash: decent ability.

Plasma Blades: too depending on burn effects.

Burning Focus: same.

Mind Sear: Cauterize CD reset, not that useful since it doesn't stack anyway, and DoTs no longer interrupt caps in 1.1.5.

Force Fade: situationally useful at best.


I see that I am basically missing out on only one possible useful skill: Focussed Resonance or Merciless Slash. I return, I get a lot of stuff I would not otherwise get.


Am I missing something?

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On Focus tree, without FE, you lack another singularity builder, not to mention the one on a faster cooldown, which leaves your bombs only happening every 50 secs. Losing the passive 20% goes without saying how bad that would be. Then FR, like you said. Enduring also adds another to your damage mitigation which is always nice. I didn't bother with Stagger as the I can't feel the roots anyway, bug or latency or resist and whatnot.


On Watchman, your damage is based on your burns, and you really wanna gimp that? Merciless Slash is also one of the hardest hitter around, and your bombs are already heavily gimped, so really? Recompense is also useless unless you're an expert with ripost, I don't even have it on my bar. Harder hits on cauterize don't even mean much because cauterize don't even hit THAT hard in the first place. Level 1 Juyo Mastery also means you Crit LESS so less chance for heals as well.


Sentinels aren't really meant to be hybrids, hell, bioware says they never intended for hybrids to exist, and they're planning to change that. Our skills are built around rotations, sequences, and building up. With this build, you're left with mediocre damage with maybe a very slight increase in utility. You don't even have defensive forms which is one of the best skill around IMO. You're reduced to running around kicking and jumping but never killing anyone because you don't have ways to kill them, which defeats our purpose as a DPS class.

Edited by popober
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On Focus tree, without FE, you lack another singularity builder, not to mention the one on a faster cooldown, which leaves your bombs only happening every 50 secs. Losing the passive 20% goes without saying how bad that would be. Then FR, like you said. Enduring also adds another to your damage mitigation which is always nice.


On Watchman, your damage is based on your burns, and you really wanna gimp that? Merciless Slash is also one of the hardest hitter around, and your bombs are already heavily gimped, so really? Recompense is also useless unless you're an expert with ripost, I don't even have it on my bar. Harder hits on cauterize don't even mean much because cauterize don't even hit THAT hard in the first place. Level 1 Juyo Mastery also means you Crit LESS so less chance for heals as well.


Sentinels aren't really meant to be hybrids, hell, bioware says they never intended for hybrids to exist, and they're planning to change that. Our skills are built around rotations, sequences, and building up. With this build, you're left with mediocre damage with maybe a very slight increase in utility. You don't even have defensive forms which is one of the best skill around IMO. You're reduced to running around kicking and jumping but never killing anyone because you don't have ways to kill them, which defeats our purpose as a DPS class.


This! Sentinels are def not meant to be a hybrid class...every tree has to be maxed out in order to get the full benefit. You cant go up halfway up the watchman tree and expect to do max damage without merc slash...thats pretty much the hardest hitting ability sents have that doesnt need any kind of buff. The side effect with mind sear is very nice as cauterize not only does initial damage but the burns are pretty heavy on enemies...not to mention each crit will heal you AND your party for 2% health, 3% if your zen is up. Same goes with focus. The idea of focus is to get 4 stacks of singularity to do your force sweep...which if done right can crit multiple baddies around you for 3k+. So if you take out force exhaustion you will be left with only force stasis which if talented is reduced to a 45sec cd I believe...maybe shorter. So that means you will only be doing high burst damage every 45 sec and thats if you get the whole stasis off.

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I forgot to add another thing about Focus, it's relies heavily on it's bombs and being a sore thumb in between them, and that's what the passive damage mitigation is for, but you're reducing that. If you thought you could supplement that with Watchman's burns, you're wrong as your burns crit less and hurt less.
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Force Exhaustion: doesn't really impress me.

Focussed Resonance: 30% Surge. Very good ability.

Enduring: useless.



Merciless Slash: decent ability.

Plasma Blades: too depending on burn effects.

Burning Focus: same.

Mind Sear: Cauterize CD reset, not that useful since it doesn't stack anyway, and DoTs no longer interrupt caps in 1.1.5.

Force Fade: situationally useful at best.


I see that I am basically missing out on only one possible useful skill: Focussed Resonance or Merciless Slash. I return, I get a lot of stuff I would not otherwise get.


Am I missing something?


Force Exhaustion for PvP doesn't impress you? Really? Nuff said.

Enduring for PvP, combined with PvP set bonus for a 45 second 'lul you can't kill me no matter how hard you try' doesn't impress you? Really? Nuff said.


Merc Slash is DECENT!? DECENT!? Nuff said.

Plasma Blades is too dependent on, gasp, burns? You mean the bread and butter of Watchman? NO WAI.

Burning Focus, 30% chance for more Focus, with two dots rolling almost full time...yeah you're right, who needs Focus?

Mind Sear resets Cauterize...Cauterize lasts 6 seconds, with a 15 second cd. This allows you to keep the dot up full time, because you know...we like dots as Watchman.

Force Fade is situational? lulululululul.



Ok, you aren't 50 yet, so I'm sorry, but hit 50 then theorycraft. You have some really really really messed up ideas in your head based on no actual experience. Hit 50, then try again.

Edited by Mal-Sharran
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uh. Force Exhaustion is one of the best PvP abilities that you can have, and if you're trying to bomb and only bomb on a 50s cooldown there's no point to that... only 1 singularity builder and you get punted right when you go for the bomb and you just did zero damage to anyone for another minute. The slow on it goes to 10%, whomever you're centering your bomb around cannot kite you.


Merciless Slash is your hardest hitting skill period in PvP and it resets your cauterize cooldown (on %).


Bladerush replaces 'slash' in combat with the saber form is essentially a 2k crit on a global cooldown.


so yeah.

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