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Why does everyone like easy mode?


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ill prolly get flamed for this but w/e.Personally i like it easier,my life/job is hard enough that when i sit down to play a video game i dont really want it to feel like a chore or a job.

In swtor,i can raid 1 evening a week ,we complete both ev and karraga on hard mode without to much effort or stress and its FUN.i feel a lot more relaxed and enjoy it more than raiding 3-4 nights a week,wiping 63 times and feeling stressed that if i make 1 small mistake i may wipe the entire group.

To me and lots of my friends swtor difficulty is just perfect.for me fun>difficulty.


tl dr this is a video game it should be fun not difficult

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Oh... I guess because it's easy.


What's happening to MMO's? Everything has become so easy/uncompetitive and the majority are completely okay with it.


Operations are a joke. They are unthinkably easy and the bosses just crap purple gear all over the place when they die, it's like a pinata.


In PvP all you do is hop in a WZ and complete it (regardless of how you perform, mind you) and load up on valor, comms and wins for your daily/weekly grab bags of PvP gear. Where is the competition?


I fear MMO's have gone mainstream and are losing their core values as a genre. Am I alone on this? Am I the only one that wants the difficulty and competition levels cranked way the hell up in this game? Everything is so easy mode it hurts to play.


**EDIT** I have a career and work 42 hours a week with a girlfriend (soon to be wife) and family. This is not an argument. Maybe it is for some but nothing in the world takes the competitive nature and hard working attitude out of me. I apply it to everything I do.

get over it - thes is ar Focus PVE/STORY game not PVP

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It really depends. If the operations etc are to gain GEAR. Then how do you balance them for someone in no real gear, to those in full rakata? You can't quite simply. You make it hard for those with gear, then those without will fail miserably.


I find the games which require you to grind for gear, generally don't hold my interest. Games where I can buy all my gear ready for when I hit 50, so the rest is down to skill is what draws me in. DAOC's open world PvP, where you would have fights of varying sizes and skill would be the decider 9/10 as everyone had similar gear. It was much more exciting knowing that you beat someone higher realm rank than you by being more skilled.


Whereas in SWTOR, your chances of success without the top tier items is drastically different. Compare the stats of a BM/Full Rakata to a player who's fresh 50 and the chances of being competative are much lower regardless of skill.


If you could buy/craft all of the gear, then I would say crank it right up. PvP would be better based on Skill and operations would be equal for everyone.

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This problem you speak of with people being lazy and wanting everything handed to them isn't limited to MMOs in my experience.


p.s. Why do you work 42 hours a week? That's very odd? you work 8 hours and 24 minutes a day?

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The first M stands for MASSIVELY. :cool:


LOL ? You do know the whole population in on 1 shard right so nothing comes close to the "MASSIVELY" of EvE. Huge battles in multiple sectors frequently involving hundreds on each side. They also fight over the course of days for persistent control of regions.




@ OP. You need watered down difficulty to appeal to the masses. Even in this state just look at the amount of whining and knee-jerk reactions on the forums. Probably unprecedented due to Star Wars IP.


Competition in the actual Ranked warzones etc will be other end of the spectrum. Endeavor to be one of the top there should satiate the other group.

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p.s. Why do you work 42 hours a week? That's very odd? you work 8 hours and 24 minutes a day?


I work 84 hours every two weeks. Lets just say my job is unique. I don't work two separate 42 hour weeks I just divided it in half to make a point. My schedule changes weekly.

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Anyone know if ranked warzones is actually going rank you or do you think it will be more of a personal stat tracker? If it actually ranks you amongst your server peers then I think it will help tremendously for those of us starving for competition.
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The thing to keep in mind is that for much of that majority, it isn't super easy. They aren't good at min/maxing. They don't invest time outside of the game doing lots of research. They don't even figure out their own strategies for most boss fights. So that's one half of it.


The other half is that they don't play that much but still want to feel like they are making progress.




Yup, but most casuals would have issues with hard modes. And, well, normal mode? That drops stuff you get in single group content. They are trainers, to teach people some of the basic fight mechanics, not really operations.


Personally, I'm not a big fan of them, the normal mode ops, mostly because they, along with easy mode PvP gear, remove the incentive for people to do single group content, meaning that there's very little to do in this game most nights for someone who prefers PvE.




The competition is about winning. And most of the time, people are trying to win. At least some of them. Huttball has a bit of a learning curve, which hampers people. And, keep in mind, if they aren't hardcore types, even of the time starved power gamer type, they won't be as quick to pick things up, so what you learn in 2 hours will take them 6...and that 6 is spread out over days.


Honestly, if winning was required to gear up, then pre-mades and such would discourage newer players and drive them away from PvP. Especially when you combine it with the attitude of certain hardcore types. Then the PvPers don't have enough people to PvP with and they begin to complain.




MMOs have been taking steps backward right from the start.


Now, I'm not just talking about content there. Sure, it seemed like EQ had a lot to do when it launched, but really, it was mostly because we, as players, didn't have a clue and hadn't come up with the idea of "the game begins at max level" that came with raiding. No, we had to figure out basic concepts, learn the value of CC, downtime, all sorts of things. And it took us a lot longer to level and we did it with a lot less complaining. Content, on the whole, has always been a bit lacking, though even that has taken a step backwards. Old school MMOs generally had 2 advancement locations per level, so you could level 2 different characters with very little overlap. Newer ones tend to only have one.


No, I'm talking about scale, epicness, factions, things they tried to do like make religion matter, that sort of thing. And I miss that. The newer ones just aren't as ambitious. Although, really, if you look at how much EQ tried to have, well, it is quite impressive.


That said, I have no desire to return to a lot of the crap from those days. I don't miss running 30 minutes to a location. Or long corpse recoveries. I might have made some good friends on those, but I still don't miss them.


Anyway, I'm a niche market myself. My preferred type of content is progression through hard, single group content. That's a market segment MMOs have pretty much always ignored, though EQ did have a bit of it in Omens of War, I believe it was. But, on the whole, single group content is for casuals as far as MMO designers are concerned. And now, well, that same thought is being applied to raids. Cater to the largest demographic. Welcome to my world, in every MMO. And I don't mind them catering to that majority. Just wish they'd cater a bit to my minority as well.


But hey, you can make the game more challenging if you want, like some players already do, by doing things like 4 or 5 man 8-man ops. The option is there. Odds are you won't bother though. Easier with the full group, don't want to leave people out, that sort of thing.


this guy thinks like me..... i approve

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