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Question about in-game vehicles (bikes?)


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I am completely new to this game, where can i get a vehicle?

I can see people riding glamorous bikes around in the city lol



Level 25.


Your class trainer will teach you the skill, and then you will have to get a speeder.


There are speeder dealers, cybertechs can make them for themselves, or you may have one if you are using a particular edition of the game.

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A piece of information I couldn't find even in guides.... there are 3 levels of speeder training, that unlock at levels 25, 40, and 50.


I wondered if I could skip buying the training at level 40 and just get the lvl 50, so I tried to do that myself.


You cannot skip the lvl 40 speeder training. You must buy it before you buy lvl 50 speeder training.

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You may notice that going from a level 25 speeder to a level 40 one is only a 10% increase in speed (90% at 25, 100% at 40) and wonder if it's worth spending 210k. The big difference is the stability of the bike. At 25 you fall off if someone on the next planet looks at you funny, at 40 you can ride through a lot of hits. I assume it's even better at 50, but I don't know personally because I get to 50 and roll an alt ...
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