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Interrupts need to be more meanigful


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If I get a healer in a 1v1 I can whittle them down by interrupting their big heal. Once they are around the 40% mark, assuming I have necessary procs and key spells like Death Field off cooldown, I can usually finish them off using a Jolt - Electrocute - knockback - Jolt combo on them to disrupt any cast heals while dumping my procs on them.


Give me another person assisting with just DPS, they will fold quite easily.


I really don't agree with a full lockout of all heals, perhaps a debuff being applied that would increase trauma to 50% for the duration of the lockout, but making a healer just stand there unable to heal is rather stupid. It's not like suddenly switching to DPS-mode during the lockout is going to do them any good, so why ask to strip them completely from the game for 4-6 seconds of every 10-12 seconds? I can't see how that would be any fun for them whatsoever.

Edited by Numerii
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I'm assuming you think everyone is trash and you're better than everyone, right?


And because you can't kill someone/its close you think the game has a low skillcap....right?


Newsflash:Maybe you yourself aren't this amazing player you think you are. Play the game and get better.


You don't just have one skill that interrupts the opponent and you need to learn when to use skills and when not to(if you interrupt a skill like Full Auto for a Trooper you are terribad, if you want to stop them use a knockback ability or CC............you should interrupt grav/tracer because it is a spammable ability).


And to the OP: Mercs and Commandos would be completely underpowered because they don't have interrupts.


Dude, I'm freaking insane at this game.... I think it is WAAAAAAY too easy. You act like I think this game is hard or something or that I have ever ever complained about having issues killing anything. :rolleyes:


The skill CEILING is near the floor, skillcap is a joke. This game was designed for hyper casual soccer moms. I'm dissapointed... I had hoped for something a bit more challenging.

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And honestly, a root is effectively a silence vs. melees and yet there a bucket-load of them in game, most of which last longer than 4 seconds.


Except most, perhaps all, melee have either a way to break roots on a fairly short cooldown, or a ranged attack or two, so no, not really a silence at all.

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Go away this isn't wow. You want interrupt to have lock outs go play wow. In fact, you should be able to recast what you just got interrupted. It's bad enough you didn't get your cast. The lock out mechanism in wow is some thing I found annoying and absurd in that you should be able to just recast the spell you got interrupted. Edited by Knockerz
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Healers want to be treated like raid bosses. They want tanks and dps classes to have a rotation of 3 people doing interrupts on them.


Expertise + Guard = Healer never dies.

Edited by Mossc
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Except most, perhaps all, melee have either a way to break roots on a fairly short cooldown, or a ranged attack or two, so no, not really a silence at all.


And many ranged have melee attacks that would obviously be unaffected by a lockout.


Your argument is invalid and I have no idea what anti-root mechanisms you are talking about.

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Interrupts are fine in this game. Its not Wow 2v2 arena its 8v8. A DPS who know what are doing can completely lock down, if 2dps is on the healer with tactics not resolve filler noobs the healer have no chance to stay alive more then 10sec. If i have guard on me so its 2v2 i can stay alive much longer but i still cant cast till my resolve filled and after that they can still interrupt. Also need to learn what abilities need to be interrupted.

I play healer, dps and tank also and i find the healing balanced. I am toying with bad dpsers even if 3is on me but 1good dps can kill me. Id the dps is good i need to be good too at pillar kiting and fake casting or i dont have chance.

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I dont think he wants a stun, I think he wants heals on specific spell schools like.


There are also no silence effects that I know of in this game. But my knowlege of other classes is still lacking and I make no definite statement

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Gee, it's almost like all melees have multiple abilities that interrupt casting so you don't have to rely on just your interrupt...


But maybe I'm the only one who ever found them.




Translation: Casters should have to juke and play strategically, choosing all their abilities wisely with skill, but I should be able to just completely lock them down with 1 button and keep all my other interrupting abilities in reserve in case I screw up.


Good luck with that.


Why shouldn't they? Melee has to play strategically in order to stay on a target through all the AOE, CC and tab targeting ranged heroes running around.

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Go away this isn't wow. You want interrupt to have lock outs go play wow. In fact, you should be able to recast what you just got interrupted. It's bad enough you didn't get your cast. The lock out mechanism in wow is some thing I found annoying and absurd in that you should be able to just recast the spell you got interrupted.



So you want Healers to be invincible everytime they get a full resolve bar then?

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I'd like to know what the general community thinks "deep pvp" is.


Since I've seen "elite" pvpers say pvp is shallow in this game, and specifically since someone made an absurdly long list of basically everything that is part of pvp in this game, makes pvp shallow...


/sarcasm on


PvP in swtor is so shallow because the game exists, elephant in the room I know but someone had to say it


/sarcasm off


Lets talk about CC. A big complaint is that there is too much cc. So less cc makes the combat have more depth? because being able to do less, and have less options available to you equates to MORE DEPTH?


Its a sad, but common trend that most the forum community participants are a bunch of narcissistic elitists who seem to want to make war with the game designers and developers in order to create a game that IS SHALLOW and as complex as operating a squeegee, and its this same community that claims the community is so important to the success of the game.... yet a large portion of us seem to be just a bunch of childish ******es.



I would like to specifically point out this one, which really had me shaking my head in bewilderment.



Healing comes in types, HoT, Instant, Fast, Slow, AoE. Nothing unique or interesting.


What exactly is your idea of unique healing? You basically named all types of healing that can be done, minus vampiric, which does exists in swtor as well. What do you want that is more in depth? More conditional healing? Like, first you have to get stacks of cool factor by doing the /dance emote, then you can consume those stacks to heal (which by the way, can't be slow, Hot,instant,fast or aoe, else it fall into the "Nothing unique or interesting" category). Which leaves what? Oh, I know, lets call it reverse healing and rather then healing your team it causes damage to the other team? That will really add depth to this VERY SHALLOW game.

Edited by Tilure
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I recommend and with the clear fact that interrupts need to be improved dramatically in mind,that after being interrupted a giant robot should spawn on your position and spunk you hard.And then there should be the tittle "Spunked" for 10 sec over the toon.

Edited by Enkenon
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And many ranged have melee attacks that would obviously be unaffected by a lockout.


Your argument is invalid and I have no idea what anti-root mechanisms you are talking about.


No guy, you said roots equate to melee being stunned. I countered that with the FACT that melee have ranged attacks. If you can attack, you're not stunned.


Also, I never said anti-root(even though I'm quite sure Marauders and Assassins both have "anti-roots"), I said ways to break roots, whether that be your 2 min break or an ability like leaps or other abilities that counter roots like grapples.

Edited by Numerii
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No guy, you said roots equate to melee being stunned. I countered that with the FACT that melee have ranged attacks. If you can attack, you're not stunned.


Also, I never said anti-root(even though I'm quite sure Marauders and Assassins both have "anti-roots"), I said ways to break roots, whether that be your 2 min break or an ability like leaps or other abilities that counter roots like grapples.


Marauders and Sins have no abilitys that break Roots unless you use your all around CC-break that every class has. And you cant leap while rooted you are stuck in that spot until its over. Only thing that can move you is an enemy doing a Knockback or a friendly Sorc pulling you.

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Marauders and Sins have no abilitys that break Roots unless you use your all around CC-break that every class has. And you cant leap while rooted you are stuck in that spot until its over. Only thing that can move you is an enemy doing a Knockback or a friendly Sorc pulling you.




Both do, marauders a talent in a not so commonly specced tree, sins can break it with force shroud....

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PvP in SWTOR has a fairly low skill-cap.


This is partially due to so much CC being instant and AoE, the 8v8 brackets and "shallow" class design. But that's not the issue here.


The issue is that successful interrupts should have more meaningful consequences. Locking out a single ability for 4 seconds isn't a meaningful consequence in most situations, negating the need for fake-casting, interrupt-baiting and other meaningful healer/caster skills.


Now granted, with interrupts on such short cooldowns, these too would need to be increased.


That said, as long as interrupting is as inconsequential as it is now, PvP in SWTOR will remain very shallow.


I believe that, assuming most interrupts would be bumped to at least 10 seconds, that a ~2 second general lock-out and a 6 second ability-specific lockout would be a better solution.


I'm not sure how you get from "Interrupts need to be more meaningful" to "PvP has a low skill-cap." It sounds almost like a preemptive strike; a subtler version of "Only bad players like X." That's puts you dangerously close to "difficult to take seriously" territory.


If that's not the case, and you are arguing in good faith, could you try it again? And this time, can you show your work?

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PvP in SWTOR has a fairly low skill-cap.


This is partially due to so much CC being instant and AoE, the 8v8 brackets and "shallow" class design. But that's not the issue here.


The issue is that successful interrupts should have more meaningful consequences. Locking out a single ability for 4 seconds isn't a meaningful consequence in most situations, negating the need for fake-casting, interrupt-baiting and other meaningful healer/caster skills.


Now granted, with interrupts on such short cooldowns, these too would need to be increased.


That said, as long as interrupting is as inconsequential as it is now, PvP in SWTOR will remain very shallow.


I believe that, assuming most interrupts would be bumped to at least 10 seconds, that a ~2 second general lock-out and a 6 second ability-specific lockout would be a better solution.


Spec into interrupting if you don't like how it is right now. I do tons of dps and can interrupt almost all of a ranges channel bar attacks. I usually hit 4/5 to put it into perspective.

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I'd like to know what the general community thinks "deep pvp" is.


Since I've seen "elite" pvpers say pvp is shallow in this game, and specifically since someone made an absurdly long list of basically everything that is part of pvp in this game, makes pvp shallow...


/sarcasm on


PvP in swtor is so shallow because the game exists, elephant in the room I know but someone had to say it


/sarcasm off


Lets talk about CC. A big complaint is that there is too much cc. So less cc makes the combat have more depth? because being able to do less, and have less options available to you equates to MORE DEPTH?


Its a sad, but common trend that most the forum community participants are a bunch of narcissistic elitists who seem to want to make war with the game designers and developers in order to create a game that IS SHALLOW and as complex as operating a squeegee, and its this same community that claims the community is so important to the success of the game.... yet a large portion of us seem to be just a bunch of childish ******es.



I would like to specifically point out this one, which really had me shaking my head in bewilderment.




What exactly is your idea of unique healing? You basically named all types of healing that can be done, minus vampiric, which does exists in swtor as well. What do you want that is more in depth? More conditional healing? Like, first you have to get stacks of cool factor by doing the /dance emote, then you can consume those stacks to heal (which by the way, can't be slow, Hot,instant,fast or aoe, else it fall into the "Nothing unique or interesting" category). Which leaves what? Oh, I know, lets call it reverse healing and rather then healing your team it causes damage to the other team? That will really add depth to this VERY SHALLOW game.



This. Thanks for taking the time to type that up for me. :)

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Did you purposely ignore the part where I said cooldowns on interrupts would have to be increased? Obviously having 6 second CD interrupts with 6 seconds lockouts is no good.


And honestly, a root is effectively a silence vs. melees and yet there a bucket-load of them in game, most of which last longer than 4 seconds.


And just as an example, WoWs interrupts would lock you out of a whole spell-school for ~6-8 seconds. And that's with 8-12 second CDs on interrupts. And that game had a much higher skill-cap.


A root is not a silence in this game with every class having some sort of ranged ability. Most roots last less than 4 seconds as all roots have "damage dealt after 2 seconds ends the effect prematurely" if they last longer than 4 seconds.


You exaggerate with your WoW example. The only 8 second lockout was Counterspell (it is now 7 sec btw) on a 24 second CD. The rest were 4-5 sec lockouts on 10 second CDs (or worse ratios of lockout to CD).


In WoW every dps caster had multiple spell schools in which to use if locked out of their primary one. Healers also had a lot more instant cast abilities (or kiting ability, or CDs to use) to allow them time to fake cast. You also had classes like frost mages which had multiple roots/snares/stuns that they could rotate to keep you away from interrupting. Melee has a lot more uptime in this game compared to WoW.


But, this game isn't WoW. Having interrupts give a blanket silence would reduce the skill needed for those with interrupts or not affected by interrupts and just raise the skill cap on casters/healers.

Edited by Bnol
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